'Musang King' and 'Everybody Happy' Behind the Bandung Walkot Bribe
Yana Mulyana (YM) was caught in the KPK's red-handed operation in the alleged bribery case for CCTV procurement and internet service providers in the Bandung Smart City program. Apparently, there were corruption codes for 'Nganter Musang King' and Everybody Happy' behind the Bandung Mayor's bribe.
It is known that Yana Mulyana was arrested by the KPK on Friday (14/4/2023), yesterday. Yana was arrested along with nine other people, including officials from the Transportation Agency.
"The red-handed activities were carried out by the KPK team, from noon to Friday (14/4) evening," said Head of KPK Reporting Unit, Ali Fikri.
"The number of people arrested so far is 9 people, including the Mayor and several other officials at the Bandung City Transportation Service," he said.
Yana and the nine people were then taken to the KPK for intensive examination.
Arriving early Sunday morning (16/4), the KPK held a press conference regarding Yana's case. Yana and six officials at the Bandung City Government were named suspects and detained.
The four suspects were presented at a press conference. While the other two could not be presented because they were positive for COVID-19. Here is the list:
1. Yana Mulyana (YN), Walkot Bandung
2. Dadang Darmawan (DD), Kadishub Pemkot Bandung
3. Khairul Rijal (KR), Secretary of the Bandung City Government Transportation Agency
4. Benny (BN), Director of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA)
5. Sony Setiadi (SS), CEO of PT Itra Exploring Informatics (CIFO)
6. Andreas Guntoro (AG), Manager of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA)
KPK deputy chairman Nurul Ghufron then conveyed the state of affairs in the corruption case involving Yana et al. Ghufron said that initially, the Bandung City Government in 2018 launched Bandung as a smart city through the Bandung Smart City program.
"When YM was appointed Mayor of Bandung in 2022, Bandung Smart City was still maximizing services including CCTV services and internet services (ISP)," said Ghufron.
CCTV service providers and internet services (ISP) for Bandung Smart City are PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) with the position of Benny (BN) as Director and Andreas Guntoro (AG) as Manager and PT PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (CIFO) with the position of Sony Setiadi (SS) as CEO.
"Around August 2022, AG, with BN's knowledge, together with SS met YM at the Mayor's Hall with the intention of being able to work on a CCTV procurement project for the Bandung City Government Communication and Information Service," added Ghufron.
CCTV and internet service providers then met Yana Mulyana. The meeting was facilitated by Khairul Rijal (KR) as Secretary of the Bandung City Government Transportation Service. Around December 2022, they will again hold a meeting at the Mayor's Hall.
During this meeting, Sony gave Yana Mulyana a sum of money and also discussed the condition of PT CIFO as the executor of the ISP procurement at the Bandung City Government Transportation Agency, even though PT CIFO's participation in the project was through the e-catalogue application.
"After the meeting, it was suspected that DD (Dadang Darmawan as the Bandung City Transportation Agency) received money through KR and also YM received through RH as Private Secretary as well as YM's confidante from SS," said Ghufron.
There are corruption codes for 'Everybody Happy' and "Nganter Musang King". Read on the next page.
There are codes 'Everybody Happy' & 'Nganter Musang King'
There is a code 'Everybody Happy' after Yana Mulyana accepts bribes. 'Everybody Happy' was said by the Secretary of the Bandung City Government Transportation Agency, Khairul Rijal (KR), to Yana's personal secretary, with the initials RH.
"After DD and YM received the money, KR informed RH by saying 'Everybody is Happy'," said Ghufron.
DD is Dadang Darmawan as Kadishub Pemkot Bandung. Besides the code 'Everybody Happy', there is also the term 'Nganter Musang King'.
"The transfer of money from SS and AG to YM uses the term 'Nganter Musang King'," added Gufron.
SS is Sony Setiadi as the CEO of PT Citra Jelajah Informatika, while AG is the manager of PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna. Both were bribes of Yana Mulyana.
'Musang King' dan 'Everybody Happy' di Balik Suap Walkot Bandung
Yana Mulyana (YM) terjaring operasi tangkap tangan KPK dalam kasus dugaan suap pengadaan CCTV dan penyedia jasa internet dalam program Bandung Smart City. Rupanya, ada sandi-sandi korupsi 'Nganter Musang King' dan Everybody Happy' di balik suap Wali Kota Bandung itu.
Diketahui, Yana Mulyana ditangkap KPK pada Jumat (14/4/2023), kemarin. Yana ditangkap bersama sembilan orang lain, termasuk pejabat Dishub.
"Kegiatan tangkap tangan dilakukan tim KPK, dari siang hingga Jumat (14/4) malam," kata Kabag Pemberitaan KPK Ali Fikri.
"Jumlah orang yang ditangkap sejauh ini 9 orang, termasuk Wali Kota dan beberapa pejabat lainnya di Dinas Perhubungan Kota Bandung," kata dia.
Yana dan sembilan orang itu kemudian dibawa ke KPK untuk diperiksa intensif.
Tibalah pada Minggu dini hari (16/4), KPK menggelar konferensi pers terkait kasus Yana. Yana dan enam pejabat di Pemerintah Kota Bandung ditetapkan sebagai tersangka dan ditahan.
Keempat tersangka dihadirkan dalam konferensi pers. Sementara dua lainnya tidak bisa dihadirkan karena positif COVID-19. Berikut ini daftarnya:
1. Yana Mulyana (YN), Walkot Bandung
2. Dadang Darmawan (DD), Kadishub Pemkot Bandung
3. Khairul Rijal (KR), Sekretaris Dishub Pemkot Bandung
4. Benny (BN), Direktur PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA)
5. Sony Setiadi (SS), CEO PT itra Jelajah Informatika (CIFO)
6. Andreas Guntoro (AG), Manajer PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA)
Wakil Ketua KPK Nurul Ghufron lalu menyampaikan duduk perkara korupsi yang membelit Yana dkk ini. Ghufron mengatakan mulanya, Pemerintah Kota Bandung pada 2018 mencanangkan Bandung sebagai kota cerdas melalui program Bandung Smart City.
"Saat YM dilantik menjadi Wali Kota Bandung di tahun 2022, Bandung Smart City masih terus memaksimalkan layanan di antaranya layanan CCTV dan jasa internet (ISP)," kata Ghufron.
Penyedia layanan CCTV dan jasa internet (ISP) untuk Bandung Smart City itu adalah PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna (SMA) dengan posisi Benny (BN) selaku Direktur dan Andreas Guntoro (AG) selaku Manager serta PT PT Citra Jelajah Informatika (CIFO) dengan posisi Sony Setiadi (SS) selaku CEO.
"Sekitar Agustus 2022, AG dengan sepengetahuan BN bersama dengan SS menemui YM di Pendopo Wali Kota dengan maksud agar bisa mengerjakan proyek pengadaan CCTV pada Dinas Perhubungan dan Dinas Komunikasi dan Informatika Pemkot Bandung," imbuh Ghufron.
Penyedia CCTV dan jasa internet kemudian menemui Yana Mulyana. Pertemuan itu difasilitasi Khairul Rijal (KR) selaku Sekretaris Dinas Perhubungan Pemkot Bandung. Sekitar Desember 2022, mereka kembali menggelar pertemuan di Pendopo Walikota.
Dalam pertemuan ini, ada pemberian sejumlah uang dari Sony kepada Yana Mulyana sekaligus membahas pengkondisian PT CIFO sebagai pelaksana pengadaan ISP di Dishub Pemkot Bandung walaupun keikutsertaan PT CIFO dalam proyek tersebut melalui aplikasi e-catalogue.
"Setelah pertemuan itu, diduga ada penerimaan uang oleh DD (Dadang Darmawan selaku Kadishub Kota Bandung) melalui KR dan juga YM yang diterima melalui RH sebagai Sekretaris Pribadi sekaligus orang kepercayaan YM yang bersumber dari SS," ucap Ghufron.
Ada sandi-sandi korupsi 'Everybody Happy' dan "Nganter Musang King'. Baca di halaman berikutnya.
Ada Kode 'Everybody Happy' & 'Nganter Musang King'
Ada kode 'Everybody Happy' usai Yana Mulyana menerima duit suap. 'Everybody Happy' diucapkan oleh Sekretaris Dishub Pemkot Bandung, Khairul Rijal (KR), kepada sekretaris pribadi Yana, berinisial RH.
"Setelah DD dan YM menerima uang, KR menginformasikan kepada RH dengan mengatakan 'Everybody Happy'," ujar Ghufron.
DD adalah Dadang Darmawan selaku Kadishub Pemkot Bandung. Selain kode 'Everybody Happy', ada pula istilah 'Nganter Musang King'.
"Penyerahan uang dari SS dan AG untuk YM memakai istilah 'Nganter Musang King'," tambah Gufron.
SS adalah Sony Setiadi selaku CEO PT Citra Jelajah Informatika, sedangkan AG adalah manajer PT Sarana Mitra Adiguna. Keduanya penyuap Yana Mulyana.