Dewas Denies Novel Baswedan about Extortion at the KPK Detention Centre: We Reveal It!

Dewas Denies Novel Baswedan about Extortion at the KPK Detention Centre: We Reveal It! 

Corruption Eradication Committee member Albertina Ho denied Novel Baswedan's statement regarding the disclosure of allegations of extortion of Rp. 4 billion by investigators who were not the KPK Council. Albertina said that it was the KPK Dewas who revealed this. 

"The response was the same as yesterday, Dewas revealed," said Albertina when contacted, Tuesday (20/6/2023). 

Dozens of employees are said to have been involved in the extortion case. However, Albertina did not disclose in detail the number of employees involved and those currently being processed. 

"In the interest of the process, we apologize that we cannot convey this yet, which clearly involves many people," he said. 

Albertina said that everything was still in process. He said he would make an announcement to the public when a KPK employee was sanctioned. 

"It's still in the process, we will also announce if someone has been given a sanction," he added. 

Speak Up Novels
Previously, Novel Baswedan spoke about the case of extortion that occurred at the KPK detention center. Novel said that the case was first uncovered by KPK investigators. 

"In the case of KPK detention officers who received or collected money from KPK detainees, the Dewas claimed that it was the Dewas who discovered or dismantled the case. Even though in fact the practice of bribery or extortion was dismantled by KPK investigators, then reported it to the KPK's Board of Trustees by including complete and clear evidence," Novel said when contacted, Tuesday (20/6/2023). 

This former senior KPK investigator said the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) initially did not respond to reports from investigators regarding findings of extortion at the detention center. Dewas, said Novel, argued that the detention center officer in that case was not a KPK legal subject. 

"In fact, after receiving the report, Dewas did not follow up by criminally reporting the case to law enforcement authorities. Given the legal subject matter of prison officers, they are not included as legal subjects of the KPK. Dewas only responded to the media after I revealed this through my podcast," explained Novel. 

According to Novel, the extortion case at the detention center has worsened the KPK's image in society. He also considered that the case was detrimental to KPK employees who had integrity in their duties. 

Dewas Bantah Novel Baswedan soal Pungli di Rutan KPK: Kami yang Ungkap!

Anggota Dewas KPK, Albertina Ho membantah pernyataan Novel Baswedan terkait pengungkapan dugaan pungli Rp 4 miliar dilakukan penyidik bukan Dewas KPK. Albertina mengatakan Dewas KPK yang mengungkapkan hal tersebut.

"Tanggapannya sama dengan kemarin, Dewas yang mengungkapkan," kata Albertina saat dihubungi, Selasa (20/6/2023).

Puluhan orang pegawai disebut terlibat dalam kasus pungli tersebut. Namun Albertina tidak mengungkapkan secara detail jumlah pegawai yang terlibat dan yang sedang diproses.

"Untuk kepentingan proses, mohon maaf belum bisa kami sampaikan, yang jelas melibatkan banyak orang," ujarnya.

Albertina menyampaikan semuannya masih berproses. Dia mengatakan akan mengumumkan ke publik apabila sudah ada pegawai KPK yang dikenai sanksi.

"Masih dalam proses, kami akan umumkan juga kalau sudah ada yang diberi sanksi," imbuhnya.

Novel Angkat Bicara
Novel Baswedan sebelumnya angkat bicara soal kasus pungutan liar (pungli) yang terjadi di rumah tahanan (rutan) KPK. Novel menyebut kasus itu pertama kali diungkap oleh penyidik KPK.

"Dalam kasus petugas rutan KPK yang menerima atau memungut uang dari tahanan KPK, diklaim oleh Dewas bahwa Dewas yang menemukan atau membongkar kasus itu. Padahal sebenarnya praktik suap atau pungli tersebut dibongkar oleh penyidik KPK, lalu melaporkan ke Dewas KPK dengan menyertakan bukti-bukti yang lengkap dan jelas," kata Novel saat dihubungi, Selasa (20/6/2023).

Mantan penyidik senior KPK ini mengatakan Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK awalnya tidak merespons laporan dari penyidik soal temuan pungli di rutan. Dewas, kata Novel, beralasan petugas rutan di kasus itu bukan termasuk subjek hukum KPK.

"Justru Dewas, setelah menerima laporan tersebut, tidak menindaklanjuti dengan melaporkan kasus tersebut secara pidana ke penegak hukum yang berwenang. Mengingat subjek hukum petugas rutan, tidak termasuk sebagai subjek hukum KPK. Dewas baru merespons media setelah saya mengungkapkan hal itu melalui podcast saya," jelas Novel.

Menurut Novel, kasus pungli di rutan ini makin memperburuk citra KPK di masyarakat. Dia juga menilai kasus itu merugikan para pegawai KPK yang memiliki integritas dalam bertugas.

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