Democrats: If the NasDem Cadres are Taken, Our House Will Be Taken

Democrats: If the NasDem Cadres are Taken, Our House Will Be Taken

Democrats: If the NasDem Cadres are Taken, Our House Will Be Taken

Deputy Secretary General of the Democratic Party Jansen Sitindaon spoke about KLB Moeldoko's steps in submitting a judicial review (PK) to the Supreme Court (MA) regarding the management of the Democratic DPP. Jansen initially said that promoting the Coalition for Change was tough. 

"I have often said, including yesterday to my NasDem friends, it is indeed very difficult for us to support this Coalition for Change, including the matter of pressure and others," said Jansen in a detikcom perspective battle with Total Politik, Wednesday (14/6/2023). 

"But if the NasDem friends are only individual cadres who are taken, if we the Democratic Party it is our house that wants to be taken, this is already far away," he added. 

Jansen said that of course this was an attempt to tackle the Democrats in the 2024 presidential election. The reason is that if Moeldoko's PK is granted, the presidential threshold (PT) requirement will be difficult to achieve. 

"It's the house that's about to be taken, that's why if it's related to the matter of PT 20 percent, if in quotation marks it's directed to the diction of the tackle earlier, yes," he said. 

According to him, this was seen as a hindrance to Anies Baswedan who wanted to run as a presidential candidate. 

"Because if this house is taken then 54 seats, nine point a percentage of the seats in the Democrat DPR which completes the minimum 20 percent of the reform coalition that supports Anies Baswedan, will immediately be lost, to do with that," he said. 

Demokrat: Kalau NasDem Kadernya Diambil, Kami Rumahnya Hendak Diambil

Wasekjen Partai Demokrat Jansen Sitindaon berbicara soal langkah KLB Moeldoko yang mengajukan peninjauan kembali (PK) ke Mahkamah Agung (MA) terkait kepengurusan DPP Demokrat. Jansen awalnya mengatakan bahwa pengusungan Koalisi Perubahan memanglah berat.

"Sering saya katakan, termasuk kemarin ke teman-teman NasDem, memang berat sekali kita ngusung Koalisi Perubahan ini, termasuk soal tekanannya dan lain-lain," kata Jansen dalam adu perspektif detikcom bersama Total Politik, Rabu (14/6/2023).

"Tapi kalau teman-teman NasDem itu hanya individu kadernya yang diambil, kalau kami Partai Demokrat ini rumah kami yang mau diambil, ini udah jauh," tambahnya.

Jansen mengatakan bahwa tentu hal ini merupakan upaya penjegalan terhadap Demokrat di Pilpres 2024 nanti. Pasalnya jika PK Moeldoko dikabulkan, syarat presidential threshold (PT) akan sulit digapai.

"Udah rumahnya yang mau diambil, itu makanya kalau dikaitkan ke soal PT 20 persen, kalau dalam tanda kutip diarahkan ke diksi penjegalan tadi ya ini," katanya.

Menurutnya, hal ini dinilai sebagai penjegalan Anies Baswedan yang hendak maju sebagai capres.

"Karena kalau rumah ini diambil maka 54 kursi, sembilan koma sekian persen suara kursi DPR Demokrat itu yang melengkapi minimum 20 persen koalisi perubahan yang mengusung Anies Baswedan langsung hilang, kaitannya dengan itu," katanya.

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