When Member of Parliament Uncle Aditya Rates Persecution on Ken's Youth Dynamics

When Member of Parliament Uncle Aditya Rates Persecution on Ken's Youth Dynamics

When Member of Parliament Uncle Aditya Rates Persecution on Ken's Youth Dynamics

Brother AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan sits as a member of the DPR, his name is Ongku Hasibuan. Ongku commented on the case of abuse committed by his nephew, Aditya Hasibuan, against Ken Admiral. 

Ongku, Aditya's uncle, assessed that the persecution of Ken was a teenage dynamic. So, the settlement can be reached peacefully between the two parties. 

"The Ken and Aditya fighting case should be resolved through a peaceful path. The children are fighting as the dynamics of teenagers, they are still very young, Ken is less than 20 years old, Adit is less than 19 years old, their future is still long. It would be nice if we parents resolved this peacefully," said Ongku to reporters, Saturday (29/4/2023). 

Ongku, who is also a member of Commission II of the DPR from the Democratic Party faction, thinks that if this problem is resolved amicably, Ken and Aditya will become friends. He regretted that Ken and Aditya's problems were resolved using legal means. 

"After all, the two of them have also been peaceful, reflected in their chats after 04.16 hours on April 22. I am sure that if their case is resolved through peace, the two of them will become close friends in the future," he said. 

"On the other hand, if someone has to stay in prison for some time, it is not necessarily a positive impact on the child, both those who are sentenced to prison and the relationship between the two after that," he added. 

Furthermore, his attitude towards AKBP Achiruddin:

Because of that, Ongku hoped that this case would be resolved peacefully. According to him, if it is resolved amicably it will be good for both parties. 

"We will straighten out the term persecution, it was a fight between two teenagers who were growing up, because of a misunderstanding," he said. 

Meanwhile, for AKBP Achiruddin, Ongku hopes that the treatment of his younger brother who is considered to have allowed Aditya to carry out the abuse will be resolved at the police. He said Achiruddin had his own reasons for doing this. 

"Regarding AKBP AH himself who is considered to have done omission, of course the institution will judge. He himself may have his own reasoning, and the institution can assess it objectively and professionally. For that, regarding AKBP AH, we leave it to the institution," he concluded. 

Furthermore, the condition of Ken the victim:

Ken Admiral's condition
Ken Admiral became a victim of abuse from AKBP Achriuddin's son, Aditya Hasibuan. As a result of the persecution he suffered a number of injuries. Reported by detikSumut, Saturday (29/4/2023), Ken admitted that his eyes were disturbed. Ken admitted that his eyesight was disturbed due to the sadistic abuse by Aditya. 

"The condition of the eye's health, if you see something bright like light, sometimes it dries easily so tears come out. Sometimes it's difficult to focus on an object. If you look at it for a long time, Ken said to detikSumut. 

The persecution of Ken Admiral occurred about five months ago. However, Ken felt the effects of the pain were still being felt at this moment. 

"It's like a broken lip. When you eat, the jaw is swollen, so it's hard to swallow. The neck to the right and left, it's been stepped on, it's swollen. So if you want to look to the right and left, you have to go slowly," said Ken. 

Ken's sister, Dinda Safay also told about her sister's condition after the persecution that occurred in December 2022. Dinda said Ken had to be carried while walking. 

"It's destroyed (Ken's condition). The road was carried. Then he couldn't see. His neck was swollen. His temple was torn with six stitches," said Dinda Safay. 

Saat Anggota DPR Paman Aditya Nilai Penganiayaan ke Ken Dinamika Remaja

Kakak AKBP Achiruddin Hasibuan duduk sebagai anggota DPR, namanya adalah Ongku Hasibuan. Ongku mengomentari kasus penganiayaan yang dilakukan keponakannya, Aditya Hasibuan terhadap Ken Admiral.

Ongku paman Aditya tersebut menilai penganiayaan terhadap Ken adalah dinamika remaja. Maka, penyelesaiannya dapat ditempuh dengan damai saja antara kedua belah pihak.

"Kasus perkelahian Ken dan Aditya sebaiknya diselesaikan melalui jalur perdamaian. Anak-anak itu berkelahi sebagai dinamika anak remaja lah, mereka masih sangat muda-muda, Ken kurang dari 20 tahun, Adit kurang dari 19 tahun, masa depan mereka masih panjang. Alangkah baiknya bila kita-kita orang tua ini menyelesaikannya secara damai," ujar Ongku kepada wartawan, Sabtu (29/4/2023).

Ongku yang juga merupakan anggota Komisi II DPR Fraksi Partai Demokrat menilai jika masalah ini selesai secara kekeluargaan maka Ken dan Aditya akan menjadi sahabat. Dia menyayangkan jika masalah Ken dan Aditya diselesaikan memakai jalur hukum.

"Toh antara mereka berdua juga sudah damai, tercermin dari chatting-an mereka setelah jam 04.16 tanggal 22 April. Saya yakin, bila kasus mereka ini diselesaikan melalui perdamaian, keduanya akan menjadi sahabat akrab nantinya ke depan," ucapnya.

"Sebaliknya bila ada yang harus mendekam di penjara beberapa waktu, belum tentu positif dampaknya buat anak tersebut, baik yang dihukum penjara maupun hubungan antara keduanya setelah itu," imbuhnya.

Selanjutnya, sikapnya terhadap AKBP Achiruddin:

Karena itu, Ongku berharap kasus ini diselesaikan dengan damai. Menurutnya, jika diselesaikan secara kekeluargaan maka akan baik dari kedua belah pihak.

"Istilah penganiayaan itu kita luruskanlah, itu perkelahian antara dua remaja yang sedang beranjak dewasa, karena kesalahpahaman," ucapnya.

Sementara itu, untuk AKBP Achiruddin, Ongku berharap perlakuan adiknya yang dianggap membiarkan Aditya melakukan penganiayaan itu diselesaikan di kepolisian. Dia menyebut Achiruddin memiliki alasan sendiri melakukan hal itu.

"Terkait AKBP AH sendiri yang dinilai melakukan pembiaran, tentu institusinya akan menilai. Beliau sendiri mungkin punya reasoning sendiri, dan institusinya bisa menilainya secara objective dan professional. Untuk itu, menyangkut AKBP AH, kita serahkan kepada institusinya," pungkasnya.

Selanjutnya, kondisi Ken si korban:

Kondisi Ken Admiral
Ken Admiral menjadi korban penganiayaan dari anak AKBP Achriuddin, Aditya Hasibuan. Imbas penganiayaan itu sejumlah luka dideritanya. Dilansir detikSumut, Sabtu (29/4/2023), Ken mengaku matanya mengalami gangguan. Ken mengaku kondisi penglihatannya terganggu imbas dianiaya sadis oleh Aditya.

"Kondisi kesehatan mata, kalau melihat sesuatu yang terang seperti cahaya, itu kadang gampang kering jadi keluar netes air mata. Kadang kalau mau fokus ke objek susah. Kalau fokusnya itu dilihatin lama," kata Ken kepada detikSumut.

Penganiayaan kepada Ken Admiral terjadi sekitar lima bulan lalu. Namun, Ken merasa efek sakitnya masih dirasakannya saat ini.

"Kayak bibir dalam pecah. Makan, rahang bengkak jadi susah nguyah. Leher ke kanan kiri, itu kan habis dipijak-pijak, jadi bengkak. Jadi kalau mau lihat ke kanan dan kiri harus pelan pelan," ungkap Ken.

Kakak dari Ken, Dinda Safay juga bercerita mengenai kondisi adiknya setelah aksi penganiayaan yang terjadi pada Desember 2022 yang lalu. Dinda menyebut Ken harus dibopong saat berjalan.

"Hancur ya (kondisi Ken). Jalan dibopong. Terus dia enggak bisa melihat. Lehernya bengkak. Pelipisnya robek mendapat enam jahitan," kata Dinda Safay.

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