Loud Orders of the TNI Commander After the KKB Drop Soldiers into the Abyss
Private Private Miftahul Arifin was shot dead by the Armed Criminal Group (KKB) and fell into a 15-meter ravine during a rescue operation for Susi Air Capt Philip Mark Merthens, in Nduga, Papua Mountains. After the incident, the TNI Commander, Admiral Yudo Margono, gave strict instructions.
Seconds of Pratu Arifin's Fall
Kapuspen TNI Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono explained that the shooting incident occurred on Saturday (15/4/2023), around 16.30 WIT. At that time, Pratu Arifin along with other Task Forces were combing the Susi Air pilot hostage location.
"The test task force is trying to comb close to the positions of the hostage-takers," said Julius at TNI Headquarters, Cilangkap, East Jakarta, Sunday (16/4).
Head of the TNI Information Center (Kapuspen) Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono (second left) gives a statement to journalists at the Center for Journalists of the TNI Puspen, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Sunday (16/4/2023). The press conference was related to gunfire between the TNI and KKB Papua on Saturday (15/4) which killed one soldier on behalf of First Class Miftahul Arifin, an incident that was part of the Susi Air pilot rescue operation in Mugi-Mam, Nduga Regency, Papua. BETWEEN PHOTOS/Asprilla Dwi Adha/nym. Head of Information Center (Kapuspen) TNI Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono (second left) gives a statement to journalists at the Center for Journalists of the TNI Puspen, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Sunday (16/4/2023). (Photo: ANTARA FOTO/ASPRILLA DWI ADHA)
After that, the KKB then attacked them. As a result, Pratu Arifin was shot dead and fell into a ravine as deep as 15 meters.
"Then there was an attack from them. One fell at a depth of 15 meters," he said.
Seeing this, the other soldiers tried to evacuate Private Arifin. But the soldiers were again showered with gunfire. Julius said that his party was still investigating the current condition of the soldiers.
"And when trying to help get a re-attack. Other conditions are still in the deepening stage," he explained.
Some Soldiers Still on Location
Kapuspen TNI Rear Admiral TNI Julius Widjojono revealed that several soldiers were still in several locations. Julius admits that it is currently difficult to contact his soldiers at the location. This was due to the unpredictable weather conditions.
"As for the condition of the other soldiers, they are currently still in several locations. It is difficult for us to contact them because of the uncertain weather conditions," said Julius in a press conference, Sunday (16/4/2023).
Read more about the Commander in Chief's strict instructions on the following page
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The Commander-in-Chief of the Indonesian Armed Forces
TNI Commander Admiral Yudo Margono also gave strict directions after the incident. One of them carries out search and combat assistance with maximum power.
"For this reason, the TNI Commander has continuously ordered to carry out search and combat assistance with maximum strength," he said.
Apart from that, Yudo said Julius also asked the task force not to hesitate in taking action. This command is emphasized several times.
At first, Julius talked about the confusion of information on social media about the death of Private First Class Arifin. He asked the media to only refer to the testimony of the TNI Headquarters. The dissemination of wrong information, according to him, will have an impact on operations in the field.
"Following up the confusion of information circulating on social media since yesterday, I advise all members of the media to be willing to refer to the information conveyed through the TNI Headquarters. The dissemination of erroneous information will have an impact on the success rate of operations in the field," he said.
Julius emphasized that the TNI has never backed down from protecting sovereignty, including in the Papua region. He quoted the TNI Commander's directive to take firm action without hesitation.
"The TNI as a patriot of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia has never stepped back even an inch to safeguard the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia and this is still consistently implemented in Papua," he said.
"The TNI commander firmly said that to take action, don't hesitate," he continued.
Perintah Lantang Panglima TNI Usai KKB Gugurkan Prajurit ke Jurang
Pratu Miftahul Arifin gugur ditembak Kelompok Kriminal Bersenjata (KKB) dan jatuh ke jurang 15 meter dalam operasi penyelamatan pilot Susi Air Capt Philip Mark Merthens, di Nduga, Papua Pegunungan. Usai peristiwa itu, Panglima TNI Laksamana Yudo Margono memberikan arahan tegas.
Detik-detik Pratu Arifin Gugur
Kapuspen TNI Laksda TNI Julius Widjojono menjelaskan mengatakan peristiwa penembakan terjadi pada Sabtu (15/4/2023), sekitar pukul 16.30 WIT. Saat itu Pratu Arifin bersama Satgas lainnya tengah menyisir mendekati lokasi penyanderaan pilot Susi Air.
"Dari Satgas uji mencoba untuk menyisir mendekati posisi dari para penyandera," kata Julius di Mabes TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta Timur, Minggu (16/4).
Kepala Pusat Penerangan (Kapuspen) TNI Laksda TNI Julius Widjojono (kedua kiri) memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan di Balai Wartawan Puspen TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Minggu (16/4/2023). Konferensi pers tersebut terkait kontak tembak antara TNI dengan KKB Papua pada Sabtu (15/4) yang menewaskan satu orang prajurit atas nama Pratu Miftahul Arifin yaitu kejadian yang merupakan bagian dari operasi penyelamatan pilot Susi Air di Mugi-Mam, Kabupaten Nduga, Papua. ANTARA FOTO/Asprilla Dwi Adha/nym.Kepala Pusat Penerangan (Kapuspen) TNI Laksda TNI Julius Widjojono (kedua kiri) memberikan keterangan kepada wartawan di Balai Wartawan Puspen TNI, Cilangkap, Jakarta, Minggu (16/4/2023). (Foto: ANTARA FOTO/ASPRILLA DWI ADHA)
Setelahnya, KKB kemudian melakukan penyerangan terhadap mereka. Akibatnya Pratu Arifin gugur tertembak hingga terjatuh ke jurang sedalam 15 meter.
"Kemudian ada serangan dari mereka. Satu terjatuh di kedalaman 15 meter," ujarnya.
Melihat hal tersebut, prajurit yang lain pun berupaya untuk mengevakuasi Pratu Arifin. Namun para prajurit kembali dihujani tembakan. Julius menyebutkan hingga kini pihaknya masih mendalami kondisi terkini prajurit yang ada.
"Dan ketika mencoba untuk menolong mendapatkan serangan ulang. Kondisi lainnya masih dalam tahap pendalaman," jelasnya.
Beberapa Prajurit Masih di Lokasi
Kapuspen TNI Laksda TNI Julius Widjojono mengungkap beberapa parjurit masih berada di beberapa lokasi. Julius mengaku saat ini kesulitan untuk menghubungi para prajuritnya di lokasi. Hal itu karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak menentu.
"Adapun kondisi prajurit yang lainnya saat ini masih ada di beberapa lokasi. Kami kesulitan untuk menghubungi karena kondisi cuaca yang tidak menentu,"ujar Julius dalam konferensi pers, Minggu (16/4/2023).
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Arahan Tegas Panglima TNI
Panglima TNI Laksamana Yudo Margono pun memberikan arahan tegas usai peristiwa itu. Salah satunya melakukan pencarian dan bantuan tempur dengan kekuatan maksimal.
"Untuk itu, Panglima TNI secara terus menerus memerintahkan untuk melakukan pencarian dan bantuan tempur dengan kekuatan maksimal," ujarnya.
Selain itu, Yudo kata Julius juga meminta satgas untuk tidak ragu dalam mengambil tindakan. Perintah ini ditekankan beberapa kali.
Awalnya, Julius bicara kesimpangsiuran informasi di media sosial soal gugurnya Pratu Arifin. Dia meminta media hanya merujuk pada keterangan Mabes TNI. Penyebaran informasi keliru, menurutnya, akan berdampak pada operasi di lapangan.
"Menindaklanjuti kesimpangsiuran informasi yang beredar di medsos sejak kemarin, saya menyarankan segenap awak media untuk berkenan merujuk informasi yang disampaikan melalui jalur Mabes TNI. Penyebaran informasi keliru akan berdampak pada tingkat keberhasilan operasi di lapangan," ujarnya.
Julius menegaskan TNI tidak pernah mundur untuk menjaga kedaulatan, termasuk di wilayah Papua. Dia mengutip arahan Panglima TNI untuk mengambil tindakan tegas tanpa ragu.
"TNI sebagai patriot NKRI tidak pernah mundur sejengkal pun untuk menjaga kedaulatan wilayah RI dan itu masih konsisten dilaksanakan di Papua," ujarnya.
"Panglima TNI dengan tegas menyampaikan untuk ambil tindakan jangan ragu-ragu," sambungnya.