Student who was hit by a Pajero in Serpong Dies, Family Rejects Compensation from the Perpetrator's Family

Student who was hit by a Pajero in Serpong Dies, Family Rejects Compensation from the Perpetrator's Family

The family of the motorcyclist with the initials MG (19), an accident victim who was hit by a Mitsubishi Pajero, was reluctant to accept compensation from the AT perpetrator's family (20). 

To, MG's attorney, Satrio said, the perpetrator's family had visited his client's house on Monday (17/4/2023) afternoon. 

"This afternoon there was an AT family who came to the MG victim's house and tried to provide compensation without us knowing the intent, purpose and value," said Satrio, Monday night. 

"The MG victim's family firmly rejected it," added Satrio. 

MG died on Sunday (15/4/2023), after several days of receiving treatment at the Tangerang District Hospital after an accident. 

The day after MG died, the perpetrator's family came to bring gifts of compensation. 

However, Satrio did not know what was in the parcel because the MG family immediately refused. 

"The MG victim's parents immediately resolutely refused the gifts they brought, as well as compensation without knowing the amount," said Satrio. 

The MG family is now only asking for appropriate punishment for AT. 

"Our demands are firm that the legal process is running and the South Tangerang Police are handling the case seriously at this time," said Satrio. 

The accident incident started when MG and YS (19) who were motorbike drivers crossed Jalan Gading Serpong Boulevard. 

Arriving at the JHL red light, they were hit by a Pajero driver driven by AT around 00.40 WIB. 

"At high speed, they (YS and MG) were hit from behind by a Pajero car, the perpetrator was secured by residents, his identity was AT, a student," said Satrio when contacted by, Friday (14/4/2023). 

YS and MG immediately bounced off the motorbike due to the collision. 

YS fell right beside the pickup truck, his head was crushed by the front tire of the car and died at the scene. 

Meanwhile, MG, who was driving the motorbike, fell over the hard asphalt of the road until he was critical and died while being treated. 

Mahasiswa yang Ditabrak Pajero di Serpong Meninggal, Keluarga Tolak Santunan dari Keluarga Pelaku

Keluarga pengendara motor berinisial MG (19), korban kecelakaan yang ditabrak mobil Mitsubishi Pajero, enggan menerima santunan dari keluarga pelaku AT (20).

Kepada, kuasa hukum MG, Satrio mengatakan, keluarga pelaku sempat mendatangi rumah kliennya pada Senin (17/4/2023) siang.

"Tadi siang ada kelurga AT yang hadir ke rumah korban MG dan berusaha memberikan santunan tanpa kami ketahui maksud, tujuan dan nilainya," kata Satrio, Senin malam.

"Tegas ditolak oleh keluarga korban MG," tambah Satrio.

MG meninggal dunia pada Minggu (15/4/2023), setelah beberapa hari mendapatkan perawatan di RSUD Kabupaten Tangerang usai kecelakaan.

Sehari setelah MG meninggal dunia, keluarga pelaku datang membawa bingkisan santunan.

Namun, Satrio tidak mengetahui apa saja isi bingkisan tersebut karena keluarga MG langsung menolak.

"Orangtua korban MG langsung tegas menolak bingkisan yang dibawa, juga santunan tanpa mengetahui nominalnya," ujar Satrio.

Keluarga MG kini hanya meminta pertanggungjawaban hukuman yang setimpal untuk AT.

"Tuntutan kami tegas ingin proses hukum berjalan dan Polres Tangsel telah menangani perkaranya dengan serius saat ini," tegas Satrio.

Insiden kecelakaan bermula ketika MG dan YS (19) yang merupakan pengemudi motor melintas di Jalan Gading Serpong Boulevard.

Sesampainya di lampu merah JHL, mereka ditabrak oleh pengemudi Pajero yang dikemudikan AT sekitar pukul 00.40 WIB.

"Dengan kecepatan tinggi, mereka (YS dan MG) ditabrak dari belakang oleh mobil Pajero, pelaku diamankan warga, identitasnya AT seorang mahasiswa," kata Satrio saat dihubungi, Jumat (14/4/2023).

YS dan MG seketika terpental dari motor akibat tabrakan tersebut.

YS terjatuh tepat di samping mobil pikap, kepalanya terlindas ban depan mobil tersebut dan meninggal dunia di TKP.

Sementara MG yang membawa motor terpelanting di atas kerasnya aspal jalanan hingga kritis dan meninggal dunia dalam perawatan.

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