PDIP Affirms Ganjar Will Not Be a Vice Presidential Candidate: Even though the Sun Rises in the West

PDIP Affirms Ganjar Will Not Be a Vice Presidential Candidate: Even though the Sun Rises in the West

Secretary General of the PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto emphasized that Ganjar Pranowo would run as a presidential candidate, not the cawapres position in the 2024 presidential election. Hasto said the decision was unanimous because PDIP Ketum Megawati Soekarnoputri had announced it. 

"Ms. Mega said that based on considerations of reason and conscience, after absorbing dialogue with all national figures including Jokowi, Prananda, Puan, absorbing the aspirations of the people, a decision was made so that if Mrs. Mega has made this decision, it will not change even thoughthe sun rises from the West," Hasto told reporters at the PDIP DPP Office, Menteng, Central Jakarta, Monday (24/2023). 

Hasto said Megawati always announces presidential candidates on Fridays just like the proclamation. Hasto said the decision on the Ganjar declaration could not be changed because Megawati had carefully considered it. 

"It turns out that Megawati every Friday announces a presidential candidate, the August 17 proclamation is on a Friday, so that is something that is truly unanimous, a clear awareness," he said. 

Megawati Soekarnoputri has officially announced Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo as the presidential candidate of the PDIP. Megawati revealed that before announcing Ganjar Pranowo as the PDIP presidential candidate, she used her mind and heart. 

This was disclosed by Megawati when announcing Ganjar Pranowo as the PDIP presidential candidate at the Batutulis Palace, Bogor, West Java, Friday (21/4). According to Megawati, the announcement of the PDIP presidential candidate was a responsibility to history, mandates and prerogatives based on the decisions of the PDIP's Fifth Congress. 

Megawati then appointed Ganjar Pranowo, who is currently still the Governor of Central Java, to increase his duties as the presidential candidate of the PDIP. 

"So at 13.45 WIB by saying bismillah appointed Ganjar Pranowo, now it is the Governor of Central Java as a cadre and party officer to increase his assignment as the candidate for president of the Republic of Indonesia from the PDIP," he added. 

"My duties and responsibilities are not an easy matter, that's why I use all my mind, heart and mind," said Megawati. 

PDIP Tegaskan Ganjar Tak Akan Jadi Cawapres: Meski Matahari Terbit di Barat

Sekretaris Jenderal PDI Perjuangan (PDIP) Hasto Kristiyanto menegaskan Ganjar Pranowo akan maju sebagai capres, bukan posisi cawapres di Pilpres 2024. Hasto menuturkan keputusan itu sudah bulat lantaran telah diumumkan Ketum PDIP Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"Bu Mega mengatakan berdasarkan pertimbangan akal budi dan mata hati setelah menyerap berdialog dengan seluruh para tokoh-tokoh nasional termasuk Jokowi, Prananda, Puan, serap aspirasi rakyat kemudian diambil keputusan sehingga kalau Bu Mega udah ambil keputusan ini tidak akan berubah meskipun matahari terbit dari Barat," kata Hasto kepada wartawan di Kantor DPP PDIP, Menteng, Jakarta Pusat, Senin (24/2023).

Hasto mengatakan Megawati selalu mengumumkan capres di hari Jumat seperti pelaksanaan proklamasi. Hasto mengatakan keputusan deklarasi Ganjar tak bisa berubah lantaran sudah matang dipertimbangkan oleh Megawati.

"Ibu Mega itu ternyata setiap mengumumkan capres di hari Jumat, proklamasi 17 Agustus itu pada Jumat sehingga itu sesuatu yang betul-betul bulat, kesadaran yang bening," ujarnya.

Megawati Soekarnoputri sudah resmi mengumumkan Gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo sebagai capres dari PDIP. Megawati mengungkapkan bahwa sebelum mengumumkan Ganjar Pranowo capres PDIP, dia menggunakan akal budi dan mata hati.

Hal itu diungkapkan Megawati saat mengumumkan Ganjar Pranowo capres PDIP di Istana Batutulis, Bogor, Jawa Barat, Jumat (21/4). Menurut Megawati, pengumuman capres PDIP merupakan tanggung jawab terhadap sejarah, mandat dan hak prerogatif berdasarkan keputusan Kongres ke-V PDIP.

Megawati lalu menetapkan Ganjar Pranowo yang saat ini masih menjabat Gubernur Jawa Tengah untuk ditingkatkan tugasnya sebagai capres dari PDIP.

"Maka pada jam 13.45 WIB dengan mengucapkan bismillah menetapkan Ganjar Pranowo, sekarang adalah Gubernur Jateng sebagai kader dan petugas partai untuk ditingkatkan penugasannya sebagai capres Republik Indonesia dari PDIP," imbuhnya.

"Tugas dan tanggungjawab saya tersebut bukanlah sebuah hal yang ringan, karena itulah saya gunakan seluruh akal budi, mata hati, dan pikiran," kata Megawati.

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