Highlighted the question of access to parking, how many trillions was JIS built?

Highlighted the question of access to parking, how many trillions was JIS built? 

The Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo, who previously stated that President Joko Widodo wanted the Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) to be renovated according to standards, gave an explanation for his statement. According to Dito, what he meant was that improvements would be made regarding access and parking locations. 

"This is actually not a renovation. So, there are notes related to JIS such as east access and also we will seek confirmation of the location for the parking option," Dito told reporters when met at the Golkar Party DPP, West Jakarta, Thursday (29/6/ 2023). 

Dito also said that JIS had a lot to improve, starting from access and entry to the availability of parking areas. Looking at the several facilities that need to be repaired, how much did JIS previously cost? 

For information, JIS itself was proclaimed to have been built since the time of Governor Fauzi Bowo. The project then went back and forth in the era of Governor Joko Widodo and Governor Basuki T Purnama. 

Then the project was continued during the era of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and was inaugurated in July 2022. Quoting CNBC Indonesia, the Main Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo who took office in 2019, Dwi Wahyu Daryoto explained the matter of the funds for building a stadium of the same class as Old Trafford, owned by Manchester United. 

"We predict the budget for the Jakarta International Stadium is around IDR 5 trillion," he said in the PROFIT program on CNBC Indonesia TV, Monday (25/3/2019). 

JIS has a capacity of 82,000 spectators. The stadium, which is located in North Jakarta, will have three tiers of stands, namely lower stands, middle stands and upper stands

In addition to the construction costs reaching trillions of rupiah, PT Jakarta Propertindo says that JIS maintenance and operations reach Rp 60 billion per year. The next President Director of PT Jakarta Propertindo, Widi Amasto, explained the details of the JIS operational maintenance needs. 

"About Rp. 50 (billion) per year, Rp. 60-50 (billion) are costs such as maintenance, operational house keeping, security, mechanical, electrical," said Widi in a meeting with Commission E DPRD DKI Jakarta, Tuesday (28 /6/2022) ago. 

If nothing changes, the Acting Governor of DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono will inform the public in full regarding the plans for JIS with the Chair of PSSI, Erick Thohir, next week. 

"I will later with the Minister of SOEs and related parties make a statement next week. It won't take a week at most," Heru told reporters at City Hall, Central Jakarta, Thursday (29/6/2023). 

Disorot soal Akses hingga Parkir, JIS Dulu Dibangun Berapa Triliun?

Menteri Pemuda dan Olahraga (Menpora) Dito Ariotedjo yang sebelumnya menyatakan Presiden Joko Widodo ingin Jakarta International Stadium (JIS) direnovasi sesuai standar, memberi penjelasan soal pernyataannya itu. Menurut Dito yang dia maksud adalah perbaikan akan dilakukan terkait akses dan lokasi parkir.

"Ini sebenarnya bukan renovasi ya. Jadi, kan ada catatan terkait JIS seperti akses timur dan juga ini kita akan mencari kepastian lokasi untuk opsi parkir," kata Dito kepada wartawan saat ditemui di DPP Partai Golkar, Jakarta Barat, Kamis (29/6/2023).

Dito juga mengatakan JIS memang banyak yang harus diperbaiki mulai dari akses keluar dan masuk hingga ketersediaan area parkir. Melihat beberapa fasilitas yang harus diperbaiki, berapa biaya pembangunan JIS sebelumnya?

Sebagai informasi, JIS sendiri dicanangkan pembangunannya sejak zaman Gubernur Fauzi Bowo. Proyek kemudian maju mundur di era Gubernur Joko Widodo dan Gubernur Basuki T Purnama.

Kemudian proyek itu dilanjutkan pada era Gubernur DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan dan diresmikan pada Juli 2022. Mengutip CNBC Indonesia, Direktur Utama PT Jakarta Propertindo yang menjabat pada 2019, Dwi Wahyu Daryoto menjelaskan soal dana pembangunan stadion sekelas Old Trafford, milik Manchester United, tersebut.

"Jakarta International Stadium kita prediksikan budget-nya itu kurang lebih Rp 5 triliun," ujarnya dalam dalam program PROFIT di CNBC Indonesia TV, Senin (25/3/2019) lalu.

JIS berkapasitas 82.000 penonton. Stadion yang terletak di bilangan Jakarta Utara ini bakal memiliki tribun tiga tingkat yaitu lower tribun, middle tribun dan upper tribun

Selain biaya pembangunan mencapai triliunan rupiah, perawatan dan operasional JIS dikatakan oleh PT Jakarta Propertindo mencapai Rp 60 miliar per tahun. Direktur Utama PT Jakarta Propertindo berikutnya, Widi Amanasto menjelaskan rincian kebutuhan pemeliharaan operasional JIS tersebut.

"Per tahunnya sekitar Rp 50-an (miliar), Rp 60-50 (miliar) itu adalah biaya seperti pemeliharaan, operasional house keeping, security, mechanical, electrical," kata Widi dalam rapat dengan Komisi E DPRD DKI Jakarta, Selasa (28/6/2022) lalu.

Jika tidak ada perubahan, Pj Gubernur DKI Jakarta Heru Budi Hartono akan menyampaikan kepada publik secara utuh terkait rencana untuk JIS bareng Ketua PSSI, Erick Thohir, minggu depan.

"Saya nanti dengan Menteri BUMN dan pihak terkait akan statement di minggu depan. Nggak lama-lama kok paling satu minggu," kata Heru pada wartawan di Balai Kota, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis (29/6/2023).

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