North Koreans are excited after the US threatens to end Kim Jong Un's regime

North Koreans are excited after the US threatens to end Kim Jong Un's regime

North Koreans are excited after the US threatens to end Kim Jong Un's regime

North Korea was outraged when the US threatened to end the history of Kim Jong Un's regime. However, some North Koreans were happy to hear the threat. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)

North Korea was furious when the President of the United States, Joe Biden, threatened to end the history of the Kim Jong Un regime. However, some North Koreans were happy to hear the threat. 
Several sources in various parts of North Korea said that the threat immediately became a hot topic after Biden met with the President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, at the end of April. 

During the meeting, Biden threatened to end the history of the North Korean regime if it dared to carry out a nuclear attack on allied countries, including South Korea. 

North Korea was furious when the President of the United States, Joe Biden, threatened to end the history of the Kim Jong Un regime. However, some North Koreans were happy to hear the threat. 
Several sources in various parts of North Korea said that the threat immediately became a hot topic after Biden met with the President of South Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, at the end of April. 
During the meeting, Biden threatened to end the history of the North Korean regime if he dared launch missile attacks on allied countries, including South Korea. 

"Campus students and intellectuals pay great attention to the US president's announcement, which warns that the North Korean regime will end if it uses nuclear weapons," said a source to Radio Free Asia. 
Another source in South Pyongan Province also acknowledged that the young people around him were happy to hear about Biden's threat. 
"There are intellectuals and university students who even say they are happy that the US and South Korean presidents are warning the [Kim's] regime," said the source, who declined to be identified. 
"International and South Korean news are usually published on pages four and five of the [government] newspaper Rodong Sinmun, and young people as well as intellectuals read them with great interest."

Meanwhile, North Korean officials through state media continued to criticize Biden's threat. Undeterred, they even vowed to further strengthen North Korea's nuclear capabilities. 
When watching these narratives develop, North Koreans are getting fed up. They are embarrassed because the government continues to carry out the nuclear campaign, even though the people are suffocating from hunger. 

"Residents don't speak openly, but it's not only young people [who speak]. Deep down, many residents are happy about the Washington Declaration," said another source in the Pyonsong area. 
He then said, "It's all because they harbor a grudge against the reality of this country, where every day you wake up and sigh because you're worried about where to get food."

"Campus students and intellectuals pay great attention to the US president's announcement, which warns that the North Korean regime will end if it uses nuclear weapons," said a source to Radio Free Asia. 
Another source in South Pyongan Province also acknowledged that the young people around him were happy to hear about Biden's threat. 
"There are intellectuals and university students who even say they are happy that the US and South Korean presidents are warning the [Kim's] regime," said the source, who declined to be identified. 
"International and South Korean news are usually published on pages four and five of the [government] newspaper Rodong Sinmun, and young people as well as intellectuals read them with great interest."

Meanwhile, North Korean officials through state media continued to criticize Biden's threat. Undeterred, they even vowed to further strengthen North Korea's nuclear capabilities. 
When watching these narratives develop, North Koreans are getting fed up. They are embarrassed because the government continues to carry out the nuclear campaign, even though the people are suffocating from hunger. 

"Residents don't speak openly, but it's not only young people [who speak]. Deep down, many residents are happy about the Washington Declaration," said another source in the Pyonsong area. 
He then said, "It's all because they harbor a grudge against the reality of this country, where every day you wake up and sigh because you're worried about where to get food."

Warga Korut Girang usai AS Ancam Bikin Tamat Rezim Kim Jong Un

Korea Utara murka ketika AS mengancam bakal menamatkan riwayat rezim Kim Jong Un. Namun, sebagian warga Korut justru girang mendengar ancaman itu. (Korean Central News Agency/Korea News Service via AP)

Korea Utara murka ketika Presiden Amerika Serikat, Joe Biden, mengancam bakal menamatkan riwayat rezim Kim Jong Un. Namun, sebagian warga Korut justru girang mendengar ancaman itu.
Beberapa sumber di berbagai penjuru Korut bercerita bahwa ancaman itu langsung menjadi topik hangat setelah Biden bertemu dengan Presiden Korea Selatan, Yoon Suk Yeol, pada akhir April lalu.

Dalam pertemuan itu, Biden mengancam akan menamatkan riwayat rezim Korut jika berani melancarkan serangan nuklir ke negara sekutunya, termasuk Korsel.

Korea Utara murka ketika Presiden Amerika Serikat, Joe Biden, mengancam bakal menamatkan riwayat rezim Kim Jong Un. Namun, sebagian warga Korut justru girang mendengar ancaman itu.
Beberapa sumber di berbagai penjuru Korut bercerita bahwa ancaman itu langsung menjadi topik hangat setelah Biden bertemu dengan Presiden Korea Selatan, Yoon Suk Yeol, pada akhir April lalu.
Dalam pertemuan itu, Biden mengancam akan menamatkan riwayat rezim Korut jika berani melancarkan serangan rudal ke negara sekutunya, termasuk Korsel.

"Siswa-siswa kampus dan kaum intelektual menaruh perhatian besar atas pengumuman presiden AS, yang mewanti-wanti rezim Korea Utara akan berakhir jika menggunakan senjata nuklir," ujar seorang sumber kepada Radio Free Asia.
Seorang sumber lainnya di Provinsi Pyongan Selatan juga mengakui anak-anak muda di sekitarnya gembira mendengar ancaman Biden tersebut.
"Ada kaum intelektual dan mahasiswa universitas bahkan mengatakan mereka senang presiden AS dan Korea Selatan mewanti-wanti rezim [Kim]," ujar sumber yang enggan diungkap identitasnya itu.
"Berita-berita internasional dan Korea Selatan biasanya dipublikasikan di halaman empat dan lima surat kabar [pemerintah] Rodong Sinmun, dan anak muda juga intelektual membacanya dengan penuh perhatian."

Sementara itu, pejabat-pejabat Korut melalui media-media pemerintah terus mengecam ancaman Biden tersebut. Tak gentar, mereka malah bersumpah bakal lebih memperkuat kapabilitas nuklir Korut.
Ketika melihat narasi-narasi ini berkembang, warga Korut semakin muak. Mereka jengah karena pemerintah terus menggaungkan kampanye nuklir, padahal rakyat tercekik kelaparan.

"Warga tidak bicara secara terbuka, tapi bukan hanya anak muda [yang bicara]. Jauh di dalam hati, banyak warga senang atas Deklarasi Washington," ucap seorang sumber lainnya di daerah Pyonsong.
Ia kemudian berkata, "Ini semua karena mereka memendam dendam terhadap realita negara ini, di mana setiap hari kalian bangun dan menghela napas karena khawatir di mana bisa mendapatkan makanan."

"Siswa-siswa kampus dan kaum intelektual menaruh perhatian besar atas pengumuman presiden AS, yang mewanti-wanti rezim Korea Utara akan berakhir jika menggunakan senjata nuklir," ujar seorang sumber kepada Radio Free Asia.
Seorang sumber lainnya di Provinsi Pyongan Selatan juga mengakui anak-anak muda di sekitarnya gembira mendengar ancaman Biden tersebut.
"Ada kaum intelektual dan mahasiswa universitas bahkan mengatakan mereka senang presiden AS dan Korea Selatan mewanti-wanti rezim [Kim]," ujar sumber yang enggan diungkap identitasnya itu.
"Berita-berita internasional dan Korea Selatan biasanya dipublikasikan di halaman empat dan lima surat kabar [pemerintah] Rodong Sinmun, dan anak muda juga intelektual membacanya dengan penuh perhatian."

Sementara itu, pejabat-pejabat Korut melalui media-media pemerintah terus mengecam ancaman Biden tersebut. Tak gentar, mereka malah bersumpah bakal lebih memperkuat kapabilitas nuklir Korut.
Ketika melihat narasi-narasi ini berkembang, warga Korut semakin muak. Mereka jengah karena pemerintah terus menggaungkan kampanye nuklir, padahal rakyat tercekik kelaparan.

"Warga tidak bicara secara terbuka, tapi bukan hanya anak muda [yang bicara]. Jauh di dalam hati, banyak warga senang atas Deklarasi Washington," ucap seorang sumber lainnya di daerah Pyonsong.
Ia kemudian berkata, "Ini semua karena mereka memendam dendam terhadap realita negara ini, di mana setiap hari kalian bangun dan menghela napas karena khawatir di mana bisa mendapatkan makanan."

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