Returning from the US, Sri Mulyani immediately inspected Soetta Customs, here are the results

Returning from the US, Sri Mulyani immediately inspected Soetta Customs, here are the results

Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati conducted an unannounced inspection of Customs and Excise services at Soekarno-Hatta Airport, Monday (17/4) evening. This was done upon arrival from the United States (US) after attending the IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2023 agenda. 

"This time, I chose to see @beacukairi's service process. I want to ensure that all business processes are carried out professionally and smoothly," said Sri Mulyani in a video post on Instagram @smindrawati, Monday (17/4/2023). 

Seen in the video, Sri Mulyani took the time to greet and joke with the passengers, some of whom were migrant workers who had just arrived in Indonesia. Some came from Japan, Korea, Saudi Arabia, to Kuwait. 

"They all gave the same testimonials - served well and professionally by Customs. It's great to see the smiles on the faces of the heroes of this country's foreign exchange," he said. 

On that occasion, Sri Mulyani also checked the filling out of the Electronic Customs Declaration (ECD), which can be done online at, up to the IMEI registration process. According to him, this is an attempt by Customs to improve itself in improving services. 

Sri Mulyani admitted that she brought goods from abroad in the form of two bottles of vitamins which were purchased for US$ 10. She confirmed that these were not subject to import duties because they were still below the cost limit for imported goods worth US$ 500. 

"I bought two bottles of vitamins earlier, they cost US$ 10, right, bro, still under US$ 500, right? Great," said Sri Mulyani to the officer while giving a thumbs up. 

Ministry of Finance spokesman Yustinus Prastowo said Sri Mulyani's luggage, which was in the trunk, was also checked by x-ray officers and taken after passing through immigration. According to him, only suitcases marked by officers need to enter the red lane, the rest of the green lane without inspection. 

"The majority of passengers (all PMI) go through the green line alias their luggage doesn't need to be opened," he explained on the official Twitter @prastow. 


Pulang dari AS Sri Mulyani Langsung Sidak Bea Cukai Soetta, Ini Hasilnya

Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani Indrawati melakukan inspeksi mendadak (sidak) terhadap layanan Bea dan Cukai di Bandara Soekarno-Hatta, Senin (17/4) malam. Hal itu dilakukan setibanya dari Amerika Serikat (AS) usai menghadiri rangkaian agenda IMF-World Bank Spring Meetings 2023.

"Kali ini, saya memilih untuk melihat proses pelayanan @beacukairi. Saya ingin memastikan seluruh proses bisnis dijalankan secara profesional dan lancar," kata Sri Mulyani dalam postingan video di Instagram @smindrawati, Senin (17/4/2023).

Tampak dalam video, Sri Mulyani menyempatkan diri menyapa dan bersenda gurau dengan para penumpang di mana beberapa dari mereka adalah pekerja migran yang baru saja tiba di Tanah Air. Ada yang berasal dari Jepang, Korea, Arab Saudi, hingga Kuwait.

"Mereka semua memberikan testimoni yang sama-dilayani dengan baik dan profesional oleh Bea Cukai. Senang sekali melihat wajah semringah para pahlawan devisa negara ini," ucapnya.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Sri Mulyani juga mengecek pengisian Electronic Customs Declaration (ECD) yang bisa dilakukan secara daring di ecd .beacukai .go .id, hingga proses registrasi IMEI. Menurutnya, ini adalah upaya Bea Cukai untuk membenahkan diri dalam memperbaiki layanan.

Sri Mulyani mengaku membawa barang dari luar negeri berupa dua botol vitamin yang dibeli seharga US$ 10. Dia memastikan bahwa itu tidak terkena tarif bea masuk karena masih di bawah batas biaya untuk barang impor senilai US$ 500.

"Saya tadi beli vitamin dua botol, harganya US$ 10 ya mas ya, masih di bawah US$ 500 kan? Sip," kata Sri Mulyani ke petugas sambil acungkan jempol.

Juru Bicara Kemenkeu Yustinus Prastowo mengatakan koper Sri Mulyani yang berada di bagasi juga turut diperiksa petugas dengan x-ray dan diambil setelah lewat imigrasi. Menurutnya, hanya koper yang ditandai petugas yang perlu masuk jalur merah, selebihnya jalur hijau tanpa pemeriksaan.

"Mayoritas penumpang (semua PMI) lewat jalur hijau alias kopernya tidak perlu dibuka," jelasnya dalam Twitter resmi @prastow.

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