KPK Promises to Trace Alleged Leakage of Corruption Investigations that Failed OTT
Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Ghufron stated that his party would examine whether the leak of information on the alleged corruption investigation at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) resulted in a failed sting operation (OTT).
The investigation is related to the handling of cases of alleged corruption in export governance and mining permits at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.
This leak is said to involve the Chairman of the KPK, Firli Bahuri and the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif.
"We will follow up first, we will check first whether it is true because the information has resulted in the activities that we have carried out being hindered or hampered or even failed?" said Ghufron when met by media crew at the KPK building, Sunday (16/4/2023) in the morning.
Ghufron said that all public complaints would be followed up in a professional manner.
He asked the public to believe that if there are members of the Corruption Eradication Committee who are suspected of leaking investigative information and are reported, they will be dealt with firmly and professionally.
The KPK will investigate the alleged violations committed by these persons.
"Please believe that if there are internal KPK parties who are suspected of (obstructing the investigation) the KPK will continue to carry out investigative activities on whatever is reported," said Ghufron.
"KPK will be firm in a professional and independent manner," he added.
Previously, the Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman reported officials from the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, IS and MAT for allegedly obstructing the investigation.
They are suspected of being involved in the leak of investigative information.
Reports are sent to the KPK's Public Complaints Section (Dumas) via email.
The leaked data was discovered by the investigation team when they searched the office of the Legal Bureau of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources with the initials IS.
He admitted that he got the documents from the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Arifin Tasrif, who allegedly came from KPK chairman Firli Bahuri.
"The actions of the target party (person) will at least make it difficult for KPK investigators to monitor the movements of the target party and the end of the failure to carry out OTT," Boyamin said in a written statement to, Friday (14/3/2023).
Because of the data leak, Boyamin suspects that a number of parties suspected of being involved in corruption have lost track.
They are suspected of changing cellular and cellphone numbers, changing vehicles, renting vehicles, and reducing meetings and communication with a number of parties.
"Automatically it cannot be upgraded to the investigation stage of the case and OTT cannot be carried out," said Boyamin.
KPK Janji Telusuri Dugaan Bocornya Penyelidikan Korupsi yang Bikin Gagal OTT
Wakil Ketua Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) Nurul Ghufron menyatakan, pihaknya akan memeriksa apakah kebocoran informasi penyelidikan dugaan korupsi di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (ESDM) mengakibatkan operasi tangkap tangan (OTT) gagal.
Penyelidikan dimaksud terkait penanganan perkara dugaan korupsi pada tata kelola ekspor dan izin pertambangan di Kementerian ESDM.
Kebocoran ini disebut-sebut melibatkan Ketua KPK, Firli Bahuri dan Menteri ESDM, Arifin Tasrif.
“Kami akan tindaklanjuti dulu, akan diperiksa dulu apakah benar karena informasi itu mengakibatkan kegiatan yang sudah kami lakukan terhalang atau terhambat atau bahkan gagal?” ujar Ghufron saat ditemui awak media di gedung KPK, Minggu (16/4/2023) dini hari.
Ghufron mengatakan, semua aduan masyarakat akan ditindaklanjuti secara profesional.
Ia meminta masyarakat percaya jika terdapat anggota KPK yang diduga membocorkan informasi penyelidikan dan dilaporkan, maka akan ditindak tegas dan profesional.
KPK akan menyelidiki dugaan pelanggaran yang dilakukan oleh oknum tersebut.
“Percayalah kalau ada pihak internal KPK yang kemudian diduga (menghalangi penyidikan) KPK akan tetap melakukan kegiatan penyelidikan atas apapun yang dilaporkan,” kata Ghufron.
“KPK akan tegas secara profesional dan independen,” tambah dia.
Sebelumnya, Koordinator Masyarakat Anti Korupsi Indonesia (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman melaporkan pejabat Kementerian ESDM, IS dan MAT atas dugaan menghalang-halangi penyidikan.
Mereka diduga terlibat dalam kebocoran informasi penyelidikan.
Laporan dikirimkan ke bagian Pengaduan Masyarakat (Dumas) KPK melalui pesan surel.
Data yang bocor itu ditemukan tim penyidik saat menggeledah kantor Kabiro Hukum Kementerian ESDM berinisial IS.
Ia mengaku mendapatkan dokumen itu dari Menteri ESDM Arifin Tasrif yang diduga berasal dari Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri.
“Perbuatan pihak sasaran (oknum) setidaknya akan mempersulit Penyelidik KPK memantau pergerakan pihak tersasar dan ujung kegagalan melakukan OTT,” kata Boyamin dalam keterangan tertulisnya kepada Kompas .com, Jumat (14/3/2023).
Gara-gara kebocoran data itu, Boyamin menduga sejumlah pihak yang diduga terkait korupsi itu menghilangkan jejak.
Mereka diduga mengganti nomor seluler dan ponsel, mengganti kendaraan, menyewa kendaraan, dan mengurangi pertemuan maupun komunikasi dengan sejumlah pihak.
“Otomatis tidak dapat ditingkatkan ke tahap penyidikan perkara tersebut dan tidak dapat dilakukan OTT,” ujar Boyamin.
News, Entertainment, Health
Corruption Investigations that Failed OTT
Promises to Trace Alleged Leakage