Calling the "Rest Area" Not for Sleeping, Coordinating PMK Minister: Exit at the Nearest "Exit Toll", Entering the Toll Road Again is Free of Fees
Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy appealed to travelers not to linger in rest areas to avoid crowding.
Muhadjir reminded that the rest area can be used for travelers to refuel, buy food, or go to the toilet.
As for travelers who feel very tired and want to rest for a long time, Muhadjir suggested going out through the nearest toll exit to be able to rest in special places provided by the police.
"If you are really tired, get out at the nearest toll exit. Kaditlantas and Pak Kapolda have prepared a place to rest long enough to take a short nap," said Muhadjir in a press release, Wednesday (19/4/2023).
Muhadjir said, travelers can continue their journey again after they are not sleepy. He also ensured that travelers would not be charged again when they entered the toll road.
"(Rest and sleep for a while) so that when driving you are fresh, and when you enter the toll road again there is no charge," said Muhadjir.
He also asked travelers to bring a backup driver when traveling back and forth.
This aims to minimize traffic accidents when going home due to taking a long route. With a backup driver, travelers can take turns driving when one of them is tired.
“The further away, the higher the potential for an accident. It is better for those who drive long distances to bring a spare driver, so they can take turns on the trip. Don't force yourself to be tired," he said.
Furthermore, Muhadjir said that his party together with the ranks of the National Police, TNI and related agencies had made full efforts to minimize the number of accidents.
Muhadjir also invited the participation and awareness of the travelers to take part in maintaining the safety of each other and other motorists while on the road.
"The important thing is my message is safe first, congratulations is number one. Because if it's safe, safe, then something else. His name is joy, joy, meeting the family after everything went safe and sound," said Muhadjir.
It is known that Muhadjir had visited the Semarang-Batang toll road with the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo on Tuesday (18/4/2023).
During his visit yesterday, Muhadjir monitored the density at the Kalikangkung toll gate.
Based on observations made, the number of vehicles crossing the Kalikangkung Toll Gate has increased by almost 300 percent or around 30,000 vehicles per hour. This figure has exceeded the normal number of vehicles entering per day, which is 10,000 per hour.
Sebut "Rest Area" Bukan untuk Tidur, Menko PMK: Keluar di "Exit Toll" Terdekat, Masuk Tol Lagi Tak Kena Biaya
Menteri Koordinator Bidang Pembangunan Manusia dan Kebudayaan (Menko PMK) Muhadjir Effendy mengimbau agar para pemudik tidak berlama-lama di rest area guna menghindari penumpukan.
Muhadjir mengingatkan bahwa rest area dapat digunakan bagi para pemudik untuk mengisi bahan bakar, membeli bekal makanan, atau pergi ke toilet.
Adapun bagi para pemudik yang merasa sangat lelah dan hendak beristirahat lama, Muhadjir menyarankan agar keluar melalui exit toll terdekat untuk dapat beristirahat di tempat-tempat khusus yang telah disediakan oleh jajaran kepolisian.
“Kalau memang betul-betul sudah sangat lelah, keluar di exit toll terdekat. Kaditlantas dan Pak Kapolda sudah menyiapkan tempat untuk beristirahat cukup lama untuk tidur sejenak," kata Muhadjir dalam siaran pers, Rabu (19/4/2023).
Muhadjir mengatakan, pemudik dapat melanjutkan perjalanan kembali setelah tidak mengantuk. Ia pun memastikan bahwa pemudik tidak akan dikenakan biaya lagi ketika masuk jalan tol.
"(Istirahat dan tidur sejenak) sehingga ketika berkendara sudah fresh, dan ketika masuk tol lagi tidak dikenakan biaya,” ujar Muhadjir.
Ia juga meminta pemudik membawa pengemudi cadangan saat melakukan perjalanan mudik.
Hal ini bertujuan untuk meminimalisasi kecelakaan lalu lintas saat mudik karena menempuh rute yang jauh. Dengan pengemudi cadangan, pemudik bisa bergantian menyetir ketika salah satunya lelah.
“Semakin jauh, maka semakin tinggi potensi kecelakaannya. Sebaiknya yang berkendara jauh membawa driver reserve, cadangan, sehingga bisa bergantian di perjalanan. Jangan memaksakan diri dalam keadaan lelah,” katanya.
Lebih lanjut, Muhadjir menyampaikan bahwa pihaknya bersama jajaran Polri, TNI, dan dinas terkait telah berupaya penuh meminimalisasi angka kecelakaan.
Muhadjir juga mengajak partisipasi dan kesadaran dari para pemudik untuk ikut menjaga keselamatan masing-masing dan pengendara lain saat di jalan.
“Yang penting pesan saya selamat dulu, selamat itu nomor satu. Karena kalau sudah aman, selamat, baru yang lain. Namanya gembira, sukacita, ketemu dengan keluarga itu setelah semuanya berjalan aman dan selamat,” ujar Muhadjir.
Diketahui, Muhadjir sempat meninjau ruas tol Semarang-Batang bersama Kapolri Jenderal Listyo Sigit Prabowo pada Selasa (18/4/2023).
Pada sela kunjungannya kemarin, Muhadjir memantau kepadatan yang terjadi di Gerbang Tol Kalikangkung.
Berdasarkan pantauan yang dilakukan, jumlah kendaraan yang melintasi Gerbang Tol Kalikangkung meningkat hampir 300 persen atau sekitar 30.000 kendaraan per jam. Angka tersebut telah melebihi jumlah normal kendaraan yang masuk per harinya, yakni 10.000 per jam.
News, Entertainment, Health
Coordinating PMK Minister
Entering the Toll Road Again
Exit at the Nearest
Exit Toll
Free of Fees
Not for Sleeping
Rest Area