Village Head's Nmax Motorbike Jepara viral, Used by Pillion Three, Regency Government: Repeated, We Pulled Motorbike

Village Head's Nmax Motorbike Jepara viral, Used by Pillion Three, Regency Government: Repeated, We Pulled Motorbike

The Jepara Regency Government issued a warning, the viral tail of the Nmax motorbike was that a village head (kades) was used as a cenglu (three pillion). 

Previously, local residents showed three teenagers riding a red motorbike crossing Margoyoso National Road. 

In the viral video, the three teenagers stop at the red light at the Gotri T-junction, Kalinyamatan District. 

It was discovered that the motorbike with police number 6371 XL belonged to the head of the village in Renggaan, Pecangaan District, and it was revealed that one of the teenagers who took the three pillion pills was the village head's son. 

The government through the Head of the Jepara Regency Community and Village Empowerment Social Service (Dinsospermades), Edy Marwoto, admitted that he regretted the incident. 

He emphasized that he would not remain silent about the incident, which occurred less than 24 hours after the Yamaha product motorbike was received by village officials on Monday (10/4/2023). 

Edy said that he had sent staff to Rending Village to give a warning for the virality of the incident. 

"Please use this new motorbike according to its purpose. It is for tasks and services to the community by high-ranking officers or village officials. Or for other purposes, for example, it is used by other people with the knowledge of the high-ranking sir. And must comply with traffic regulations," Edy ordered, Wednesday (12/4/2023). 

Edy continued, the warning was the first action against the use of official motorbikes. 

"If it's repeated later, we might be able to withdraw the motorbike because its current status is still property of the agency. Because we haven't given it yet. This is borrowed from high-ranking officials," said Edy Marwoto to 


Motor Nmax Kades di Jepara Viral Dipakai Bonceng Tiga, Pemkab: Diulangi, Motornya Kami Tarik

Pemerintah Kabupaten Jepara mengeluarkan peringatan, buntut viralnya motor Nmax seorang kepala desa (kades) dipakai cenglu (bonceng tiga).

Sebelumnya, warga setempat dipertontonkan tiga orang remaja mengendarai motor berwarna merah itu melintas di Jalan Nasional Margoyoso.

Dalam video yang viral, tiga remaja tersebut berhenti di lampu merah pertigaan Gotri, Kecamatan Kalinyamatan.

Diketahui, motor dengan nomor polisi 6371 XL itu milik kepala desa di Rengging, Kecamatan Pecangaan, dan terungkap salah satu remaja pelaku bonceng tiga itu adalah anak si kades.

Pemerintah melalui Kepala Dinas Sosial Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa (Dinsospermades) Kabupaten Jepara, Edy Marwoto mengaku menyayangkan insiden tersebut.

Dia menegaskan tidak tinggal diam dengan peristiwa itu, yang terjadi kurang dari 24 jam setelah motor produk Yamaha itu diterima para petinggi desa pada Senin (10/4/2023).

Edy mengatakan sudah mengirimkan staf ke Desa Rengging untuk memberikan teguran atas viralnya kejadian itu.

"Tolong motor baru ini digunakan sesuai peruntukannya. Untuk tugas dan pelayanan kepada masyarakat oleh pak petinggi atau pak perangkat desa. Atau peruntukan untuk yang lain, misalnya, dipakai oleh masyarakat yang lain itu atas sepengetahuan dari pak petinggi. Dan harus mematuhi peraturan lalu lintas," pesan Edy, Rabu (12/4/2023).

Edy melanjutkan, teguran itu merupakan penindakan pertama atas penggunaan sepeda motor dinas.

“Kalau nanti diulangi lagi bisa saja sepeda motor itu bisa kita tarik karena statusnya saat ini masih barang milik dinas. Karena kita belum hibahkan. Ini pinjam pakai ke petinggi,” kata Edy Marwoto kepada tribunmuria .com.

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