Taking bribes, the mayor of Bandung and the Plesiran family go to Thailand and buy LV shoes

Taking bribes, the mayor of Bandung and the Plesiran family go to Thailand and buy LV shoes

Taking bribes, the mayor of Bandung and the Plesiran family go to Thailand and buy LV shoes

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) suspects that the mayor of Bandung, West Java, and his family received free trips to Thailand using PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna's (SMA) budget. 

Meanwhile, PT SMA is one of the companies implementing the CCTV procurement project and internet services for the Bandung Smart City program. 

Apart from Yana and her family, the Head of the Bandung City Government (Pemkot) Transportation Service (Kadishub), Dadang Darmawan and Secretary of the Bandung City Transportation Agency, Khairul Rijal also took part in the trip. 

"Around January 2023, Yana and her family, Dadang and Khairul Rijal also received facilities to Thailand using PT SMA's budget," said Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron at a press conference at the KPK, Sunday (16/4/2023) early morning. 

Apart from that, Ghufron also said that Yana allegedly received pocket money from the PT SMA Manager, Andreas Guntoro. The money was given through Khairul Rijal. 

Yana then used the money to buy luxury goods which were later confiscated by the KPK as evidence of a sting operation (OTT). 

"Yana Mulyana used the pocket money to buy a pair of Louis Vuitton brand shoes," said Ghufron. 

Apart from that, the KPK also suspects that Dadan received money from Andreas through Khairul Rijal which was intended for preparations for the 2023 Eid. 

The bribe was given because Dadang had ordered to change the payment terms for internet service work contracts worth IDR 2.5 billion from 3 terms to 4 terms. 

"As initial evidence of receipt of money by Yana and Dadang through Khairul Rijal worth around IDR 924.6 million," said Ghufron. 

In this case, the KPK has named 6 suspects, including Yana and Dadang. 

Dadan and the Secretary of Transportation for the Bandung City Government with the initials Khairul Rijal will spend the first 20 days in detention at the Navy Military Police Command Headquarters (Puspomal). 

Then, Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Benny; PT SMA Manager, Andreas Guntoro; and CEO of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (Cifo), Sony Setiadi at the Pomdam Jaya Guntur detention center. 

Terima Suap, Wali Kota Bandung dan Keluarga Plesiran ke Thailand dan Beli Sepatu LV

Komisi Pemberantasam Korupsi (KPK) menduga Wali Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat berikut keluarganya mendapat fasiliras jalan-jalan gratis ke Thailand dengan menggunakan anggaran PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA).

Adapun PT SMA merupakan salah satu perusahaan yang menjadi pelaksana proyek pengadaan CCTV dan layanan jasa internet untuk program Bandung Smart City.

Selain Yana dan keluarganya, Kepala Dinas Perhubungan (Kadishub) Pemerintah Kota (Pemkot) Bandung, Dadang Darmawan dan Sekretaris Dishub Kota Bandung, Khairul Rijal juga turut serta dalam perjalanan itu.

“Sekitar Januari 2023, Yana bersama keluarga, Dadang dan Khairul Rijal juga menerima fasilitas ke Thailand dengan menggunakan anggaran milik PT SMA,” ujar Wakil Ketua KPK, Nurul Ghufron dalam konferensi pers di KPK, Minggu (16/4/2023) dini hari.

Selain itu, Ghufron juga menyebut Yana diduga menerima uang saku dari Manager PT SMA, Andreas Guntoro. Uang itu diberikan melalui Khairul Rijal.

Yana kemudian menggunakan uang tersebut untuk membeli barang mewah yang kemudian disita KPK sebagai barang bukti operasi tangkap tangan (OTT).

“Yana Mulyana menggunakan uang saku tersebut dengan membeli sepasang sepatu merek Louis Vuitton,” kata Ghufron.

Selain itu, KPK juga menduga Dadan menerima uang dari Andreas melalui Khairul Rijal yang diperuntukkan persiapan menyambut lebaran 2023.

Adapun suap diberikan karena Dadang telah memerintahkan untuk mengubah termin pembayaran kontrak pekerjaan jasa internet senilai Rp 2,5 miliar dari 3 termin menjadi 4 termin.

“Sebagai bukti awal penerimaan uang oleh Yana dan Dadang melalui Khairul Rijal senilai sekitar Rp 924,6 juta,” tutur Ghufron.

Dalam perkara ini, KPK telah menetapkan 6 tersangka, termasuk Yana dan Dadang.

Dadan dan Sekretaris Perhubungan Pemkot Bandung berinisial Khairul Rijal akan mendekam selama 20 hari pertama di rumah tahanan pada Markas Komando Pusat Polisi Militer Angkatan Laut (Puspomal).

Kemudian, Direktur PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) Benny; Manager PT SMA, Andreas Guntoro; dan CEO PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (Cifo), Sony Setiadi di rutan Pomdam Jaya Guntur.

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