TNI soldier dies while looking for pilot Susi Air, Commission I: KKB must be crushed, they don't care about human rights

TNI soldier dies while looking for pilot Susi Air, Commission I: KKB must be crushed, they don't care about human rights

Member of Commission I DPR of the Golkar faction Dave Laksono emphasized that the terrorist armed criminal group (KKB) in Papua must be eradicated. In addition, the KKB recently attacked the TNI, which was conducting an operation to search for Susi Air pilot Philip Marks Methrtens. 

In this incident, a TNI soldier was killed. Dave also encouraged the KKB to be immediately annihilated from Indonesia. 

"From the beginning I said, the TNI must act decisively to eradicate these terrorists. They are clearly rebels who must be crushed from the motherland," said Dave when asked for confirmation, Monday (17/4/2023). 

Dave explained that the KKB had never cared about the human rights they had violated so far. 

In fact, he said, the KKB often used human rights issues for the sake of their separatist movement. 

"They never cared about anyone's human rights, and always used these issues for separatist interests," he said. 

Meanwhile, Dave also encouraged those who had helped the KKB so far to be hunted down. 

According to Dave, the KKB supporters were also perpetrators of gross human rights violations. 

"And also all parties who have supported their activities, it is also obligatory for us to pursue and process them. Because they are also serious human rights violators," added Dave. 

Chronology of Pratu Arifin was shot dead by the KKB
The Head of the Indonesian Armed Forces Information Center (Kapuspen) Rear Admiral Julius Widjojono explained the chronology of the events of the Infantry Battalion (Yonif) Raider 321/Galuh Taruna soldiers who were attacked by the KKB during an operation to search for a Susi Air pilot, Philips Mark Methrtens (37). 

The attack took place in Mugi District, Nduga Regency, Papua Mountains, Saturday (15/4/2023) afternoon. 

As a result of the attack, a soldier from the Army Strategic Reserves Command (Kostrad), Private Miftahul Arifin, died. 

Julius said the attack occurred when the Yonif Raider 321 Task Force was approaching the position of the Philips hostage taker. 

"The Task Force (Yonif Raider 321) tried to comb closer to the positions of the hostage takers (KKB), then there was an attack from them (armed criminal groups)," said Julius during a press conference at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Sunday (16/4 /2023). 

As a result of the attack, Private Private Miftahul Arifin fell into a ravine with a depth of 15 meters. 

After that, continued Julius, there was a follow-up attack from the KKB on the Yonif Raider 321 Task Force. 

"When (soldiers) tried to help (Pratu Miftahul), (they) received repeated attacks," said Julius. 

Julius denied reports that six soldiers had died as a result of the follow-up attack. He said the condition of the other soldiers who received the follow-up attack was still being investigated. 

"Other conditions are still in the deepening stage," said Julius. 

"We will review the number of victims later, and we will convey it," said Julius. 

Separately, Head of Information for Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih Colonel (Kav) Herman Taryaman said the attack took place on Saturday, around 16.30 WIT. 

"The attack by the KST gang (terrorist separatist group) on TNI soldiers who were carrying out assignments in the Nduga Regency area was in the context of searching for Susi Air pilots," Herman said when contacted, Sunday. 


Prajurit TNI Gugur Saat Cari Pilot Susi Air, Komisi I: KKB Wajib Dilumat, Mereka Tak Peduli HAM

Anggota Komisi I DPR Fraksi Golkar Dave Laksono menegaskan teroris kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) Papua harus diberantas. Apalagi, baru-baru ini KKB menyerang TNI yang sedang melakukan operasi pencarian pilot Susi Air, Philip Marks Methrtens.

Dalam peristiwa tersebut, seorang prajurit TNI tewas. Dave pun mendorong KKB segera ditumpas dari Indonesia.

"Sejak awal saya katakan, TNI harus bertindak tegas memberantas teroris ini. Mereka jelas-jelas pemberontak yang wajib dilumatkan dari bumi pertiwi," ujar Dave saat dimintai konfirmasi, Senin (17/4/2023).

Dave menjelaskan, KKB tidak pernah peduli dengan hak asasi manusia (HAM) yang mereka langgar selama ini.

Bahkan, kata dia, KKB malah kerap menggunakan isu HAM demi gerakan separatis mereka.

"Mereka tidak pernah peduli dengan HAM siapapun, dan selalu menggunakan isu-isu tersebut untuk kepentingan separatis," tuturnya.

Sementara itu, Dave juga mendorong agar pihak-pihak yang membantu KKB selama ini turut diburu.

Menurut Dave, para penyokong KKB ini juga merupakan pelaku pelanggaran HAM berat.

"Dan juga semua pihak yang telah menyokong kegiatan mereka, juga wajib untuk kita kejar dan proses. Karena mereka juga pelanggar HAM berat," imbuh Dave.

Kronologi Pratu Arifin gugur ditembaki KKB
Kepala Pusat Penerangan (Kapuspen) TNI Laksamana Muda Julius Widjojono memaparkan kronologi soal peristiwa prajurit Satuan Tugas (Satgas) Batalion Infanteri (Yonif) Raider 321/Galuh Taruna yang diserang KKB saat operasi pencarian pilot Susi Air, Philips Mark Methrtens (37).

Adapun penyerangan tersebut terjadi di Distrik Mugi, Kabupaten Nduga, Papua Pegunungan, Sabtu (15/4/2023) sore.

Akibat penyerangan itu, satu prajurit Komando Cadangan Strategis Angkatan Darat (Kostrad), Pratu Miftahul Arifin, gugur.

Julius mengatakan, peristiwa penyerangan itu terjadi ketika Satgas Yonif Raider 321 sedang mendekati posisi penyandera Philips.

“Dari Satgas (Yonif Raider 321) mencoba menyisir mendekati posisi dari para penyandera (KKB), kemudian ada serangan dari mereka (kelompok kriminal bersenjata),” kata Julius saat konferensi pers di Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (16/4/2023).

Akibat penyerangan tersebut, Pratu Miftahul Arifin terjatuh ke jurang dengan kedalaman 15 meter.

Setelah itu, lanjut Julius, terjadi serangan lanjutan dari KKB terhadap Satgas Yonif Raider 321.

“Ketika (prajurit) mencoba untuk menolong (Pratu Miftahul), (mereka) mendapatkan serangan ulang,” ujar Julius.

Julius membantah kabar yang menyebutkann ada enam prajurit yang gugur akibat penyerangan susulan itu. Dia mengatakan, kondisi prajurit lain yang mendapatkan serangan susulan itu masih didalami.

“Kondisi lainnya masih dalam tahap pendalaman,” tutur Julius.

“Untuk jumlah korban nanti akan kami data ulang, dan kami sampaikan,” kata Julius.

Terpisah, Kepala Penerangan Kodam XVII/Cenderawasih Kolonel (Kav) Herman Taryaman mengatakan, penyerangan tersebut terjadi pada Sabtu, sekira pukul 16.30 WIT.

“Kejadian penyerangan oleh gerombolan KST (kelompok separatis teroris) terhadap prajurit TNI yang sedang melaksanakan tugas di wilayah Kabupaten Nduga dalam rangka pencarian pilot Susi Air,” kata Herman saat dihubungi, Minggu.

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