Hasto Calls the Village Football League a Topic for Megawati and Ganjar's Talks
PDI-P Secretary General Hasto Kristiyanto acknowledged that PDI-P Chairperson Megawati Soekarnoputri and Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo often converse online.
According to him, the two of them often discussed PDI-P's plans to hold inter-village football sporting events.
"PDI-P will hold a village ball league. An online meeting has been held with regional heads," said Hasto at Pasar Senen Station, Jakarta, Tuesday (18/4/2023).
It has recently been rumored that Ganjar has won Megawati's blessing as a presidential candidate (candidate) in 2024.
However, Hasto dismissed that the meeting between Megawati and Ganjar discussed presidential nominations.
He also said that Megawati did not only meet with Ganjar, but also other regional heads from the PDI-P.
"So meetings between Mrs. Megawati Soekarnoputri and regional heads are very often held but online," he said.
Hasto stated that Ganjar did not meet Megawati in person.
At his residence, said Hasto, Megawati only received guests in her capacity as the Steering Committee for the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN).
"There was no (physical meeting of Megawati and Ganjar). Mrs. Mega routinely receives guests and carries out her duties as the BPIP Steering Committee and the National Research Innovation Agency," said Hasto.
It was once again rumored that Ganjar would be promoted by the PDI-P as the 2024 presidential candidate.
However, Megawati and the PDI-P have repeatedly denied that they had announced the name Ganjar for the 2024 presidential election.
Finally, the issue of Ganjar getting Megawati's blessing, which was said to be disclosed by the Chairman of the PDI-P Solo DPC FX Hadi Rudyatmo, was also denied.
In fact, Rudy himself denied that he ever stated this to the mass media.
"The decision on the presidential candidate is still awaiting the decision of the General Chair. So I have never been interviewed by any journalists. There was someone who called the Secretary General (PDI-P)," said Rudy when met by journalists at his house in Pucangsawit, Jebres, Solo, Central Java , Tuesday (11/4/2023) evening.
Rudy said that as a cadre, he would still be waiting for instructions from Chairman Megawati.
Hasto Sebut Liga Bola Kampung Jadi Bahan Pembicaraan Megawati dan Ganjar
Sekretaris Jenderal PDI-P Hasto Kristiyanto mengakui bahwa Ketua Umum PDI-P Megawati Soekarnoputri dan Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo kerap berbincang dalam jaringan (daring).
Menurut dia, keduanya kerap membicarakan rencana PDI-P menggelar acara olahraga sepakbola antarkampung.
"PDI-P akan menyelenggarakan liga bola kampung. Itu sudah diadakan pertemuan dengan kepala daerah secara daring," kata Hasto ditemui di Stasiun Pasar Senen, Jakarta, Selasa (18/4/2023).
Adapun Ganjar beberapa waktu belakangan ini diisukan mendapatkan restu Megawati sebagai calon presiden (capres) pada 2024.
Namun, Hasto menepis bahwa pertemuan antara Megawati dan Ganjar membicarakan pencapresan.
Ia juga mengatakan, Megawati tak hanya bertemu Ganjar, tetapi juga kepala daerah lain dari PDI-P.
"Jadi pertemuan antara Ibu Megawati Soekarnoputri dengan kepala daerah sangat sering dilakukan tapi melalui daring," ujar dia.
Hasto menyatakan bahwa Ganjar tidak bertemu Megawati secara langsung.
Di kediamannya, kata Hasto, Megawati hanya menerima tamu dalam kapasitasnya sebagai Dewan Pengarah Badan Pembinaan Ideologi Pancasila (BPIP) dan Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN).
"Tidak ada (pertemuan Megawati dan Ganjar secara fisik). Bu Mega rutin menerima tamu dan menjalankan tugas sebagai Dewan Pengarah BPIP dan Badan Inovasi Riset Nasional," kata Hasto.
Ganjar sekali lagi diisukan bakal diusung PDI-P sebagai capres 2024.
Namun, berulang kali pula Megawati dan PDI-P menepis sudah mengumumkan nama Ganjar untuk Pilpres 2024.
Terakhir, isu Ganjar mendapatkan restu Megawati yang disebut diungkapkan Ketua DPC PDI-P Solo FX Hadi Rudyatmo juga dibantah.
Bahkan, Rudy sendiri yang membantah bahwa ia pernah menyatakan hal itu kepada media massa.
"Keputusan capres masih menunggu keputusan Ketua Umum. Jadi saya belum pernah diwawancarai wartawan siapa pun kok. Tadi ada yang telepon tak suruh tanya ke Pak Sekjen (PDI-P)," kata Rudy ditemui wartawan di rumahnya Pucangsawit, Jebres, Solo, Jawa Tengah, Selasa (11/4/2023) malam.
Rudy mengatakan, sebagai kader, dia akan tetap menunggu instruksi dari Ketua Umum Megawati.
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Hasto Calls the Village Football League
Topic for Megawati