Democrats Urge Anies about Vice Presidential Candidate, Nasdem: To be honest, if it's not AHY who becomes a deputy, he wants to resign

Democrats Urge Anies about Vice Presidential Candidate, Nasdem: To be honest, if it's not AHY who becomes a deputy, he wants to resign

Democrats Urge Anies about Vice Presidential Candidate, Nasdem: To be honest, if it's not AHY who becomes a deputy, he wants to resign

Deputy Chairman (Waketum) of the Nasdem Party Ahmad Ali accused the Democratic Party of threatening to leave if Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) was not selected as Anies Baswedan's vice presidential candidate (cawapres). 

This was conveyed in response to the Democrats' insistence that Anies immediately determine who would be his running mate for the 2024 Presidential Election (Pilpres). 

"Actually, to be honest, if it wasn't AHY, the deputy would resign. Just say that," Ali said to, Thursday (8/6/2023). 

He said, if the Democrats didn't have that intention, then the party bearing the mercy symbol should be able to socialize Anies as a potential presidential candidate from now on. 

The reason is, Ali claims he did not see much socialization material or Democratic Party billboards containing Anies's photo. 

"Frankly, I have never seen a Democratic Party billboard, Democratic Party cadres put up a photo of Anies, except for AHY's photo," he said. 

Ali then asked the Democrats not to put pressure on Anies. This is because the mandate for the election of a vice presidential candidate has been fully given to the former Governor of DKI Jakarta. 

This is in accordance with the cooperation charter that was signed by the general chairman of the Democrats, Nasdem, and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) when forming the Coalition for Change for Unity (KPP). 

"Then we are consistent with the charter that was signed by the general chairman of the party. We don't need to put pressure on the presidential candidate (Anies)," Ali said. 

Previously, the general chairman of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) requested that Anies and KPP immediately determine the candidate for vice president. 

The reason is that the time leading up to the 2024 Election is getting shorter, so it is necessary to immediately consolidate and develop a winning strategy. 

For AHY, the determination of a vice presidential candidate cannot take too long because the campaign period of the General Elections Commission (KPU) is so short, which is only 75 days. 

"By getting united, integrated, both systems and individuals, it should go hand in hand with a better level or chance of success. On the other hand, if we don't have time, it feels like we have to work even more complicated," AHY said at the Democratic Party DPP office, Jalan Proklamasi, Menteng, Jakarta on June 7, 2023. 

Demokrat Desak Anies soal Cawapres, Nasdem: Terus Terang Saja kalau Bukan AHY Jadi Wakil Mau Mundur

Wakil Ketua Umum (Waketum) Partai Nasdem Ahmad Ali menuding Partai Demokrat tengah mengancam akan hengkang jika Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) tak dipilih menjadi bakal calon wakil presiden (cawapres) Anies Baswedan.

Hal itu disampaikan menanggapi desakan Demokrat agar Anies segera menentukan siapa figur pendampingnya untuk menghadapi Pemilihan Presiden (Pilpres) 2024.

“Sebenarnya berterus terang saja, kalau bukan AHY jadi wakil mau mundur. Bilang saja begitu,” ujar Ali pada, Kamis (8/6/2023).

Ia mengatakan, jika Demokrat tidak berniat demikian, maka seharusnya partai berlambang mercy itu bisa mensosialisasikan Anies sebagai bakal calon presiden (capres) sejak saat ini.

Pasalnya, Ali mengklaim tak banyak melihat materi sosialisasi atau baliho Partai Demokrat yang berisi foto Anies.

“Terus terang saya belum pernah melihat baliho Partai Demokrat, kader Partai Demokrat memasang foto Anies, kecuali fotonya AHY,” katanya.

Ali lantas meminta agar Demokrat tak memberikan tekanan pada Anies. Sebab, mandat pemilihan bakal cawapres sudah diberikan sepenuhnya pada mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu.

Hal itu sesuai dengan piagam kerja sama yang telah ditandatangani oleh ketua umum Demokrat, Nasdem, dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) saat membentuk Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP).

“Kita kemudian konsisten saja dengan piagam yang sudah ditandatangani oleh ketua umum partai. Kita tidak perlu menekan-nekan calon presiden (Anies),” ujar Ali.

Sebelumnya, Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY) meminta agar Anies dan KPP segera menentukan bakal cawapres.

Alasannya, waktu menuju Pemilu 2024 semakin singkat sehingga butuh segera melakukan konsolidasi hingga menyusun strategi pemenangan.

Bagi AHY, penentuan bakal cawapres tidak bisa dilakukan terlalu lama karena masa kampanye dari Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) begitu singkat, yakni hanya 75 hari.

“Dengan semakin cepat bersatu, terintegrasi, baik sistem maupun orang per orang, maka harusnya seiring dengan tingkat atau kans kesuksesan yang lebih baik. Sebaliknya, kalau kurang waktu, rasanya juga kita harus bekerja jauh lebih rumit lagi,” kata AHY di kantor DPP Partai Demokrat, Jalan Proklamasi, Menteng, Jakarta pada 7 Juni 2023.

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