Not Exciting-Used to Quit America's Got Talent, Simon Cowell Opens Voice

Not Exciting-Used to Quit America's Got Talent, Simon Cowell Opens Voice

- Simon Cowell was considered not fun when he was a judge on America's Got Talent. Now there is pressure for him to step down from that position. 
Fans compared Simon Cowell's commentary to Howard Stern, the previous judge. Simon Cowell considered too soft. 

America's Got Talent
That's the exact opposite for Howard Stern, according to fans. He was called several times to create controversy because of his comments and there was excitement. 

"I would love for Howard to return to the show. We need a more honest assessment, and King of Media will stun AGT once again," said one fan as quoted by Dailymail. 

Even so, it cannot be denied that Simon Cowell has sensitivity as a judge. However, fans miss the figure of a sharp-mouthed judge. 

Simon Cowell is considered to have changed since his son was born in 2014. A year later, he was trusted to replace Howard Stern in America's Got Talent. 

"There's no doubt when you actually have a child it makes you feel different because you understand how he would feel if that was your son there," said Simon Cowell. 

He continued, what was seen on television was not like the original. Simon Cowell on X Factor and American Idol may look cynical, but that's because of the editing process. 

"I think X Factor and Idol have been edited so I always look grumpy, miserable whatever I do of course, but I'm not like that all day," she said. 

"But at AGT, there are so many fun moments that show more of me tearing people apart because it's trash."

- Simon Cowell's name is only being discussed. This is not because he gave the golden buzzer to Princess Ariani. 
America's Got Talent fans are pressing for the man who is believed to be the judge to step down or be replaced. According to them the king of reality shows is too boring. 

America's Got Talent
Fans compared Simon Cowell's commentary to Howard Stern, the previous judge. Simon Cowell considered too soft. 

That's the exact opposite for Howard Stern, according to fans. He was called several times to create controversy because of his comments and there was excitement. 

"I would love for Howard to return to the show. We need a more honest assessment, and King of Media will stun AGT once again," said one fan as quoted by Dailymail, Friday (16/6/2023). 

Even so, it cannot be denied that Simon Cowell has sensitivity as a judge. However, fans miss the figure of a sharp-mouthed judge. 

Simon Cowell is considered to have changed since his son was born in 2014. A year later, he was trusted to replace Howard Stern in America's Got Talent. 

Several years passed, fans then began to compare the figure of Simon Cowell to Howard Stern. 

"Howard Stern is the best AGT judge of all time. He is a fair judge, doesn't give anyone special treatment, and is also very funny," commented another fan. 

"He (Howard) never gave anyone special treatment, no matter how old they were, or how sad their stories were, and I miss his fights with Howie, and the funny one-liners and antics, because that makes the show so much fun to watch." "said another fan. 

Tak Seru-Didesak Mundur dari America's Got Talent, Simon Cowell Buka Suara

- Simon Cowell dinilai tidak seru saat menjadi juri America's Got Talent. Kini muncul desakan agar ia mundur dari posisi itu.
Penggemar membandingkan cara berkomentar Simon Cowell dengan Howard Stern, juri sebelumnya. Simon Cowell dinilai terlalu lembut.

 America's Got Talent
Hal itu berbanding terbalik dengan Howard Stern, menurut penggemar. Ia disebut beberapa kali membuat kontroversi karena komentarnya dan di situ keseruannya.

"Aku akan senang jika Howard kembali ke acara itu. Kami membutuhkan penilaian yang lebih jujur, dan Raja Media akan menyetrum AGT sekali lagi," ungkap seorang penggemar seperti dikutip dari Dailymail.

Meski begitu, tak bisa dipungkiri jika Simon Cowell punya kepekaan sebagai juri. Akan tetapi, penggemar merindukan sosok juri bermulut pedas.

Simon Cowell dinilai mengalami perubahan sejak anaknya lahir pada 2014. Setahun setelahnya, ia dipercaya menggantikan Howard Stern di America's Got Talent.

"Tidak diragukan lagi ketika Anda benar-benar memiliki anak, itu membuat Anda merasa berbeda karena Anda mengerti bagaimana perasaannya jika itu adalah putra Anda di sana," ungkap Simon Cowell.

Ia melanjutkan, yang terlihat di televisi tidak seperti aslinya. Simon Cowell di X Factor dan American Idol mungkin terlihat nyinyir, tapi itu karena proses editing.

"Aku pikir X Factor dan Idol telah diedit sehingga aku selalu terlihat pemarah, sengsara, apa pun yang tentu saja aku lakukan, tapi aku tidak seperti itu sepanjang hari," katanya.

"Tapi di AGT, ada begitu banyak momen menyenangkan yang menunjukkan lebih dari aku yang mencabik-cabik orang karena itu sampah," tegasnya lagi

- Nama Simon Cowell tengah hanya menjadi bahan perbincangan. Ini bukan karena dirinya memberikan golden buzzer ke Putri Ariani.
Para penggemar America's Got Talent mendesak agar pria yang dipercaya menjadi juri itu mundur atau diganti. Menurut mereka raja reality show tersebut terlalu membosankan.

 America's Got Talent
Penggemar membandingkan cara berkomentar Simon Cowell dengan Howard Stern, juri sebelumnya. Simon Cowell dinilai terlalu lembut.

Hal itu berbanding terbalik dengan Howard Stern, menurut penggemar. Ia disebut beberapa kali membuat kontroversi karena komentarnya dan di situ keseruannya.

"Aku akan senang jika Howard kembali ke acara itu. Kami membutuhkan penilaian yang lebih jujur, dan Raja Media akan menyetrum AGT sekali lagi," ungkap seorang penggemar seperti dikutip dari Dailymail, Jumat (16/6/2023).

Meski begitu, tak bisa dipungkiri jika Simon Cowell punya kepekaan sebagai juri. Akan tetapi, penggemar merindukan sosok juri bermulut pedas.

Simon Cowell dinilai mengalami perubahan sejak anaknya lahir pada 2014. Setahun setelahnya, ia dipercaya menggantikan Howard Stern di America's Got Talent.

Beberapa tahun berlalu, penggemar kemudian mulai membandingkan sosok Simon Cowell dengan Howard Stern.

"Howard Stern adalah juri AGT terbaik sepanjang masa. Dia adalah hakim yang adil, tidak memberikan perlakuan khusus kepada siapa pun, dan juga sangat lucu," komentar penggemar lainnya.

"Dia (Howard) tidak pernah memberikan perlakuan khusus kepada siapa pun, tidak peduli berapapun usia mereka, atau betapa sedihnya kisah mereka, dan saya merindukan pertengkarannya dengan Howie, dan satu kalimat lucu dan kejenakaan, karena itu membuat acara itu sangat menyenangkan untuk ditonton," ujar penggemar lain.

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