Porn Stars The Connell Twins Homecoming and Tarawih Prayers, Here's the Reaction of Netizens

Porn Stars The Connell Twins Homecoming and Tarawih Prayers, Here's the Reaction of Netizens

- Adult film stars, Christina and Carlina who are usually nicknamed The Connell Twins, uploaded the moment of going home to Indonesia. It is known that they are currently in their hometown in Subang, West Java. 

Through Instagram Story on Wednesday (19/4/2023), The Connell Twins showed off a selfie portrait wearing a mukena. In the photo there is a description if the twins are carrying out the tarawih prayer. 
"Tarawih prayer," he wrote as a caption. 
Their uploads were then reposted by the Twitter account @sosmedkeras. As a result, many netizens are itching to comment. Moreover, both are known as porn video actresses on OnlyFans. 

Many have joked about this portrait of The Connell Twins. There are also netizens who pray that the twins will receive guidance. 
"We are confused, angels are confused, demons are confused," said a netizen. 
"The usual month of onlyfan 5, the month of fasting only god," said another netizen. 
"Just pray that the blessings of this Ramadan will give them guidance and want to improve themselves," said another netizen. 
"Do any of their relatives and neighbors know what they are doing?," said another netizen. (*)

Bintang Porno The Connell Twins Mudik dan Salat Tarawih, Begini Reaksi Netizen

 - Bintang film dewasa, Chirstina dan Carlina yang biasa dijuluki The Connell Twinsmengunggah momen mudik ke Indonesia. Di ketahui saat ini mereka sudah berada di kampung halamannya di Subang, Jawa barat.

Melalui Instagram Story pada Rabu (19/4/2023), The Connell Twins memamerkan potret selfie mengenakan mukena. Di foto tersebut terdapat keterangan jika saudara kembar ini sedang melaksanakan salat tarawih.
"Salat tarawih," tulisnya sebagai caption.

Unggahan mereka pun kemudian diposting ulang oleh akun Twitter @sosmedkeras. Alhasil banyak netizen yang gatal ingin memberikan komentar. Apalagi keduanya dikenal sebagai artis video porno di OnlyFans.

Banyak yang memberikan candaan tentang potret The Connell Twins ini. ABhkan ada pula netizen yang berdoa agar saudara kembar tersebut mendapatkan hidayah.
"Kita bingung, malaikat bingung setan pun bingung," kata seorang netizen.
"Bulan biasa onlyfan5, bulan puasa onlygod," ucap netizen lainnya.
"Di doakan saja semoga berkan ramadhan ini mereka dapet hidayah dan mau memperbaiki diri," ujar netizen lain.
"Sanak family dan tetangganya ada yg tau kerjaan mereka gak ya?," timpal netizen lainnya. (*)

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