Justice Care Alliance Reports Firli Bahuri to the KPK-Polda Metro Council

Justice Care Alliance Reports Firli Bahuri to the KPK-Polda Metro Council

The Justice Care Movement Alliance (PB AGPK) reported KPK chairman Firli Bahuri to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) and Polda Metro Jaya regarding allegations of KPK data leaks. The report to the KPK Board of Trustees has now been received, while the one at Polda is still being processed. 

"Today PB AGPK together with the PPPN Coordinator reported allegations of ethical and criminal violations related to the leak of KPK investigation documents against the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. We hope that the KPK Board of Trustees will follow up on this report and that firm action will be taken to eradicate corrupt mafia, especially since the alleged perpetrators are high-ranking officials at the Corruption Eradication Commission," said PB AGPK Coordinator, Khusniyati to reporters, Friday (14/4/2023). 

"After coming from the KPK, we went to Polda Metro Jaya to report this alleged extraordinary crime. There were attempts to hinder the KPK's investigation," he added. 

Khusniyati et al visited the KPK building, Kuningan, South Jakarta (Jaksel). His presence was to urge the KPK Board of Trustees to investigate the person who leaked the performance allowance corruption case file (tukin) at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (EDSM). PB AGPK came together with the PPPN Coordinator (Association of Youth Observers of the State). 

It is known that Firli has been repeatedly reported by youth and student elements regarding the alleged leaking of KPK documents. 

Firli's response to complaints about document leaks
KPK chairman Firli Bahuri responded that he was reported to the KPK Supervisory Board (Dewas) regarding the issue of leaked investigation documents against the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. Responding to this, Firli conveyed his commitment to eradicating corruption. 

"My only commitment is to clean this country from corruption. Arrest and detain the suspect, whoever he is and bring him to justice," he said when contacted, Thursday (6/4/2023). 

Firli emphasized that the KPK under his leadership worked professionally and indiscriminately. He will also work optimally for Indonesia. 

"KPK works professionally and indiscriminately. I will complete the work of eradicating corruption until Indonesia is free from corruption," he said. 



Aliansi Peduli Keadilan Laporkan Firli Bahuri ke Dewas KPK-Polda Metro

Aliansi Gerakan Peduli Keadilan (PB AGPK) melaporkan Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri ke Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK dan Polda Metro Jaya terkait dugaan pembocoran data KPK. Laporan ke Dewas KPK saat ini sudah diterima, sedangkan yang di Polda masih dalam proses.

"Hari ini PB AGPK bersama Koordinator PPPN melaporkan dugaan pelanggaran etika dan pidana terkait bocornya dokumen penyelidikan KPK terhadap Kementerian ESDM. Kami berharap Dewas KPK menindaklanjuti laporan ini dan ada tindakan tegas yang dilakukan untuk memberantas mafia korup, apalagi terduga pelaku adalah petinggi di KPK" kata Koordinator PB AGPK, Khusniyati kepada wartawan, Jumat (14/4/2023).

"Setelah dari KPK, kami mendatangi Polda Metro Jaya untuk melaporkan dugaan kejahatan yang luar biasa ini. ada upaya menghambat penyelidikan KPK " imbuhnya.

Khusniyati dkk mendatangi gedung KPK, Kuningan, Jakarta Selatan (Jaksel). Kehadirannya untuk mendesak Dewas KPK menyelidiki oknum yang membocorkan berkas kasus dugaan korupsi tunjangan kinerja (tukin) di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral (EDSM). PB AGPK dating bersama Kooordinator PPPN (Persatuan Pemuda Pemerhati Negara).

Diketahui, Firli sudah berkali-kali dilaporkan oleh elemen pemuda dan mahasiswa terkait dugaan pembocoran dokumen KPK.

Respons Firli soal Aduan Pembocoran Dokumen
Ketua KPK Firli Bahuri merespons soal dirinya dilaporkan ke Dewan Pengawas (Dewas) KPK terkait isu bocornya dokumen penyelidikan terhadap Kementerian ESDM. Menanggapi hal itu, Firli menyampaikan komitmen pemberantasan korupsi.

"Komitmen saya hanya satu, bersihkan negeri ini dari korupsi. Tangkap dan tahan tersangka, siapa pun dia dan bawa ke pengadilan," katanya saat dihubungi, Kamis (6/4/2023).

Firli menegaskan KPK di bawah pimpinannya bekerja secara profesional dan tanpa pandang bulu. Dia pun akan bekerja optimal untuk Indonesia.

"KPK bekerja secara profesional dan tanpa pandang bulu. Saya akan tuntaskan pekerjaan pemberantasan korupsi sampai Indonesia bebas dari korupsi," katanya.


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