Response to Tiktokters Case Criticism of Lampung, KPK Calls Infrastructure Damaged Quickly Deserves Suspicion of Corruption

Response to Tiktokters Case Criticism of Lampung, KPK Calls Infrastructure Damaged Quickly Deserves Suspicion of Corruption

The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) stated that it could monitor road construction in Lampung Province which was in the spotlight after being criticized by someone named Bima Yudho Saputro through the TikTok account @awbimaxreborn. 

KPK deputy chairman Nurul Ghufron explained that the KPK's role in carrying out monitoring in one of the provinces of Sumatra would be carried out if there was information regarding development that was not optimal. 

For example, there was a road repair project in Lampung that had just been completed but was damaged again. If this happens, Ghufron suspects that there are practices that are not in accordance with the actual plan. 

"The KPK's authority relates to projects that are corrupt, but if the projects are not effective, then for example they are not implemented so that they are damaged, especially before going home like this, of course it is still within the framework of the government's program," explained Ghufron in a press conference at theRed and White KPK, Jakarta, Sunday (16/4/2023). 

"However, if there is information that 'Sir, it has been carried out sir, but how come it was only a month, two months damaged', it is suspected that the project is not true, one of which may need to be suspected of corruption," he continued. 

Nevertheless, Ghufron asked the public to continue to participate in providing information regarding government projects that were suspected of having problems. 

He ensured that the report received by the Anti-Corruption Commission would be investigated for immediate follow-up if irregularities were found in it. 

"What is so-so is that the KPK will come down to monitor, because if it has been implemented (a project) it means that the determination of implementation authority has already been completed," said Ghufron. 

"I also ask media friends to also provide information if there are suspicious things like that," he added. 

The figure of Bima Yudho Saputro, the owner of the TikTok account @awbimaxreborn, is currently in the spotlight after the presentation content entitled "the reason Lampung is not moving forward" went viral. reported (15/4/2023), the 3 minute 28 second video criticized the condition of a number of sectors in Lampung. 

Several sectors were criticized, including those related to infrastructure, the New City project, education, bureaucratic governance, agriculture, and crime rates. 

Bima Yudho said that much of the infrastructure in Lampung was damaged, while the Kota Baru project was said to have been stalled for a long time. 

This account also mentions that education in Lampung is not evenly distributed, resulting in dependence on agriculture. 

Respons Kasus Tiktokters Kritik Lampung, KPK Sebut Infrastruktur Cepat Rusak Patut Dicurigai Korupsi

Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) menyatakan, bisa memantau pembangunan jalan di Provinsi Lampung yang menjadi sorotan usai dikritik oleh seseorang bernama Bima Yudho Saputro melalui akun TikTok @awbimaxreborn.

Wakil Ketua KPK Nurul Ghufron menjelaskan, peran KPK untuk melakukan pemantauan di salah satu provinsi Sumatera itu bakal dilakukan apabila ada informasi mengenai pembangunan yang tidak maksimal.

Misalnya, ada proyek perbaikan jalan di Lampung baru saja rampung dilakukan tetapi kembali rusak. Jika hal ini terjadi, Ghufron menduga ada praktik yang tidak sesuai dengan perencanaan sebenarnya.

"Kewenangan KPK itu yang berkaitan dengan proyek-proyek yang dikorup, tapi kalau proyek-proyek yang tidak efektif, kemudian misalnya tidak dilaksanakan sehingga rusak apalagi menjelang mudik begini, itu tentunya masih dalam kerangka program pemerintah," jelas Ghufron dalam konferensi pers di Gedung Merah Putih KPK, Jakata, Minggu (16/4/2023).

"Tapi, kalau sekiranya ada info bahwa 'Pak itu sudah dilaksanakan Pak, tapi kok baru sebulan, dua bulan rusak', itu diduga proyeknya ada yang tidak benar, yang salah satunya mungkin perlu dicurigai ada korupsi," lanjut dia.

Kendati demikian, Ghufron meminta masyarakat terus berpartisipasi untuk memberikan informasi terkait adanya proyek pemerintah yang diduga bermasalah.

Ia memastikan laporan yang diterima oleh Komisi Antirasuah itu bakal didalami untuk segera ditindaklanjuti jika ditemukan penyimpangan di dalamnya.

"Yang begitu-begitu baru KPK akan turun untuk memonitor, karena kalau sudah dilaksanakan (suatu proyek) berarti penentuan wewenang pelaksanaan yang sudah selesai," kata Ghufron.

"Mohon juga kepada teman-teman media untuk juga memberikan informasi kalau sekiranya ada hal-hal yang mencurigakan seperti itu," imbuh dia.

Sosok Bima Yudho Saputro pemilik akun TikTok @awbimaxreborn tengah menuai sorotan usai konten presentasi bertajuk "alasan Lampung tidak maju-maju" viral.

Diberitakan Kompas .com (15/4/2023), video berdurasi 3 menit 28 detik itu melontarkan kritik terhadap kondisi sejumlah sektor di Lampung.

Beberapa sektor yang dikritik, di antaranya terkait infrastruktur, proyek Kota Baru, pendidikan, tata kelola birokrasi, pertanian, dan tingkat kriminalitas.

Bima Yudho menyebut, infrastruktur di Lampung banyak yang rusak, sementara proyek Kota Baru disebut mangkrak sejak lama.

Akun ini pun menyebut bahwa pendidikan di Lampung tidak merata hingga ketergantungan akan pertanian.

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