Bobby Nasution Ultimatum Kontraktor Lampu "Pocong": Harus Ganti Rugi, Waktunya 90 Hari

Bobby Nasution Ultimatum Kontraktor Lampu "Pocong": Harus Ganti Rugi, Waktunya 90 Hari

Wali Kota Medan Bobby Nasution menyatakan, proyek pemasangan 'lampu pocong' bernilai Rp 25 miliar gagal total.

Bobby lantas meminta pemenang tender mengembalikan dana Rp 21 miliar yang sudah mereka gunakan kepada Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Medan, Sumatera Utara.

Berdasarkan data di Layanan Pengadaan Secara Elektronik (LPSE) Medan, ada enam perusahan yang memenangkan delapan paket pengerjaan lampu di delapan ruas jalan.

Kini keenam perusahaan itu menjadi sorotan publik.

Kompas .com sempat menelusuri tiga dari enam alamat perusahaan yang memenangkan tender tersebut pada Jum'at (11/5/2023).

Ketiganya CV Biro Teknik Bangunan, CV Sentra Niaga dan CV Sinar Sukses Sempurna.

Dari pengamatan Kompas .com, ketiga perusahaan tampak tidak profesional, karena bukan seperti kantor pada umumnya.

Perusahan tersebut merupakan tempat tinggal warga, bahkan lebih parah lagi, ada perusahaan hanya meminjam alamat rumah koleganya sebagai alamat perusahaanya.

Terkait hal itu, Bobby Nasution menanggapinya santai, yang terpenting menurutnya para pemenang tender harus mengganti uang yang mereka gunakan.

"Itu makannya cocok kita (minta ganti rugi), ini kan gitu, pokoknya uang yang sudah ditetapkan (Rp 21) miliar harus ditagihkan, mau kantornya palsu, yang pasti harus ditagihkan," ujar Bobby kepada wartawan di Gedung Auditorium Universitas Sumatera Utara, Senin (15/5/2023).

Bobby lantas memberi waktu 90 hari kepada para kontraktor untuk mengembalikan uang Rp 21 miliar tersebut.

Bobby Nasution "Pocong" Lighting Contractor's Ultimatum: Compensation Must Be Compensated, Time 90 Days

Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution stated that the project to install a 'pocong lamp' worth Rp 25 billion had failed miserably. 

Bobby then asked the tender winner to return the Rp. 21 billion in funds they had used to the Medan City Government (Pemkot), North Sumatra. 

Based on data from the Medan Electronic Procurement Service (LPSE), there are six companies that have won eight packages for working on lights on eight roads. 

Now the six companies are in the public spotlight. had time to trace three of the six addresses of the companies that won the tender on Friday (11/5/2023). 

The three are CV Building Engineering Bureau, CV Sentra Niaga and CV Sinar Sukses Sempurna. 

From's observation, the three companies appear unprofessional, because they are not like an office in general. 

The company is where residents live, even worse, there are companies that only borrow the home address of their colleagues as their company address. 

In this regard, Bobby Nasution responded casually. The most important thing, according to him, is that the tender winners must reimburse the money they used. 

"It suits us (asking for compensation), that's how it is, the point is that the money that has been set (Rp. 21) billion must be billed, you want the office to be fake, that must be billed," said Bobby to reporters at the Auditorium Building of the University of North Sumatra, Monday (15/5/2023). 

Bobby then gave the contractors 90 days to return the Rp. 21 billion. 

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