This is the reason high school students are looking for uncles and aunts, parents must know

This is the reason high school students are looking for uncles and aunts, parents must know

This is the reason high school students are looking for uncles and aunts, parents must know

High school student illustration

 - The main reason children take the wrong way and make bad decisions in their lives is the lack of attention from parents. Yet it is very important for the future of children. 

Doctor Boyke revealed the factors that caused high school (SMA) students to fall into the arms of uncles or aunts. Because they need someone who can replace their parents. 

"Why are high school children looking for uncles, because they have lost their father's role. Why are boys looking for aunts, because they have lost their mother's role," said doctor Boyke as quoted from insertlive, Wednesday (19/4). 

He explained that caring parents can guide their children so they don't hang out with the wrong people. Even fall into a circle of bad associations that can endanger their safety and health. 
"Most people who get pregnant out of wedlock or use drugs are often because their parents also don't pay too much attention to their children," he said. 

Ini Alasan Pelajar SMA Cari Om-Om dan Tante-tante, Orang Tua Wajib Tahu

Ilustrasi pelajar SMA

 - Alasan utama anak salah jalan dan membuat keputusan yang buruk dalam hidup mereka yaitu tidak adanya perhatian orang tua. Padahal hal tersebut sangat penting untuk masa depan anak-anak.

Dokter Boyke mengungkapkan faktor yang menyebabkan pelajar Sekolah Menengah Atas (SMA) bisa jatuh ke dalam pelukan om-om atau tante-tante. Karena mereka membutuhkan sosok yang bisa menggantikan orang tua.

"Mengapa anak-anak SMA mencarinya om-om, karena mereka kehilangan peran ayah. Mengapa anak cowo mencari tante-tante, karena dia kehilangan peran ibu," kata dokter Boyke dikutip dari insertlive, Rabu (19/4).

Dia menjelaskan, orang tua yang perhatian dapat membimbing anak-anak mereka agar tidak bergaul dengan orang yang salah. Bahkan terjerumus dalam lingkaran pergaulan buruk yang dapat membahayakan keselamatan dan kesehatan mereka.
"Kebanyakan orang yang hamil di luar nikah atau pengguna narkoba seringkali adalah karena kedua orang tuanya juga terlampau tidak memperhatikan anak," ujarnya.  

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