2 KKB camps shoot each other in Beoga Puncak, Papua!

2 KKB camps shoot each other in Beoga Puncak, Papua!

2 KKB camps shoot each other in Beoga Puncak, Papua! 

Puncak - Two armed criminal group (KKB) groups reportedly shot each other in Julukoma Village, Beoga District, Puncak Regency, Central Papua. The local government revealed that there were injured and died as a result of the incident. 

"It is true that the incident occurred," said Puncak Regent Willem Wandik in his statement, Saturday (22/4/2023). 
"It is not yet certain how many residents were injured and how many died, and how many houses were burnt," he continued. 
Willem said the incident of attacking each other between the KKB factions occurred on Thursday (20/4). The two KKB camps that were in conflict allegedly involved the JB and LK camps, as well as AK. 

Willem explained that Julukoma Village itself is an area directly adjacent to Intan Jaya Regency. This area often becomes an area of ​​conflict because it is a KKB trajectory area. 
"Until now the security forces have not been able to enter the area, due to conditions that are not really conducive," he explained. 
As Regent, he admits that he is worried because a situation like this could lead to further conflicts outside Puncak, especially in the conflict areas of Intan Jaya, Yahukimo, Gunung Bintang and other areas in Papua. This condition is said to have an impact on the smooth development. 
"They have guns, if they have spoken, then civil society, the government can't do anything anymore, the situation will get worse, that's why I always say where there are weapons, then the area is not safe and the evidence is always there, first the victims outside the KKB, but now KKB and KKBthemselves shooting, who wants to calm the situation, we are confused," he added. 

Willem hopes that Papuan figures who have had connections with the KKB groups can raise awareness for them. According to him, this incident must stop. 
"For this reason, I also ask the central government, Papua Province, especially in areas where there is currently an armed conflict, humanitarian figures, religious leaders, so that we can seriously address the issue of this armed conflict, because the impact of these weapons makes development ,education, the economy, health, cannot run properly, and the lives of civilians will continue to fall on this land," he said. 

2 Kubu KKB Saling Tembak di Beoga Puncak Papua!

Puncak - Dua kubu kelompok kriminal bersenjata (KKB) dilaporkan saling tembak di Kampung Julukoma, Distrik Beoga, Kabupaten Puncak, Papua Tengah. Pemerintah setempat mengungkap ada korban luka dan meninggal dunia akibat insiden itu.

"Benar adanya peristiwa tersebut," kata Bupati Puncak Willem Wandik dalam keterangannya, Sabtu (22/4/2023).
"Belum bisa memastikan berapa jumlah warga yang luka-luka dan berapa yang meninggal dunia, dan berapa rumah warga yang terbakar," sambungnya.
Willem mengatakan insiden saling serang antarkubu KKB itu terjadi pada Kamis (20/4) lalu. Dua kubu KKB yang bertikai diduga melibatkan antara kubu JB dan LK, serta AK.

Willem menjelaskan Kampung Julukoma sendiri merupakan wilayah yang berbatasan langsung dengan Kabupaten Intan Jaya. Daerah tersebut sering menjadi daerah konflik karena merupakan daerah lintasan KKB.
"Sampai saat ini aparat keamanan belum bisa masuk ke wilayah tersebut, disebabkan kondisi belum benar-benar kondusif," jelasnya.
Sebagai Bupati, dirinya mengaku khawatir karena situasi seperti ini bisa menyebabkan konflik susulan di luar Puncak, terutama di wilayah konflik Intan Jaya, Yahukimo, Pegunungan Bintang dan daerah lain di Papua. Kondisi ini disebut akan berdampak terhadap kelancaran pembangunan.
"Mereka ini punya senjata, kalau mereka sudah bicara, maka masyarakat sipil, pemerintah sudah tidak bisa buat apa-apa, situasi akan makin parah, makanya saya selalu bilang di mana ada senjata, maka daerah itu tidak aman dan buktinya selalu ada, dulu korban di luar KKB, tapi sekarang KKB dan KKB sendiri baku tembak, siapa mau tenangkan situasi, kami dibuat jadi bingung," tambahnya.

Willem berharap tokoh-tokoh Papua yang selama ini memiliki hubungan dengan kelompok-kelompok KKB bisa memberikan kesadaran kepada mereka. Menurutnya, peristiwa ini harus dihentikan.
"Untuk itu, saya minta juga kepada Pemerintah pusat, Provinsi Papua, terutama di wilayah yang saat ini sedang ada konflik bersenjata, tokoh kemanusiaan, tokoh agama, agar marilah kita serius menangani persoalan konflik bersenjata ini, karena dampak dari senjata ini, membuat sampai pembangunan, pendidikan, ekonomi, kesehatan, tidak bisa jalan dengan baik, dan nyawa rakyat sipil, akan tetap berjatuhan terus di tanah ini," kata dia.

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