When KPK "Elders" Come Down from the Mountain, Ask Firli to be Taken Off and Threaten to Report to the Police
The current chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), Firli Bahuri was "shaken" by his predecessors because he was suspected of repeatedly violating ethics, namely leaking confidential documents to litigants.
A number of former leaders, advisory boards to former KPK investigators flocked to the Merah Putih building, on Monday (10/4/2023).
Those who came included former KPK chairman for the 2011 period Abraham Samad, KPK chairman for the 2015 period Saut Situmorang, former KPK deputy chairman for the 2011 period Bambang Widjojanto.
Then, former KPK advisers Abdullah Hehamahua and Budi Santoso, former KPK investigator Novel Baswedan, and a number of KPK employees who were fired.
Through Megaphone, Amnesty International Director Usman Hamid, who led the demonstration, said that this time the KPK was experiencing "rot" from within.
According to Usman, previously the KPK was weakened by outsiders, such as the Gecko vs Crocodile case and the revision of the KPK Law.
According to Usman, the KPK was weakened from within because it was led by problematic people like Firli Bahuri.
The retired police officer is again suspected of violating ethics.
"The only way is to remove the unethical leader, remove Firli, remove Firli!" Uthman shouted.
Firli is again hit by unpleasant issues. He is suspected of leaking documents resulting from an investigation into alleged corruption at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) to the litigants.
Former KPK chairman Abraham Samad said that the documents allegedly leaked by Firli were not an investigation warrant, but the results of investigations and investigations.
The document contains all the issues of alleged corruption that are being investigated and are of a substantial nature.
Apart from that, the document also contains a strategy for dealing with alleged corruption.
According to Abraham, the alleged leak of documents was only one of Firli's many ethical violations.
“There are complete documents in it that are actually the results of an investigation. So it is dangerous,” said Abraham.
Abraham considered that Firli's actions were not only ethical violations, but also criminal.
Abraham said Firli could at least be charged with four different articles, namely, Article 36 in conjunction with Article 65 of the 2019 KPK Law.
Then, Article 21 of the Corruption Law relates to allegations of intentional obstruction of investigations.
Furthermore, Article 112 of the Criminal Code (KUHP). That article regulates the criminal act of leaking confidential letters and information to the state.
Then, Firli can also be charged with Article 54 in conjunction with Article 17 of the Public Information Disclosure Act.
"So apart from ethical violations and behavioral violations, we also conclude that there were criminal violations," said Abraham.
Abraham assessed that it was not difficult for law enforcement officials to investigate Firli's alleged criminal offenses and designate him as a suspect.
Abraham saw that Firli's actions could not be tolerated because they were extraordinary things.
"So APH actually easily examined Firli and made him a suspect," he said.
Frequent Leaking of Documents to Litigant Parties
Former KPK adviser Budi Santoso revealed that this was not the first time Firli had committed this alleged violation.
When Firli was still serving as Deputy for Enforcement at the Corruption Eradication Commission, he had committed a serious ethical violation. However, Firli's sentence has not yet been executed because he has been recalled to the National Police.
"So then it's a process, you can then take part in the selection of KPK leaders, to become KPK leaders," said Budi.
Meanwhile, a former KPK investigator, Novel Baswedan, said that it was common knowledge that Firli had committed many ethical violations.
Firli has carried out this behavior since he was still the Deputy for Enforcement at the KPK.
Novel remembers that at one time when he was participating in an exposure or case presentation, Firli took a photo of a treatise or secret document that was exposed.
The document is prepared by the investigation team to determine whether a case has sufficient evidence and a suspect has been identified.
After being read by the leadership during the exposure, the document was immediately asked to return. However, Firli photographed the secret file.
"But it turned out to be photographed. Well, this is a habit, seeing the habits that seem to be done frequently," said Novel.
According to Novel, Firli allegedly took the same action in the alleged leak of documents resulting from an investigation into the corruption case at ESDM.
Novel suspects that Firli used the same method, namely taking pictures of him and sending them to the litigants.
"This leaking is already at the level of obstructing investigations. Of course, I see this as a crime more,” said Novel.
The former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Saut Situmorang, Abraham Samad, and former senior investigator Novel Baswedan visited the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) building to report alleged ethical violations by Firli Bahuri, Monday (10/4/2023).
The former chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Saut Situmorang, Abraham Samad, and former senior investigator Novel Baswedan visited the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) building to report alleged ethical violations by Firli Bahuri, Monday (10/4/2023). (http: //KOMPAS.com/Syakirun Ni'am)
Former KPK leadership reports Firli to Dewas
After giving an oration in front of the Merah Putih building where Firli Bahuri's office was, the KPK 'elders' then walked to the old KPK building, where the Supervisory Board (Dewas) office was located.
Saut Situmorang, Abraham samad, Bambang Widjojanto, Usman Hamid, Abdullah Hehamahua, Budi Santoso, until Novel met the chairman of the board of directors, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean.
They submitted a report on alleged violations of Firli's ethics, totaling 39 pages.
However, Saut was reluctant to reveal any alleged ethical violations committed by Firli.
He only stated that his party had compiled minutes of alleged violations of Firli's ethics since his career at the KPK.
He also hopes that the KPK Supervisory Board can act professionally following up on this report.
"So that Indonesia can be saved and the KPK's Marwah returns to its original place," said Saut.
After meeting the Dewas leadership, Saut and his entourage returned with not as happy faces. He is pessimistic that Dewas will act professionally and fire Firli Bahuri.
According to Saut, Tumpak actually scolded him and his colleagues who came to complain about Firli's alleged ethical violations.
"Earlier, the contents were all justifications, instead we were scolded like that," said Saut.
Saut said that when he was met, Tumpak complained that the KPK Law limited his powers.
He also said that Dewas had given up even though he had not yet started processing the report on Firli's alleged violations.
He suspected that the report on Firli's alleged criminal violations would run aground just like the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar.
The Dewas are reluctant to follow up on Lili's alleged crimes, such as reporting them to law enforcement officials because they feel they are not authorized.
"There's nothing he has given up, he has no authority," said Saut Situmorang.
Seeing that Dewas could not be relied on so much, Abraham Samad stated that he and other former KPK leaders would report Firli's alleged leak of documents to the police.
"Soon, soon, soon in this short time, no later than tomorrow (report Firli to the police)," said Abraham.
According to Abraham, Fikri must be held criminally accountable for his actions because he was suspected of leaking KPK documents.
If law enforcement officers work professionally, he said, it won't take long to name Firli as a suspect in the alleged criminal act of leaking documents.
"So maybe he can get away with being ethical if the Dewas doesn't work objectively but this time Firli can't get away from criminal responsibility," he said.
For information, information is circulating that the documents investigating the corruption case at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources which is being investigated by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) were leaked.
KPK chairman Firli Bahuri is said to have been involved in leaking these confidential documents. He was also reported to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas).
Responding to this, KPK Institutional Enforcement Spokesman Ali Fikri said he appreciated a number of parties who reported suspected ethical violations to the Council.
According to him, according to their main duties, the Dewas will follow up on the report in a professional manner according to standard operating procedures (SOP) and not be influenced by any party.
"We certainly really appreciate several parties who reported the dynamics and issues of alleged document leaks to Dewas kaa Ali in their written statement.
Ketika Para "Sesepuh" KPK Turun Gunung, Minta Firli Dicopot dan Ancam Lapor Polisi
Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) saat ini, Firli Bahuri ‘digoyang’ para pendahulunya karena diduga berulang kali melanggar etik, yakni membocorkan dokumen rahasia ke pihak berperkara.
Sejumlah mantan pimpinan, dewan penasehat hingga mantan penyidik KPK berbondong-bondong mendatangi gedung Merah Putih, pada Senin (10/4/2023).
Mereka yang datang antara lain, mantan Ketua KPK periode 2011 Abraham Samad, Ketua KPK periode 2015 Saut Situmorang, eks Wakil Ketua KPK periode 2011 Bambang Widjojanto.
Kemudian, mantan penasihat KPK Abdullah Hehamahua dan Budi Santoso, eks penyidik KPK Novel Baswedan, dan sejumlah pegawai KPK yang dipecat.
Melalui Megaphone, Direktur Amnesty International Usman Hamid yang memandu unjuk rasa itu menyebut bahwa KPK kali ini mengalami ‘pembusukan’ dari dalam.
Menurut Usman, pada beberapa waktu sebelumnya KPK dilemahkan oleh pihak luar seperti kasus Cicak Vs Buaya hingga Revisi Undang-Undang KPK.
Menurut Usman, KPK dilemahkan dari dalam karena dipimpin oleh orang bermasalah seperti Firli Bahuri.
Pensiunan polisi itu kembali diduga melanggar etik.
"Jalan satu satunya adalah dengan mencopoti pemimpin yang tidak beretika, copot Firli, copot Firli!" teriak Usman.
Firli lagi-lagi diterpa isu tak sedap. Ia diduga membocorkan dokumen hasil penyelidikan dugaan korupsi di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) kepada pihak berperkara.
Mantan Ketua KPK Abraham Samad menyebut, dokumen yang diduga dibocorkan Firli bukanlah surat perintah penyelidikan, melainkan berkas hasil penyelidikan maupun penyidikan.
Dokumen itu memuat semua persoalan dugaan korupsi yang sedang diusut dan bersifat substansial.
Selain itu, dokumen itu juga memuat strategi penindakan dugaan korupsi dimaksud.
Menurut Abraham, dugaan kebocoran dokumen itu hanya salah satu dari sekian banyak pelanggaran etik Firli.
“Itu ada dokumen lengkap di dalamnya itu sebenarnya hasil penyelidikan. Jadi itu berbahaya,” ujar Abraham.
Abraham menilai, perbuatan Firli bukan saja pelanggaran etik, melainkan pidana.
Abraham menuturkan, Firli setidaknya bisa dijerat dengan empat pasal berbeda yakni, Pasal 36 juncto Pasal 65 Undang-Undang KPK Tahun 2019.
Kemudian, Pasal 21 Undang-Undang Tindak Pidana Korupsi terkait dugaan kesengajaan merintangi penyidikan.
Selanjutnya, Pasal Pasal 112 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana (KUHP). Pasal itu mengatur tindak pidana membocorkan surat dan keterangan rahasia untuk negara.
Lalu, Firli juga bisa dijerat Pasal 54 juncto pasal 17 Undang-Undang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik.
“Jadi selain pelanggaran etik dan pelanggaran perilaku kita juga menyimpulkan ada pelanggaran pidananya,” ujar Abraham.
Abraham menilai, bagi aparat penegak hukum tidak sulit untuk mengusut dugaan pelanggaran pidana Firli dan menetapkannya sebagai tersangka.
Abraham memandang, perbuatan Firli tidak bisa ditolerir karena merupakan hal yang luar biasa.
“Jadi APH dengan mudah sebenarnya memeriksa Firli dan menjadikannya tersangka,” tuturnya.
Sering Bocorkan Dokumen ke Pihak Berperkara
Mantan penasehat KPK, Budi Santoso mengungkapkan, dugaan pelanggaran itu bukan sekali ini dilakukan Firli.
Pada saat Firli masih duduk sebagai Deputi Penindakan KPK, ia pernah melakukan pelanggaran etik berat. Namun, hukuman untuk Firli belum sempat dieksekusi karena ia ditarik kembali ke Polri.
“Nah kemudian berproses, bisa kemudian mengikuti seleksi pimpinan KPK, menjadi pimpinan KPK,” ujar Budi.
Sementara itu, eks penyidik KPK, Novel Baswedan menyebut, sudah menjadi rahasia umum Firli melakukan banyak pelanggaran etik.
Tabiat itu sudah Firli lakukan sejak masih menjabat Deputi Penindakan di KPK.
Novel ingat, pada satu waktu ketika sedang mengikuti ekspose atau gelar perkara, Firli memfoto risalah atau dokumen rahasia ekspose.
Dokumen tersebut disusun oleh tim penyelidikan untuk menentukan apakah suatu kasus telah mencukupi alat bukti dan ditetapkan tersangka.
Setelah dibaca pimpinan saat ekspose, dokumen tersebut seketika diminta kembali. Namun, Firli memotret berkas rahasia itu.
“Tapi ternyata difoto-foto. Nah, inilah kebiasaan, melihat kebiasaan yang nampaknya sering dilakukan,” ujar Novel.
Menurut Novel, tindakan yang sama juga diduga dilakukan Firli dalam kasus dugaan kebocoran dokumen hasil penyelidikan kasus korupsi di ESDM.
Novel menduga Firli melakukan modus yang sama, yakni memotretnya dan mengirimnya pada pihak berperkara.
“Ini kan membocorkannya sudah pada level menghalang-halangi penyidikan. Tentunya saya lebih melihat ini pidana,” tutur Novel.
Mantan Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Saut Situmorang, Abraham Samad, hingga mantan penyidik senior Novel Baswedan mendatangi gedung Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK guna melaporkan dugaan pelanggaran etik yang dilakukan Firli Bahuri, Senin (10/4/2023).
Mantan Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Saut Situmorang, Abraham Samad, hingga mantan penyidik senior Novel Baswedan mendatangi gedung Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK guna melaporkan dugaan pelanggaran etik yang dilakukan Firli Bahuri, Senin (10/4/2023).(http://KOMPAS.com/Syakirun Ni'am)
Eks Pimpinan KPK Laporkan Firli ke Dewas
Usai menggelar orasi di depan gedung Merah Putih tempat kantor Firli Bahuri, ‘sesepuh’ KPK itu kemudian berjalan kaki ke gedung KPK lama, tempat kantor Dewan Pengawas (Dewas).
Saut Situmorang, Abraham samad, Bambang Widjojanto, Usman Hamid, Abdullah Hehamahua, Budi Santoso, hingga Novel menemui Ketua Dewas, Tumpak Hatorangan Panggabean.
Mereka menyampaikan berkas laporan dugaan pelanggaran etik Firli yang berjumlah 39 halaman.
Meski demikian, Saut enggan membeberkan apa saja dugaan pelanggaran etik yang dilakukan Firli.
Ia hanya menyebut, pihaknya telah menyusun risalah dugaan pelanggaran etik Firli sejak ia berkarir di KPK.
Pihaknya pun berharap, Dewas KPK bisa bertindak secara profesional menindaklanjuti laporan ini.
"Supaya Indonesia bisa terselamatkan dan Marwah KPK kembali ke tempat semula," tutur Saut.
Usai menemui pimpinan Dewas, Saut dan rombongannya kembali dengan wajah tidak semringah. Pihaknya pesimistis Dewas bakal bertindak profesional hingga memecat Firli Bahuri.
Menurut Saut, Tumpak justru memarahi ia dan koleganya yang datang untuk mengadukan dugaan pelanggaran etik Firli.
“Tadi isinya justifikasi semua, malah kita dimarah-marahin gitu,” ujar Saut.
Saut mengatakan, saat ditemui, Tumpak justru mengeluhkan Undang-Undang KPK yang membatasi kewenangannya.
Ia juga menyebut, Dewas sudah menyerah padahal belum mulai memproses laporan dugaan pelanggaran Firli.
Ia menduga, laporan dugaan pelanggaran pidana Firli akan kandas seperti halnya Wakil Ketua KPK, Lili Pintauli Siregar.
Dewas enggan menindaklanjuti dugaan pidana Lili seperti melaporkan ke aparat penegak hukum karena merasa tidak berwenang.
“Belum apa-apa dia sudah menyerah, dia tidak punya wewenang,” ujar Saut Situmorang.
Melihat Dewas tidak bisa begitu diharapkan, Abraham Samad menyatakan ia dan mantan pimpinan KPK lainnya bakal melaporkan dugaan pembocoran dokumen oleh Firli ke polisi.
“Segera, segera, segera dalam waktu yang singkat ini, paling lambat besok (laporkan Firli ke polisi),” kata Abraham.
Menurut Abraham, Fikri harus mempertanggungjawabkan perbuatannya secara pidana karena diduga membocorkan dokumen KPK.
Jika aparat penegak hukum bekerja secara profesional, kata dia, tidak dibutuhkan waktu lama untuk menetapkan Firli sebagai tersangka dugaan tindak pidana pembocoran dokumen.
“Jadi mungkin saja dia bisa lolos di etik kalau Dewas tidak bekerja secara objektif tapi kali ini Firli tidak bisa lolos dari pertanggungjawaban pidananya,” kata dia.
Sebagai informasi, beredar informasi bahwa dokumen penyelidikan kasus korupsi di Kementerian ESDM yang tengah diusut KPK bocor.
Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri disebut terlibat membocorkan dokumen yang bersifat rahasia tersebut. Ia pun dilaporkan ke Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK.
Menanggapi hal ini, Juru Bicara Penindakan Kelembagaan KPK, Ali Fikri mengaku menghargai sejumlah pihak yang melaporkan dugaan pelanggaran etik ke Dewas.
Menurutnya, sesuai tugas pokoknya, Dewas akan menindaklanjuti laporan itu dengan profesional sesuai standar operasional prosedur (SOP) dan tidak terpengaruh oleh pihak manapun.
“Kami tentu sangat menghargai beberapa pihak yang melaporkan dinamika dan isu dugaan kebocoran dokumen kepada Dewas kaa Ali dalam keterangan tertulisnya.
News, Entertainment, Health
Ask Firli to be Taken Off
Come Down from the Mountain
Threaten to Report to the Police
When KPK