When Jokowi doesn't want to go through the route prepared by the Lampung Provincial Government, he chooses to go through the damaged road

When Jokowi doesn't want to go through the route prepared by the Lampung Provincial Government, he chooses to go through the damaged road

President Joko Widodo did not want to use the road route that had been prepared by the Lampung Provincial Government (Pemprov) when inspecting the condition of damaged roads in Central Lampung Regency on Friday (5/5/2023). 

The President chose to take another route which was not the route that had been prepared. 

This was conveyed by Deputy for Protocol, Press and Media Secretariat of President Bey Machmudin when confirmed by Kompas.com, Friday afternoon. 

Bey confirmed that there had already been a route prepared. There have been improvements to the road, though not permanent. 

"It's not good to be completely repaired, but there are slight repairs that are not permanent in nature. The President wants to use the road route whose condition has not been repaired. So the route is different from what was originally scheduled," said Bey. 

"The hope is that the President can feel what it's like to pass through the damaged roads in Lampung. Because people have different types of vehicles. Some use cars, motorbikes, public transportation and so on," he continued. 

During his overland trip on the damaged roads, said Bey, President Jokowi rode in a Mercy sedan. 

The car is a Presidential vehicle for Jokowi. 

"Even using Mercy, the President can still feel passing on a damaged road. So he can feel what people are complaining about," said Bey. 

"While passing the bumpy road on Friday morning, the car indicator (light) came on. Because the road conditions were bumpy and full of holes," he explained. 

Bey did not explain in detail what indicator was on, but the Presidential Security Force then suggested that the President change cars. 

"It's better not to take risks. So recently the President changed to a Jeep type car. On the Seputih Raman route. Just replaced it after the President explained about the impression of passing on a damaged road," explained Bey. 

Jokowi's impression was on a broken road
Previously, President Joko Widodo conveyed his impressions after passing through a number of roads in Central Lampung, Lampung Province which were heavily damaged. 

He conveyed this in response to questions from local and national journalists covering his activities while in Lampung. 

"The road was smooth, comfortable. Enjoyed it," Jokowi said with a smile, as reported by Kompas TV live broadcast on Friday afternoon. 

The President was also asked if he had ever felt a jolt in his stomach when passing through damaged roads. 

However, Jokowi emphasized that he enjoyed everything. 

In fact, Jokowi said the Minister of Trade (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan, who was in the same car with himself, fell asleep while driving through the damaged road. 

"Enjoyed. Until Mr. Zul (Zulkifli Hasan) was sleeping, I was also sleeping. Yes, because it's smooth, you can sleep in the car," said the Head of State, smiling. 

Zulkifli Hasan, who was nearby, also smiled. 

Previously, President Jokowi visited the damaged road on Jalan Terusan Ryacudu in South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province on Friday morning. 

According to the photo description shared by the Presidential Secretariat Bureaupers, the Head of State shared a car with the Minister of Trade who is also the General Chairperson of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan when crossing the damaged road. 

The two of them sat in the middle seat of a black Presidential sedan with a red number plate that read Indonesia. 

The moving car seemed to be moving slowly because it avoided the medium to large potholes that were flooded with rain water. 

On the right side of the road, people can be seen accompanying Jokowi and Zulkifli on motorbikes together. 

The public also waved at the car window on the right side where Jokowi and Zulkifli sat. They shouted, "Pak Jokowi, Pak Jokowi," while driving. 

From inside his car, the Head of State was seen waving to the people who greeted him. 

Saat Jokowi Tak Mau Lewat Jalur yang Disiapkan Pemprov Lampung, Pilih Lewat Jalan Rusak

Presiden Joko Widodo tak mau menggunakan jalur jalan yang sudah disiapkan Pemerintah Provinsi (Pemprov) Lampung saat meninjau kondisi jalan rusak di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah pada Jumat (5/5/2023).

Presiden memilih melewati jalan lain yang memang bukan merupakan jalur yang sudah disiapkan.

Hal tersebut disampaikan Deputi Bidang Protokol, Pers dan Media Sekretariat Presiden Bey Machmudin ketika dikonfirmasi Kompas .com, Jumat sore.

Bey membenarkan bahwa memang sudah ada jalur yang disiapkan. Di jalur jalan itu sudah ada perbaikan meskipun bukan bersifat permanen.

"Bukan baik sepenuhnya diperbaiki, tetapi ada perbaikan sedikit yang sifatnya tidak permanen. Presiden mau menggunakan jalur jalan yang memang kondisinya belum diperbaiki. Jadi jalur yang berbeda dari yang dijadwalkan semula," jelas Bey.

"Harapannya supaya Presiden bisa merasakan seperti apa kondisinya melewati jalan rusak di Lampung. Sebab masyarakat kan jenis kendaraannya berbeda-beda ya. Ada yang pakai mobil, motor, angkot dan sebagainya," lanjutnya.

Selama menempuh perjalanan darat di jalanan yang rusak itu, kata Bey, Presiden Jokowi naik mobil sedan mercy.

Mobil tersebut merupakan kendaraan Kepresidenan untuk Jokowi.

"Meski memakai Mercy, Presiden tetap bisa merasakan lewat di jalan yang rusak. Supaya bisa merasakan bagaimana yang masyarakat keluhkan," ungkap Bey.

"Saat melewati jalan bergelombang pada Jumat pagi itu, sampai ada (lampu) indikator mobil yang menyala. Karena kondisi jalan yang bergelombang dan berlubang-lubang ya," paparnya.

Bey tidak menjelaskan secara rinci indikator apa yang menyala, akan tetapi pihak Pasukan Pengamanan Kepresidenan lalu menyarankan agar Presiden berganti mobil.

"Sebaiknya tidak mengambil risiko. Sehingga baru saja ini Presiden ganti mobil jenis Jeep. Di jalur Jalan Seputih Raman Baru saja gantinya setelah Presiden menjelaskan soal kesan lewat di jalan yang rusak," jelas Bey.

Kesan Jokowi lewati jalan rusak
Sebelumnya, Presiden Joko Widodo menyampaikan kesan-kesannya setelah melewati sejumlah ruas jalan di Lampung Tengah, Provinsi Lampung yang mengalami rusak berat.

Hal itu disampaikannya menjawab pertanyaan para jurnalis lokal dan nasional yang meliput kegiatannya selama berada di Lampung.

"Jalannya mulus, enak. Dinikmati," ujar Jokowi sambil tersenyum sebagaimana dilansir dari siaran langsung Kompas TV pada Jumat sore.

Presiden pun ditanya apakah sempat merasakan guncangan pada perut saat lewat jalanan yang rusak.

Namun, Jokowi menegaskan bahwa semuanya dinikmatinya saja.

Bahkan, Jokowi menyebut Menteri Perdagangan (Mendag) Zulkifli Hasan yang berada satu mobil dengan dirinya sempat tertidur saat lewat jalan rusak.

"Dinikmati. Sampai Pak Zul (Zulkifli Hasan) tadi tidur saya juga tidur. Ya karena mulus, sampai di mobil tidur dong," tutur Kepala Negara sambil tersenyum.

Zulkifli Hasan yang berada di dekatnya pun ikut tersenyum.

Sebelumnya, Presiden Jokowi meninjau jalan rusak yang berada di ruas Jalan Terusan Ryacudu di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, Provinsi Lampung pada Jumat pagi.

Dilansir dari keterangan foto yang dibagikan Biropers Sekretariat Presiden, Kepala Negara satu mobil dengan Mendag yang juga Ketua Umum Partai Amanat Nasional (PAN) Zulkifli Hasan ketika melintasi jalan rusak tersebut.

Keduanya duduk di kursi tengah mobil sedan Kepresidenan warna hitam dengan pelat nomor merah yang bertuliskan Indonesia.

Mobil yang melaju tampak berjalan pelan karena menghindari lubang-lubang jalan berukuran sedang hingga besar yang digenangi air hujan.

Di sisi kanan jalan, tampak masyarakat mengiringi perjalanan Jokowi dan Zulkifli dengan naik motor bersama-sama.

Masyarakat juga melambaikan tangan ke arah jendela mobil di sisi kanan tempat duduk Jokowi dan Zulkifli. Mereka berteriak, "Pak Jokowi, Pak Jokowi," sambil berkendara.

Dari dalam mobilnya, Kepala Negara tampak melambaikan tangan kepada masyarakat yang menyapanya.

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