Tiktoker Bima Officially Reported by the ITE Law, Family Requests Legal Assistance

Tiktoker Bima Officially Reported by the ITE Law, Family Requests Legal Assistance

Tiktoker, a critic of Lampung Province, Bima Yudho Saputro, was officially reported by lawyer Ginda Ansori to the Lampung Regional Police. 

Bima was reported with the Electronic Information and Electronic Transactions Law (UU ITE). 

Head of Public Relations of the Lampung Regional Police, Senior Commissioner (Kombes) Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, confirmed that there was an official report on Bima's Tiktoker. 

"It is true that it was reported on April 13 yesterday," said Pandra when contacted, Saturday (16/4/2023). 

Pandra said the report had been received by the police. 

"Based on the Criminal Procedure Code, the police do not reject public reports. All members of society are equal before the law," said Pandra. 

According to him, the tiktoker was reported for alleged violations of the ITE Law. 

He added that currently the police are still investigating what was reported. 

"Whether it meets the elements or not, we will hold a case first," said Pandra. 

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Bima family, Bambang Sukoco, admitted that he had received information that Bima had been officially reported to the police. 

"We will immediately ask for legal assistance to deal with the report," said Bambang. 

It is known that Ginda Anshori previously only complained about Bima to the Lampung Regional Police for hate speech regarding the viral video. 

In the video, apart from presenting his criticism of Lampung's condition, Ginda complains about Bima's diction of "Dajjal" when he mentions the name of Lampung province. 

Until this news was made, there was no confirmation from the reporter Ginda Anshori. 

Tiktoker Bima Resmi Dilaporkan UU ITE, Keluarga Minta Pendampingan Hukum

Tiktoker pengkritik Provinsi Lampung, Bima Yudho Saputro, resmi dilaporkan pengacara Ginda Ansori ke Polda Lampung.

Bima dilaporkan dengan Undang-Undang Informasi Elektronik dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE).

Kepala Bidang Humas Polda Lampung, Komisaris Besar (Kombes) Zahwani Pandra Arsyad, membenarkan adanya laporan resmi terhadap Tiktoker Bima tersebut.

"Benar sudah dilaporkan tanggal 13 April kemarin," kata Pandra saat dihubungi, Sabtu (16/4/2023).

Pandra mengatakan, laporan itu telah diterima oleh kepolisian.

"Berdasarkan KUHAP kepolisian tidak menolak laporan masyarakat. Semua masyarakat sama posisinya di mata hukum," kata Pandra.

Menurutnya, tiktoker itu dilaporkan atas dugaan pelanggaran UU ITE.

Dia menambahkan, saat ini kepolisian masih melakukan penyelidikan atas apa yang dilaporkan tersebut.

"Apakah memenuhi unsur atau tidak, nanti kita gelar perkara dahulu," kata Pandra.

Sementara itu, juru bicara keluarga Bima, Bambang Sukoco mengaku sudah mendapatkan informasi bahwa Bima dilaporkan secara resmi ke kepolisian.

"Kita akan secepatnya meminta pendampingan hukum untuk menghadapi laporan tersebut," tutur Bambang.

Diketahui, Ginda Anshori sebelumnya hanya mengadukan Bima ke Polda Lampung atas ujaran kebencian terkait video yang viral.

Dalam video tersebut, selain melakukan presentasi kritikannya atas kondisi Lampung, Bima diadukan oleh Ginda atas diksi "Dajjal" saat menyebut nama provinsi Lampung.

Hingga berita ini dibuat, belum ada konfirmasi dari pelapor Ginda Anshori tersebut.

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