PKS DKI Responds to Menpora: JIS is Better than International Standards

PKS DKI Responds to Menpora: JIS is Better than International Standards

PKS DKI Responds to Menpora: JIS is Better than International Standards

The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo revealed the desire of Indonesian President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to renovate the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). PKS DKI said the JIS building was better than international standards. 

"Regarding the building, I think this is appropriate or even better than international standards," said DPRD member from the PKS faction, Abdul Aziz, when contacted, Monday (28/6/2023). 

Even so, Abdul Aziz appreciated if the government wanted to improve access in and out. In addition, he is also happy if the parking area is renovated. 

"As we know JIS belongs to the DKI regional government, we appreciate it if we want to add better access and a wider parking area by freeing up the surrounding land," Aziz added. 

DKI Jakarta DPRD member from the PDIP faction, Dwi Rio Sambodo, appreciated the renovation plan. This is in order to improve the stadium infrastructure. 

"Appreciate the planned steps as maximizing the function of the JIS Stadium facilities which have been poured out a lot of people's money," added Rio. 

Quoting a release from FIFA, Rio said JIS was considered not to have met the proper standards for holding an international scale event. So it's very common, explained Rio, that in the end JIS had to be renovated. 

"From the start, the construction of JIS did not reach the standard planning and completeness of its facilities. for example relying on public transportation to support visitors to the stadium, but in fact this public transportation has not been able to meet the quantity of the number of visitors who come simultaneously to the stadium," said Rio. 

"Obviously there was a fatal flaw in the infrastructure which was built during the era of former Governor Anies Baswedan. Not to mention the spectator stands which had collapsed," he said. 

Previously, Dito said that Jokowi wanted JIS to become a standard stadium. Dito said that his party would visit JIS in the near future. Later, a number of notes will be discussed with PSSI. 

"This is my plan to visit JIS in the near future, because the President also wants JIS to be renovated according to standards," said Dito at the Golkar DPP Office, Slipi, West Jakarta, Wednesday (28/6/2023). 

Dito revealed a number of notes if JIS was appointed as the venue for the U-17 World Cup. According to Dito, JIS still has homework, from improving entry and exit access to the availability of parking areas. 

"Well, indeed some notes for the Jakarta International Stadium are related to doors, yes, door access, parking," he explained. 

PKS DKI Respons Menpora: JIS Lebih Baik dari Standar Internasional

Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo mengungkap keinginan Presiden RI Joko Widodo (Jokowi) merenovasi Jakarta International Stadium (JIS). PKS DKI menyebut bangunan JIS lebih baik dari standar internasional.

"Terkait bangunan saya kira ini sudah sesuai bahkan lebih baik dari standar Internasional," ujar anggota DPRD dari Fraksi PKS, Abdul Aziz, ketika dihubungi, Senin (28/6/2023).

Meski begitu, Abdul Aziz mengapresiasi bila pemerintah hendak memperbaiki akses keluar-masuk. Selain itu, ia turut senang jika area parkir direnovasi.

"Seperti yang kita tahu JIS ini adalah milik pemda DKI, kami apresiasi jika ingin ditambahkan akses masuk yang lebih baik dan lahan parkir yang lebih luas dengan membebaskan tanah di sekitarnya," tambah Aziz.

Anggota DPRD DKI Jakarta Fraksi PDIP Dwi Rio Sambodo mengapresiasi rencana renovasi itu. Hal ini demi menyempurnakan sarana prasarana stadion.

"Mengapresiasi rencana langkah tersebut sebagai maksimalisasi fungsi fasilitas Stadion JIS yang telah banyak digelontorkan dari uang rakyat," imbuh Rio.

Mengutip rilis dari FIFA, Rio mengatakan JIS dianggap belum memenuhi standar yang layak untuk menggelar event perhelatan berskala internasional. Maka sangat lumrah, terang Rio, bila pada akhirnya JIS harus direnovasi.

"Pembangunan JIS sedari awal memang tidak mencapai standar perencanaan dan kelengkapan fasilitasnya. sebagai contoh mengandalkan transportasi publik untuk menopang pengunjung ke stadion namun nyatanya transportasi publik tersebut belum mampu memenuhi kuantitas jumlah pengunjung yang datang serentak ke stadion," kata Rio.

"Jelas-jelas suatu kekurangan yang fatal terhadap sarana prasaran tersebut yang dibangun di era Eks Gubenur Anies Baswedan. Belum lagi tribun penonton yang sempat roboh," tuturnya.

Sebelumnya, Dito menyebut Jokowi ingin JIS menjadi stadion yang sesuai standar. Dito menyebut pihaknya akan berkunjung ke JIS dalam waktu dekat. Nantinya, sejumlah catatan itu bakal dibahas bersama PSSI.

"Ini rencana saya akan mengunjungi JIS dalam waktu dekat ini, karena memang Bapak Presiden juga menginginkan JIS direnovasi sesuai standar," kata Dito di Kantor DPP Golkar, Slipi, Jakarta Barat, Rabu (28/6/2023).

Dito membeberkan sejumlah catatan apabila JIS ditunjuk sebagai venue Piala Dunia U-17. Menurut Dito, JIS masih memiliki pekerjaan rumah, dari perbaikan akses keluar-masuk hingga ketersediaan area parkir.

"Nah, memang beberapa catatan buat Jakarta International Stadium itu terkait pintu ya, akses pintu, parkir," jelasnya.

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