Anies is considered to have been held hostage by 3 of his supporting parties to determine the vice presidential candidate

Anies is considered to have been held hostage by 3 of his supporting parties to determine the vice presidential candidate

Anies is considered to have been held hostage by 3 of his supporting parties to determine the vice presidential candidate

Until now, the figure of the vice presidential candidate (cawapres) for the future presidential candidate Anies Baswedan is still unclear. In determining the vice presidential candidate, Anies was seen as being held hostage by his three supporting parties. 

"Anies is being held hostage by these three parties," said former NasDem Party politician, Zulfan Lindan, at the Perspective Adu event with Total Politik, Wednesday (14/6/2023) evening. 

The three parties supporting Anies are the NasDem Party, the Democratic Party and PKS. In public, it is as if Anies is given the freedom to determine his running mate. But behind the scenes, actually the political parties supporting Anies are the ones who determine the vice presidential candidate. 

"We know that we are playing games like this. We are not small children in politics," said Zulfan. 

There is a 'manifest' aspect, namely that Anies is given the authority to determine who his cawapresya is. However, there is also a 'latent' aspect or an invisible but potential aspect, namely that the party leaders actually determine the cawapres. 

"In the end, Anies was also nervous," said Zulfan. 

For example, Anies chose AHY the Democratic Party as his running mate. Anies cannot make a decision right away, but must first talk to the leaders of the PKS, the Democrats, and the NasDem. 

Anies Dinilai Disandera 3 Partai Pendukungnya untuk Tentukan Cawapres

Sampai sekarang, sosok calon wakil presiden (cawapres) untuk bakal capres Anies Baswedan masih belum jelas. Dalam menentukan cawapres, Anies dinilai disandera oleh tiga partai pendukungnya.

"Anies ini kan disandera oleh tiga partai ini," kata mantan politikus Partai NasDem, Zulfan Lindan, dalam acara Adu Perspektif detikcom bersama Total Politik, Rabu (14/6/2023) malam.

Tiga partai pendukung Anies adalah Partai NasDem, Partai Demokrat, dan PKS. Di depan publik, seolah-olah Anies diberi kebebasan menentukan cawapresnya. Tapi di balik layar, sebenarnya para ketum parpol pendukung Anies menjadi pihak yang menentukan cawapres.

"Kita tahu lah main-main seperti ini. Kita ini bukan anak kecil dalam politik," kata Zulfan.

Ada aspek 'manifest' atau yang terejawantahkan, yakni Anies diberi otoritas menentukan siapa cawapresya. Namun ada pula aspek 'latent' atau yang tak nampak namun potensial, yakni penentu cawapres sebenarnya adalah para pimpinan parpol.

"Akhirnya Anies juga gamang," kata Zulfan.

Misalnya saja, Anies memutuskan AHY Sang Ketum Demokrat sebagai cawapresnya. Anies tidak bisa langsung memutuskan melainkan harus berbicara terlebih dahulu ke pimpinan PKS, Demokrat, hingga NasDem.

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