Nasdem and Democrats Heat Up, Responding to Each Other About When Anies' Vice Presidential Candidate Was Announced

Nasdem and Democrats Heat Up, Responding to Each Other About When Anies' Vice Presidential Candidate Was Announced

Nasdem and Democrats Heat Up, Responding to Each Other About When Anies' Vice Presidential Candidate Was Announced

The Nasdem Party and the Democratic Party heated up. The two parties that initiated the Coalition for Change for Unity did not agree on the timing of the declaration of the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) accompanying the presidential candidate (candidate) Anies Baswedan. 

Democrats are pushing for the declaration of Anies' vice presidential candidate to be made immediately. The reason is that the voting day for the 2024 election is getting closer. 

Meanwhile, Nasdem was of the opinion that the announcement of the cawapres figure should not be rushed. This step must be considered carefully. 

Recently, the difference in the views of the two parties has become increasingly sharp. The solidarity of the Change Coalition for Unity is also being questioned. 

Electability down
One of the Democrats' insistence on accelerating the declaration of the vice presidential candidate was based on Anies' low electability rate. 

According to a survey by a number of institutions, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta's electoral numbers continue to show a decline. In fact, the latest Indonesian Political Indicator survey shows that Anies' electability as a presidential candidate has fallen since July 2022. 

Democratic Party Election Winning Body (Bappilu) chairman Andi Arief said his party would evaluate Anies. The Democrats also proposed that the declaration of Anies' vice presidential candidate be accelerated, at least by June 2023. 

"Evaluating, proposing an acceleration of the declaration," said Andi when confirmed, Monday (8/6/2023). 

"If the distance (electability) is gaping enough, the partner will also be tough," he said. 

Democrats are sure that once the presidential candidate is announced, Anies' voter base will move together to win the presidential candidate that is being promoted by Nasdem, Democrats and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS). 

The presidential election is getting closer
This proposal was emphasized by the General Chairperson of the Democratic Party Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). He said, voting day for the 2024 election is just around the corner. 

Meanwhile, the duration of the campaign is very short, which is only 75 days. Therefore, the cawapres needs to be announced as soon as possible so that socialization can run optimally. 

"We have an obligation to remind you, it's already June. The election time is only a few months away, if we want to be successful, so Indonesia is big and has a large population, then we need preparation," AHY said at the Democratic Party DPP office, Jalan Proklamasi, Menteng, Jakarta, Wednesday (7/6/2023). 

AHY admitted that he received many aspirations from the public who wanted Anies to immediately determine his candidate for vice president. According to AHY, the sooner the cawapres is decided, the greater the chances of the Coalition for Change winning. 

"The more solid we are, the sooner we can declare that these three parties are ready to nominate partners who are also ready to meet in the presidential election later, the taste will be better and we can work even more actively and more measuredly," said Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono's eldest son ( SBY). 

However, Nasdem did not agree with the views of the Democrats. The chairman of the DPP Nasdem Party, Taufik Basari, said that Anies's electability had fallen not because of the cawapres which had not been announced. 

He said the cawapres declaration could not be set in time. According to Taufik, the announcement of the cawapres must pay attention to political dynamics that are constantly changing and dynamic. 

"We're just dynamic. In the name of politics, suddenly something has to be done immediately, (or) it could be backwards. It's dynamic like that, you can't set it like this," said Taufik at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Central Jakarta, Monday (5/6/2023). 

The chairman of the Nasdem faction in the DPR, Robert Rouw, also criticized the Democrats for this. He reminded that crucial decisions were in the hands of party chairmen. 

"We don't need to put too much pressure on the leadership, those who know what it's like. The strategy is in the hands of the leadership, right? So don't those of us below make trouble for us," said Roberth when met at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday (6/6/2023). 

Meanwhile, General Treasurer of the Nasdem Party Ahmad Sahroni said that announcing a vice presidential candidate was not an easy thing. Moreover, in the Coalition for Change for Unity, there are three parties that continue to communicate about Anies' vice presidential candidate. 

"It's not that easy to announce it. Because the three coalition parties are still communicating significantly, when (the declaration), whether what day it is, only the ketum know," said Sahroni at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Thursday (8/6/ 2023). 

This situation has recently heated up. Nasdem seemed to rise. Deputy Chairman of the Nasdem Party Ahmad Ali asked all political parties that are members of the Change Coalition for Unity to be patient about the declaration of Anies' vice presidential candidate. 

He also reminded the Democrats and PKS to comply with the cooperation charter that had been pressured by the chairmen of each political party. 

"I hope that all political parties are consistent with his statement, because Anies is not looking for a deputy village head, but looking for a vice president," Ali told, Thursday (8/6/2023). 

One of the points in the charter for the formation of the Change Coalition for Unity gave Anies a mandate as the presidential candidate to choose his vice presidential candidate according to five predetermined criteria. 

"Then we are consistent with the charter that was signed by the general chairman of the party. We don't need to put pressure on the presidential candidate (Anies)," Ali said. 

At the same time, Ali questioned the Democrats' attitude, which he said was inconsistent. On the one hand, the Democrats are urging the acceleration of the vicepres declaration. 

However, on the other hand, the Mercy Star Party has never featured Anies in its billboards or socialization materials. 

"Frankly, I have never seen a Democratic Party billboard, Democratic Party cadres put up a photo of Anies, except for AHY's photo," he said. 

In fact, Ali accused this push as a threat from the Democrats who wanted to leave the Coalition for Change if AHY was not chosen as Anies' running mate. 

"Actually, to be honest, if AHY was not the deputy, he would resign. Just say so," said Ali. 

According to Ali, if the Democrats don't have that intention, the party led by AHY should be more active in socializing Anies as a presidential candidate for the 2024 election. 

Not sturdy
Seeing this, the Director of the Nusakom Pratama Institute for Political Studies, Ari Junaedi, considers that the foundation for cooperation between Nasdem, Democrats, and PKS under the umbrella of the Coalition for Change for Unity is not solid enough. 

On the one hand, Democrats are less patient with the political dynamics that are happening. The Democrats should have understood the agreement from the start that the matter of running for vice president would be left entirely to Anies. 

Ari also considered that it would be inappropriate if Anies's recent decline in electability was due to the slow announcement of the candidate for vice president. 

This is because two other presidential candidates whose electability outperformed Anies, namely Ganjar Pranowo and Prabowo Subianto, have not yet announced their running mate. 

"It is too premature if the absence of a name for the vice presidential candidate is now considered to be the cause of Anies' drop in electability," Ari told, Friday (9/6/2023). 

Ari agrees that the Democrats are still not all out in promoting Anies. Instead of Anies, the Mercy Star Party sells more AHY on billboards that are plastered in various regions. 

"The Democrats seem to be ambiguous between being shy about selling Anies, but continuing to pursue AHY at every opportunity," he said. 

Ari suspects that the insistence on accelerating the declaration of the vice presidential candidate is a Democrat's square off if AHY is not chosen as Anies' vice presidential candidate. 

If in the near future Anies announces the name of a vice presidential candidate other than AHY then the Democrats could leave the Coalition for Change. AHY and his staff still have enough time to find a new coalition to anchor. 

"Democrats certainly have political calculations and calculations, whether to remain in the Coalition for Change, or withdraw amid the continuing decline in electability in the last number," he said. 

Ari also thinks that this situation is vulnerable to the integrity of the Coalition for Change. In order for the partnership to remain intact, according to him, all parties that are members of the coalition need to have their commitment reaffirmed. 

"Are they going to continue together, or will they part ways," said the lecturer at the University of Indonesia. 

Nasdem dan Demokrat Memanas, Saling Balas soal Kapan Cawapres Anies Diumumkan

Partai Nasdem dan Partai Demokrat memanas. Dua partai penggagas Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan itu tak sejalan soal waktu deklarasi bakal calon wakil presiden (cawapres) pendamping bakal calon presiden (capres) Anies Baswedan.

Demokrat mendorong supaya deklarasi bakal cawapres Anies dilakukan segera. Dalihnya, karena hari pemungutan suara Pemilu 2024 semakin dekat.

Sementara itu, Nasdem berpendapat, pengumuman figur cawapres tak boleh terburu-buru. Langkah itu harus dipertimbangkan secara matang.

Belakangan, perbedaan pandangan kedua partai kian terasa tajam. Soliditas Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan pun dipertanyakan.

Elektabilitas turun
Desakan Partai Demokrat ihwal percepatan deklarasi cawapres salah satunya didasari dari jebloknya angka elektabilitas Anies.

Menurut survei sejumlah lembaga, angka elektoral mantan Gubernur DKI Jakarta itu terus menunjukkan penurunan. Bahkan, survei teranyar Indikator Politik Indonesia memperlihatkan, elektabilitas Anies sebagai kandidat capres turun sejak Juli 2022.

Ketua Badan Pemenangan Pemilu (Bappilu) Partai Demokrat Andi Arief mengatakan, partainya bakal mengevaluasi Anies. Demokrat pun mengusulkan agar deklarasi cawapres Anies dipercepat, setidaknya Juni 2023.

“Mengevaluasi, mengusulkan percepatan deklarasi,” kata Andi saat dikonfirmasi, Senin (8/6/2023).

"Kalau jarak (elektabilitas) sudah cukup menganga, itu pasangannya juga akan berat," tuturnya.

Demokrat yakin, begitu cawapres diumumkan, basis pemilih Anies akan bergerak bersama untuk memenangkan bakal capres yang diusung Nasdem, Demokrat, dan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) itu.

Pilpres kian dekat
Usulan ini dipertegas oleh Ketua Umum Partai Demokrat Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono (AHY). Dia bilang, hari pemungutan suara Pemilu 2024 tinggal sebentar lagi.

Sementara itu, durasi kampanye sangatlah singkat, yakni hanya 75 hari. Oleh karena itu, cawapres perlu diumumkan secepatnya supaya sosialisasi berjalan maksimal.

“Kami punya kewajiban untuk mengingatkan, ini sudah bulan Juni. Waktu pemilu tinggal sekian bulan lagi, kalau kita mau sukses, jadi Indonesia itu besar dan penduduknya banyak, maka kita butuh persiapan,” ujar AHY di kantor DPP Partai Demokrat, Jalan Proklamasi, Menteng, Jakarta, Rabu (7/6/2023).

AHY mengaku menerima banyak aspirasi dari masyarakat yang menginginkan Anies segera menentukan bakal cawapresnya. Menurut AHY, semakin cepat cawapres diputuskan, peluang kemenangan Koalisi Perubahan akan semakin besar.

“Kalau kita semakin solid, semakin segera bisa menyatakan bahwa tiga partai ini siap mengusung pasangan yang juga siap bertemu dalam pilpres nanti, rasa-rasanya lebih baik dan kita bisa bekerja secara lebih giat lagi dan lebih terukur,” kata putra sulung Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) itu.

Tak sepakat
Namun demikian, Nasdem tak sepakat dengan pandangan Demokrat. Ketua DPP Partai Nasdem Taufik Basari menilai, elektabilitas Anies turun bukan karena faktor cawapres yang tak kunjung diumumkan.

Dia bilang, deklarasi cawapres tak bisa dipatok waktu. Menurut Taufik, pengumuman cawapres harus memperhatikan dinamika politik yang terus berubah dan dinamis.

"Kita dinamis saja. Namanya politik kan bisa tiba-tiba ada sesuatu hal yang harus segera, (atau) bisa saja jadi mundur. Kayak gitu kan dinamislah, enggak bisa dipatok harus begini," kata Taufik di Kompleks Parlemen, Senayan, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (5/6/2023).

Ketua Fraksi Nasdem di DPR Roberth Rouw juga menyentil Demokrat terkait ini. Dia mengingatkan bahwa keputusan-keputusan krusial berada di tangan para ketua umum partai.

"Kita enggak usah terlalu mendesak pimpinan, mereka yang tahu seperti apa. Strategi itu ada di tangan pimpinan, ya kan? Jadi jangan kita yang di bawah-bawah ini membuat rusuh kita," ujar Roberth saat ditemui di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Selasa (6/6/2023).

Sementara itu, Bendahara Umum Partai Nasdem Ahmad Sahroni mengatakan, mengumumkan cawapres bukan suatu hal yang mudah. Apalagi, di Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan ada tiga partai yang terus berkomunikasi terkait cawapres Anies.

"Kan tidak semudah itu mengumumkan. Karena tiga partai koalisi masih terus berkomunikasi dengan signifikan, kapan (deklarasi), entah hari apa itu, yang tahu hanya para ketum," ujar Sahroni di Gedung DPR, Senayan, Jakarta, Kamis (8/6/2023).

Situasi ini pun belakangan memanas. Nasdem tampak meninggi. Wakil Ketua Umum Partai Nasdem Ahmad Ali meminta semua partai politik anggota Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan bersabar soal deklarasi cawapres Anies.

Dia juga mengingatkan kepada Demokrat ataupun PKS agar mematuhi piagam kerja sama yang telah ditekan masing-masing ketua umum parpol.

“Saya berharap semua parpol itu konsisten dengan pernyataannya, karena Anies ini sedang tidak mencari wakil kepala desa, tapi mencari wakil presiden,” kata Ali kepada Kompas .com, Kamis (8/6/2023).

Salah satu poin piagam kerja sama pembentukan Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan memberi mandat kepada Anies selaku bakal capres untuk memilih bakal cawapresnya sesuai lima kriteria yang telah ditentukan.

“Kita kemudian konsisten saja dengan piagam yang sudah ditandatangani oleh ketua umum partai. Kita tidak perlu menekan-nekan calon presiden (Anies),” ucap Ali.

Bersamaan dengan itu, Ali mempertanyakan sikap Demokrat yang menurutnya tak konsisten. Di satu sisi, Demokrat mendesak percepatan deklarasi cawapres.

Namun, di sisi lain, partai bintang mercy tersebut tak pernah mengangkat Anies dalam baliho atau materi sosialisasinya.

“Terus terang, saya belum pernah melihat baliho Partai Demokrat, kader Partai Demokrat memasang foto Anies, kecuali fotonya AHY,” ujarnya.

Bahkan, Ali menuding desakan ini sebagai ancaman dari Demokrat yang hendak hengkang dari Koalisi Perubahan jika AHY tak dipilih jadi calon pendamping Anies.

“Sebenarnya berterus terang saja, kalau bukan AHY jadi wakil, mau mundur. Bilang saja begitu,” tandas Ali.

Menurut Ali, jika Demokrat tak berniat demikian, seharusnya partai pimpinan AHY tersebut lebih aktif menyosialisasikan Anies sebagai bakal capres Pemilu 2024.

Tak kokoh
Melihat ini, Direktur Lembaga Kajian Politik Nusakom Pratama, Ari Junaedi, menilai bahwa fondasi kerja sama antara Nasdem, Demokrat, dan PKS di bawah payung Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan kurang kokoh.

Di satu sisi, Demokrat kurang bersabar menghadapi dinamika politik yang terjadi. Seharusnya, Demokrat sedari awal memahami kesepakatan bahwa ihwal bakal cawapres diserahkan sepenuhnya ke Anies.

Ari pun menilai, tidak tepat bila merosotnya elektabilitas Anies belakangan ini disebabkan lambannya pengumuman sosok cawapres.

Sebab, dua bakal capres lain yang elektabilitasnya mengungguli Anies, yaitu Ganjar Pranowo dan Prabowo Subianto, juga belum mengumumkan calon pendampingnya.

“Terlalu prematur jika ketiadaan nama bakal cawapres saat ini dianggap sebagai penyebab anjloknya elektabilitas Anies,” kata Ari kepada Kompas .com, Jumat (9/6/2023).

Ari setuju Demokrat masih kurang all out dalam mempromosikan Anies. Ketimbang Anies, partai bintang mercy tersebut lebih banyak menjual AHY di baliho-baliho yang terpampang di berbagai daerah.

“Demokrat terkesan ambigu antara malu-malu menjual Anies, tapi terus menjajakkan AHY di setiap kesempatan,” ujarnya.

Ari menduga, desakan percepatan deklarasi cawapres ini merupakan ancang-ancang Demokrat seandainya AHY tak dipilih jadi cawapres Anies.

Jika dalam waktu dekat Anies mengumumkan nama cawapres selain AHY maka Demokrat bisa saja hengkang dari Koalisi Perubahan. AHY dan jajarannya pun masih punya cukup waktu mencari koalisi baru untuk berlabuh.

“Demokrat tentu punya kalkulasi politik dan hitung-hitungan, apakah tetap bertahan di kubu Koalisi Perubahan, atau cabut di tengah terus merosotnya elektabilitas di nomor buncit,” ucapnya.

Ari pun menilai, situasi ini rawan buat keutuhan Koalisi Perubahan. Agar kongsi tetap utuh, menurut dia, semua partai anggota koalisi perlu diteguhkan ulang komitmennya.

“Apakah akan terus seiring bersama, atau bubar jalan,” tutur dosen Universitas Indonesia itu.

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