Jokowi Calls Center Takes Over 15 Road Repairs, Governor of Lampung Applauds

Jokowi Calls Center Takes Over 15 Road Repairs, Governor of Lampung Applauds

Jokowi Calls Center Takes Over 15 Road Repairs, Governor of Lampung Applauds

President Joko Widodo stated that the central government will take over the road repair project in Lampung which has long been damaged from the local government. 

This decision was taken after Jokowi inspected damaged road sections in Lampung on Friday (5/5/2023) today. 

"The public must know that there is responsibility, national roads are in the hands of the central government, provincial roads are in the hands of the governor, district roads are in the hands of the regents and mayors," Jokowi said, quoted from Kompas TV's YouTube broadcast, Friday. 

"But this is because it has been a long time, so it will be taken over by the central government," Jokowi added. 

Jokowi's statement was then greeted with joy by the public by shouting 'hurray'

Meanwhile, the Governor of Lampung, Arinal Djunaidi, who was standing behind Jokowi, clapped and smiled. 

Jokowi continued, in 2023, the central government will disburse funds of approximately IDR 800 billion specifically to repair 15 roads in Lampung province. 

"Repairs will start in June because they have to be auctioned first," said the former mayor of Solo. 

Nevertheless, Jokowi reminded that not all damaged roads will be repaired by the central government. 

"There are several sections that are the responsibility of the Governor, some are the responsibility of the Regent who is here, not all of the central government," said Jokowi. 

Damage to roads in Lampung province has become a topic of conversation in recent times after a video was made by Bima Yudho Saputro's TikTok video which criticized the condition of Lampung Province. 

Through the account @awbimaxreborn, he uploaded a video entitled "Reasons Why Lampung Doesn't Progress" on 7 April 2023, in which he alluded to the many roads in Lampung that were damaged. 

"I often discuss roads because roads are like the most common infrastructure and for economic mobilization in Lampung. But the roads in Lampung are like 1 kilometer good, 1 kilometer damaged, then the roads are just tacked on," he said. 

Jokowi also admitted that his working visit to Lampung today was aimed at checking directly on road conditions in the province. 

"I want to make sure, look carefully, whether what's in the video or in the media is true or not," said Jokowi at Sarinah, Jakarta, Thursday (4/5/2023) yesterday. 

Jokowi Sebut Pusat Ambil Alih Perbaikan 15 Ruas Jalan, Gubernur Lampung Tepuk Tangan

Presiden Joko Widodo menyatakan, pemerintah pusat akan mengambil alih proyek perbaikan jalan di Lampung yang sudah lama rusak dari pemerintah daerah.

Keputusan ini diambil setelah Jokowi meninjau ruas-ruas jalan yang rusak di Lampung pada Jumat (5/5/2023) hari ini.

"Masyarakat harus tahu ada tanggung jawab, jalan nasional itu di pemerintah pusat, jalan provinsi itu ada di gubernur, jalan kabupaten itu di bupati dan wali kota," kata Jokowi, dikutip dari tayangan YouTube Kompas TV, Jumat.

"Tapi ini karena memang sudah lama, ya akan diambil alih oleh pemerintah pusat," imbuh Jokowi.

Pernyataan Jokowi ini lantas disambut gembira oleh masyarakat dengan berteriak 'hore'

Sedangkan, Gubernur Lampung Arinal Djunaidi yang berdiri di belakang Jokowi bertepuk tangan dan tersenyum.

Jokowi melanjutkan, pada tahun 2023 ini, pemerintah pusat akan mengucurkan dana sebesar kurang lebih Rp 800 miliar khusus untuk memperbaiki 15 ruas jalan di provinsi Lampung.

"Perbaikannya akan dimulai bulan Juni karena harus lelang dulu," kata mantan wali kota Solo tersebut.

Kendati demikian, Jokowi mengingatkan bahwa tidak semua jalan yang rusak akan diperbaiki oleh pemerintah pusat.

"Ada beberapa ruas yang menjadi tanggung jawabnya Pak Gubernur, ada yang tanggung jawabnya Bapak Ibu Bupati yang ada di sini, jangan semuanya pemerintah pusat," ujar Jokowi.

Kerusakan jalan di provinsi Lampung menjadi buah bibir dalam beberapa waktu terakhir seusai adanya video yang dibuat oleh video TikTok milik Bima Yudho Saputro yang mengkritik kondisi Provinsi Lampung.

Melalui akun @awbimaxreborn, dia mengunggah video berjudul "Alasan Kenapa Lampung Gak Maju-maju" pada 7 April 2023, di mana ia menyinggung banyaknya jalan di Lampung yang rusak.

"Gue sering bahas jalan karena jalan itu kayak infrastruktur yang paling umum dan untuk mobilisasi ekonomi di Lampung. Tapi jalan-jalan di Lampung tuh kayak 1 kilometer bagus, 1 kilometer rusak, terus jalan ditempel-tempel doang," ujarnya.

Jokowi pun mengakui bahwa kunjungan kerjanya di Lampung hari ini bertujuan untuk mengecek langsung kondisi jalan di provinsi tersebut.

"Saya mau pastikan, lihat betul, apakah yang ada di video, di media itu benar atau enggak benar," kata Jokowi di Sarinah, Jakarta, Kamis (4/5/2023) kemarin.

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