Sue to the Constitutional Court, This Advocate Asks for Number and STNK Valid for Life

Sue to the Constitutional Court, This Advocate Asks for Number and STNK Valid for Life

Sue to the Constitutional Court, This Advocate Asks for Number and STNK Valid for Life

Judicial review of Law Number 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation (UU LLAJ) was submitted by advocate Arifin Purwanto to the Constitutional Court (MK). In addition to asking for a SIM to be valid for life, Arifin Purwanto hopes that the vehicle registration number (number) and STNK are valid for life. 

The article in question is Article 70 paragraph 2 of the LLAJ Law, which reads:

Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate and Motor Vehicle Registration Certificate are valid for 5 (five) years, which must be approved annually. 

"Motorized Vehicle Numbers (STNKB) and Motorized Vehicle Numbers (TNKB) are valid for 5 (five) years, which must be approved every year, there is no legal basis," said Arifin Purwanto as reported by the MK website, Friday (12/12/2019). 5/2023). 

Arifin Purwanto then told what happened to him. If the STNKB and TNKB are replaced, the vehicle must be presented at the Samsat office. So Arifin Purwanto's motorcycle in Surabaya had to be brought to Madiun. 

"Where the legal basis for this matter is unclear, which means it is contrary to Article 28D paragraph 1 of the 1945 Constitution. If the STNKB and TNKB are valid forever like before Indonesia's independence until 1984, then there is no need to bother bringing the motorcycle from Madiun to Surabaya," Arifin Purwanto. 

Arifin also proposed that the STNKB and TNKB be valid forever as before Indonesia's independence until 1984. 

This, he continued, is to prevent falsification and waste of STNKB and TNKB. Therefore, the petitioner in his petitum asked the Constitutional Court to declare the phrase "valid for 5 years which must be approved annually" in Article 70 paragraph 2 of the LLAJ Law contrary to the 1945 Constitution. 

Based on the request, constitutional judge Suhartoyo suggested that the applicant improve the systematics of the application. He considered that the application must be adjusted to the Law on Reviewing the Law as stated in PMK Number 2 of 2021 (PMK 2/2021). 

"So, if you file a lawsuit at the District Court regarding an unlawful act, a divorce suit at the Religious Court, all that is examined by the judge is the basis of the lawsuit or application at the Constitutional Court. Because the request or lawsuit is the basis for the judge to examine and then whether or not this case can be substantially considered by the judge so that the judge can decide whether to grant or reject it is basically a lawsuit or request thatdoes meet the formal requirements. The formal requirements, sir, have explained here the authority of the Constitutional Court. Well, that can fulfill the formal requirements. You explained Article 24, then Article 24C, Article 10 of the Constitutional Court. It is better if the application format is improved later, the aesthetics of the application also need to be considered," said Suhartoyo. 

The panel of judges chairman Wahiduddin Adams said the applicant was given 14 days to amend his application. The application must be submitted to the MK Registrar's Office no later than May 23, 2023. 

Gugat ke MK, Advokat Ini Minta Nopol dan STNK Berlaku Seumur Hidup

Judicial review Undang-Undang Nomor 22 Tahun 2009 tentang Lalu Lintas dan Angkutan Jalan (UU LLAJ) diajukan advokat Arifin Purwanto ke Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Selain meminta SIM berlaku seumur hidup, Arifin Purwanto berharap agar nomor polisi (nopol) kendaraan dan STNK berlaku seumur hidup.

Pasal yang dimaksud adalah Pasal 70 ayat 2 UU LLAJ, yang berbunyi:

Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor dan Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun, yang harus dimintakan pengesahan setiap tahun.

"Surat Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor (STNKB) dan Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor (TNKB) berlaku selama 5 (lima) tahun yang harus dimintakan pengesahan setiap tahun tersebut tidak ada dasar hukumnya," demikian kata Arifin Purwanto sebagaimana dilansir website MK, Jumat (12/5/2023).

Arifin Purwanto kemudian menceritakan apa yang dialaminya. Apabila STNKB dan TNKB diganti baru, kendaraan harus dihadirkan di kantor Samsat. Sehingga sepeda motor Arifin Purwanto yang berada di Surabaya harus dibawa ke Madiun.

"Di mana hal tersebut tidak jelas dasar hukumnya, yang berarti hal tersebut bertentangan dengan dengan Pasal 28D ayat 1 UUD 1945. Seandainya STNKB dan TNKB tersebut berlaku selamanya seperti sebelum Indonesia merdeka sampai 1984, maka tidak perlu repot-repot membawa sepeda motor tersebut dari Madiun ke Surabaya," Arifin Purwanto.

Arifin pun mengusulkan agar STNKB dan TNKB berlaku selamanya seperti sebelum Indonesia merdeka hingga 1984.

Hal ini, lanjutnya, untuk mencegah pemalsuan dan pemborosan terhadap STNKB dan TNKB. Oleh karena itu, pemohon dalam petitumnya, meminta MK untuk menyatakan frasa "berlaku selama 5 tahun yang harus dimintakan pengesahan setiap tahun" dalam Pasal 70 ayat 2 UU LLAJ bertentangan dengan UUD 1945.

Atas permohonan itu, hakim konstitusi Suhartoyo menyarankan agar pemohon memperbaiki sistematika permohonan. Ia menilai permohonan harus disesuaikan dengan Hukum Acara Pengujian Undang-Undang sebagaimana tertuang dalam PMK Nomor 2 Tahun 2021 (PMK 2/2021).

"Jadi, kalau mengajukan gugatan di Pengadilan Negeri tentang perbuatan melawan hukum, gugatan cerai di Pengadilan Agama itu semua yang diperiksa oleh hakim adalah pijakannya gugatan atau permohonan di MK. Oleh karena permohonan atau gugatan itu adalah pijakan daripada hakim untuk memeriksa dan kemudian bisa dan tidaknya perkara ini kemudian secara substansial dipertimbangkan oleh hakim sehingga hakim bisa memutus apakah mengabulkan atau menolak itu dasarnya adalah gugatan atau permohonan yang memang memenuhi syarat-syarat formil. Syarat formil itu ya Bapak sudah terangkan di sini kewenangan MK. Nah, itu bisa memenuhi syarat formil itu. Bapak menjelaskan Pasal 24, kemudian Pasal 24C, Pasal 10 UUD MK. Sebaiknya nanti format permohonan diperbaiki, estetika permohonan juga perlu diperhatikan," ujar Suhartoyo.

Ketua panel hakim Wahiduddin Adams mengatakan pemohon diberi waktu 14 hari untuk memperbaiki permohonannya. Selambatnya permohonan harus diserahkan kepada Kepaniteraan MK selambatnya pada 23 Mei 2023.

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