The workshop that allegedly price-chewed in Sentul Bogor was visited by the police, the police chief: misunderstood
The police visited the location of the workshop that was suspected of asking for prices for motorbike servicing in the Sentul area, Babakan Madang, Bogor Regency, West Java, Monday (1/5/2023) afternoon.
The workshop in Sentul was inspected after a woman who used a motorbike felt that she was being extorted while servicing her vehicle. The price tag upload went viral on social media.
The Head of the Babakan Madang Police, AKP Susilo Tri Wibowo, said officers had investigated the incident at the workshop location.
The police questioned whether there were allegations of extortion by workshop workers.
"Members have come there. The police chief also came to the location," said Susilo, Monday.
The officer then talked with a number of people or employees who were in the workshop.
To the police, the owner of the garage with the initial H denied any extortion or price stamps against motorists or consumers who service motorbikes.
H then mentioned that the viral issue was just a misunderstanding due to communication problems.
"So if the consumer wants to come to the Polsek (report), please complete it," said Susilo.
Susilo explained that the incident started due to a lack of communication between the consumer and the repair shop regarding the disassembly of spare parts.
According to the workshop owner, when they wanted to repair it, there was no agreement on which parts were damaged and what had to be replaced, down to the price.
Furthermore, the vehicle has already been dismantled. After it was disassembled, the employee at the workshop showed me the receipt. The customer was surprised to see the price.
The repair shop owner admitted that the motorbike had overheated due to running out of engine oil. In fact, the damage to the motor has been explained along with the follow-up that must be done for repairs.
However, the consumer objected after seeing the price of repairs that were too expensive.
"(2.7 million is really that price) Yes, those are the details. Because this customer asked to lower the engine. Yes, the customer himself asked (to lower the engine)," he said.
The police also asked consumers who objected to resolve the matter to the Mapolsek.
"There are various locations. It's not just there (Sentul Bogor). The problem has been explained, it's just a miscommunication from the start. Regarding this, we ask consumers who are still dissatisfied to come to the Polsek to solve this problem together," explained Susilo.
Bengkel yang Diduga Getok Harga di Sentul Bogor Didatangi Polisi, Kapolsek: Salah Paham
Polisi mendatangi lokasi bengkel yang diduga melakukan getok harga jasa servis motor di daerah Sentul, Babakan Madang, Kabupaten Bogor, Jawa Barat, Senin (1/5/2023) siang.
Bengkel di Sentul tersebut disidak usai seorang perempuan pengguna motor merasa diperas saat menyervis kendaraan. Unggahan getok harga itu pun viral di media sosial.
Kapolsek Babakan Madang, AKP Susilo Tri Wibowo mengatakan, petugas telah menyelidiki duduk perkara kejadian di lokasi bengkel tersebut
Polisi menanyakan terkait adanya dugaan pemerasan yang dilakukan oleh pekerja bengkel.
"Anggota sudah datang ke sana. Kapolseknya langsung juga yang datang ke lokasi," kata Susilo, Senin.
Petugas kemudian berbincang dengan sejumlah orang atau karyawan yang berada di bengkel tersebut.
Kepada polisi, pemilik bengkel berinisial H membantah adanya pemerasan atau getok harga terhadap pengendara atau konsumen yang servis motor.
H kemudian menyebutkan bahwa persoalan yang viral itu hanya salah paham karena masalah komunikasi saja.
"Jadi kalau si konsumennya mau datang ke Polsek (laporan) silakan diselesaikan," kata Susilo.
Susilo menjelaskan, kejadian itu berawal karena kurangnya komunikasi antara konsumen dan pihak bengkel soal pengerjaan bongkar pasang onderdil.
Menurut pemilik bengkel, saat hendak diperbaiki, belum ada kesepakatan bagian mana saja yang rusak dan apa saja yang harus diganti, hingga soal harga.
Selanjutnya kendaraan sudah terlanjur dibongkar. Setelah dibongkar, karyawan di bengkel itu menunjukkan nota. Si pelanggan tersebut pun kaget melihat harganya.
Pemilik bengkel mengaku bahwa motor tersebut mengalami overheat akibat kehabisan oli mesin. Bahkan, kerusakan motor tersebut sudah dijelaskan berikut tindak lanjut yang harus dilakukan untuk perbaikan.
Namun, si konsumen merasa keberatan setelah melihat harga perbaikan yang terlampau mahal.
"(2,7 juta itu bener harga segitu) Iya itu rinciannya. Karena kan si pelanggan ini minta diturunin mesinnya. Iya, pelanggan itu sendiri yang minta (diturunin mesin)," ungkapnya.
Polisi pun meminta konsumen yang keberatan menyelesaikan persoalan itu ke Mapolsek.
"Lokasinya macem macem itu. Bukan di situ (Sentul Bogor) aja. Duduk permasalahannya sudah dijelaskan hanya salah komunikasi saja dari awal. Mengenai hal itu, kami meminta kepada konsumen yang masih tidak puas bisa mendatangi Polsek untuk sama-sama menyelesaikan masalah ini," jelas Susilo.
News, Entertainment, Health
Sentul Bogor
the police chief
The workshop that allegedly price-chewed
was visited by the police