Jokowi Chooses to Take a Car to Central Lampung, Governor Arinal Confused Asks Residents for the Name of the Region
The video of Lampung Governor Arinal Djunaidi asking residents went viral on social media and friendship networks on Friday (5/5/2023) evening.
The video was recorded by residents waiting for President Joko Widodo to arrive while crossing Jalan Raya Seputih Raman, Central Lampung Regency.
In the video that lasts 30 seconds and has been circulating in chains, Jokowi can be seen talking with BUMN Minister Erick Thohir, Trade Ministers Zulkifli Hasan and Arinal Djunaidi, and PUPR Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.
From the information gathered, the location of the stop was before Jokowi conducted a doorstop interview with journalists on that highway.
In the video, Arinal can be seen turning his head and then pointing at the video recorder. He then approached while asking the residents.
"What is this, what is the name of the area," asked Arinal.
"As white as Raman, sir," came the unanimous reply of the residents.
"After that?" Arinal asked again.
"As white as many," answered the residents.
"How many more kilometers?" asked Arinal.
"Close again, before Rumbia," replied the resident.
Hearing the residents' answers, Arinal then returned to where Jokowi was waiting after previously thanking him.
Based on observations at the location, the route for Jalan Raya Seputih Raman was chosen after Jokowi departed from Jalan Terusan Ryacudu in Jati Agung District, South Lampung.
Jokowi, who previously planned to use a helicopter to go to Seputih Banyak District, chose to use the land route with the presidential vehicle.
Jalan Raya Seputih Raman itself is a feeder or cross road from the direction of Gunung Sugih District-Gajah City-Simpang Randu-Rumbia.
The condition of Jalan Raya Seputih Raman is also in a badly damaged condition. A number of points are bumpy roads and potholes.
Ni Luh (28), a local resident, said that the road is like a buffalo puddle if it rains heavily.
"Those holes, Mas, have become ponds. From here to Rumbia there, it's just as damaged," said Ni Luh.
As previously reported, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) took over the repair of 15 roads in Lampung Province.
The repair of this road will be carried out by the Ministry of PUPR and will begin in July 2023.
This order was the conclusion of his visit to Lampung Province on Friday (5/5/2023) in a number of roads.
"Construction will begin in July, because a tender must be done first. I have ordered the Minister of Public Works and Public Housing," Jokowi said during a doorstop on Jalan Raya Seputih Raman, Friday (5/5/2023) afternoon.
Jokowi Pilih Naik Mobil ke Lampung Tengah, Gubernur Arinal Bingung Tanya ke Warga Nama Daerahnya
Video Gubernur Lampung Arinal Djunaidi bertanya ke warga viral di media sosial dan jejaring pertemanan pada Jumat (5/5/2023) malam.
Video itu direkam oleh warga yang menunggu kedatangan Presiden Joko Widodo saat melintas di Jalan Raya Seputih Raman, Kabupaten Lampung Tengah.
Dalam video berdurasi 30 detik dan telah beredar secara berantai itu tampak Jokowi berbicara dengan Menteri BUMN Erick Thohir, Menteri Perdagangan Zulkifli Hasan dan Arinal Djunaidi, serta Menteri PUPR Basuki Hadimuljono.
Dari informasi yang dihimpun, lokasi perhentian itu berada sebelum Jokowi melakukan wawancara doorstop dengan wartawan di jalan raya itu.
Pada video itu terlihat Arinal menoleh lalu menunjuk ke arah perekam video. Dia kemudian menghampiri sambil bertanya ke warga.
"Ini apa, daerah apa namanya," tanya Arinal.
"Seputih Raman, Pak," terdengar jawaban warga kompak.
"Habis itu?" tanya Arinal kembali.
"Seputih Banyak," jawab warga.
"Berapa kilo (meter) lagi?" tanya Arinal.
"Dekat lagi, sebelum Rumbia," jawab warga.
Mendengar jawaban warga, Arinal kemudian kembali ke tempat Jokowi menunggu setelah sebelumnya mengucapkan terima kasih.
Berdasarkan pantauan di lokasi, rute Jalan Raya Seputih Raman ini sendiri dipilih setelah Jokowi bertolak dari Jalan Terusan Ryacudu di Kecamatan Jati Agung, Lampung Selatan.
Jokowi yang sebelumnya direncanakan menggunakan helikopter untuk pergi ke Kecamatan Seputih Banyak, memilih menggunakan jalur darat dengan kendaraan kepresidenan.
Jalan Raya Seputih Raman ini sendiri adalah feeder atau jalan lintas dari arah Kecamatan Gunung Sugih-Kota Gajah-Simpang Randu-Rumbia.
Kondisi Jalan Raya Seputih Raman ini pun dalam kondisi rusak parah. Sejumlah titik merupakan jalan bergelombang dan berlubang.
Ni Luh (28) warga setempat mengatakan jalan tersebut tidak ubahnya kubangan kerbau jika hujan deras melanda.
"Lubang-lubang itu, Mas, jadi kolam. Dari sini sampai Rumbia sana ya sama rusaknya," kata Ni Luh.
Diberitakan sebelumnya, Presiden Joko Widodo (Jokowi) mengambil alih perbaikan 15 ruas jalan di Provinsi Lampung.
Perbaikan jalan ini akan dilakukan oleh Kementerian PUPR dan mulai dilaksanakan pada Juli 2023.
Perintah ini hasil kesimpulan kunjungannya di Provinsi Lampung pada Jumat (5/5/2023) di sejumlah ruas jalan.
"Pembangunannya akan dimula di bulan Juli, karena harus tender dahulu. Saya sudah perintahkan Menteri PUPR," kata Jokowi saat doorstop di Jalan Raya Seputih Raman, Jumat (5/5/2023) sore.
News, Entertainment, Health
Governor Arinal Confused Asks Residents
Jokowi Chooses
Name of the Region
Take a Car to Central Lampung