Anies Uploads the Moment of Reading the Book 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises'

Anies Uploads the Moment of Reading the Book 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises'

Anies Uploads the Moment of Reading the Book 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises'

Presidential candidate from the Change Coalition for Unity (KPP) Anies Baswedan uploaded a moment when he was reading a book by the sea. Anies read the book 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crisis'. 

As seen by detikcom, Anies uploaded the photo on Wednesday (26/4/2023) afternoon. While sitting with his legs extended, Anies read the book. 

Anies was seen reading a book by the sea, but he did not mention the exact location where the photo was taken. In the photo uploaded by Anies, the title of the book is clearly displayed. Quoted from the Goodreads page, the book 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises' contains principles for dealing with debt crises well. 


The former governor of DKI Jakarta affixed a photo caption or caption for his upload. Anies invites you to read and prepare before tomorrow welcomes a new, better day. 

"The bright sun is now starting to fade. Shady, breezy and calm to read and prepare. Before tomorrow we welcome a new and better day," wrote Anies. 

"For those who have ended their holiday period, congratulations on getting ready to return to work and work tomorrow," he continued. 

Previously, Anies had uploaded a photo of him reading a book entitled 'How Democracies Die' on his social media. Anies uploaded the book while enjoying the holiday atmosphere on the weekend. 

"Good morning everyone. Enjoy Sunday morning," said Anies, Sunday (22/11/2020). 

In the photo, Anies wears a white koko shirt and a brown sarong. Anies read a book entitled 'How Democracies Die' while sitting with his legs crossed. He sits in front of a bookshelf which is the background. 

The book 'How Democracies Die' is the work of Harvard professors Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt. The book discusses several leaders in the world who were elected through the presidential election, but are attached to the label 'dictator'. 

In their book, they note that the emergence of several dictatorship leaders was precisely the result of elections. Democracy dies not because dictator leaders gain power through coups, but rather those who win through the electoral process. 

At least they noted this when Donald Trump, who was promoted by the Republican Party, won the 2016 United States Presidential Election. Trump excelled over the Democratic Party candidate, Hillary Clinton. Even though many local pollsters predict Trump's defeat. Trump allegedly won because he managed to play on the issue of black racism and spread fear through hoaxes. 

Anies Unggah Momen Baca Buku 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises'

Calon presiden dari Koalisi Perubahan untuk Persatuan (KPP) Anies Baswedan mengunggah momen dirinya tengah membaca buku di pinggir laut. Anies membaca buku 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crisis'.

Seperti dilihat detikcom, Anies mengunggah foto itu pada Rabu (26/4/2023) sore. Sambil duduk memanjangkan kaki, Anies membaca buku tersebut.

Anies terlihat membaca buku di pinggir laut namun dia tidak menyebutkan lokasi persis foto itu diambil. Dalam foto yang diunggah Anies, judul buku tersebut terpampang jelas. Dikutip dari laman Goodreads, buku 'Principles for Navigating Big Debt Crises' berisikan prinsip-prinsip menangani krisis utang dengan baik.


Mantan gubernur DKI Jakarta itu membubuhkan keterangan foto atau caption unggahannya. Anies mengajak untuk membaca dan bersiap sebelum besok menyambut hari baru yang lebih baik.

"Matahari yang terang itu, kini mulai meredup terbenam. Teduh, semilir dan tenang untuk membaca dan bersiap. Sebelum esok menyambut hari yang baru dan lebih baik," tulis Anies.

"Bagi yang telah mengakhiri masa liburan, selamat bersiap kembali bekerja dan berkarya esok hari," lanjutnya.

Sebelumnya, Anies pernah mengunggah foto sedang membaca buku berjudul 'How Democracies Die' di media sosialnya. Anies mengunggah buku tersebut sambil menikmati suasana libur di akhir pekan.

"Selamat pagi semua. Selamat menikmati Minggu pagi," kata Anies, Minggu (22/11/2020).

Dalam foto tersebut, Anies memakai baju koko berwarna putih dan sarung berwarna cokelat. Anies membaca buku berjudul 'How Democracies Die' sambil duduk menyilangkan kaki. Ia duduk di depan rak buku yang menjadi latar belakangnya.

Buku 'How Democracies Die' merupakan karya penulis profesor Harvard, Steven Levitsky dan Daniel Ziblatt. Buku tersebut membahas beberapa pemimpin di dunia yang terpilih melalui Pilpres, tetapi lekat dengan label 'diktator'.

Dalam bukunya, mereka mencatat bahwa kemunculan beberapa pemimpin diktator justru merupakan hasil dari pemilu. Demokrasi mati bukan karena pemimpin diktator yang memperoleh kekuasaan lewat kudeta, melainkan justru yang menang melalui proses pemilu.

Setidaknya hal ini mereka catat saat Donald Trump, yang diusung oleh Partai Republik, menang pada Pilpres Amerika Serikat tahun 2016. Trump unggul atas kandidat Partai Demokrat, Hillary Clinton. Padahal banyak lembaga survei lokal yang memprediksi kekalahan Trump. Trump diduga kuat menang karena berhasil memainkan isu rasisme kulit hitam dan menebarkan ketakutan melalui hoax.

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