LBH PP Muhammadiyah Hopes BRIN Researchers AP Hasanuddin and Thomas Djamaluddin Are Fired

LBH PP Muhammadiyah Hopes BRIN Researchers AP Hasanuddin and Thomas Djamaluddin Are Fired

The Legal Aid Institute (LBH) Central Executive (PP) Muhammadiyah hopes that there will be strict sanctions in the form of dismissal of two researchers from the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN), namely Andi Pangerang (AP) Hasanuddin and Thomas Djamaluddin regarding threats to Muhammadiyah members. 

The request was in the aftermath of their second statement which was considered to contain SARA in a Facebook comment. 

"So the recommendation, the sanction is clear, yes, we ask that he be dishonorably dismissed as an ASN employee," said the attorney for LBH PP Muhammadiyah, Gufroni, when met at Bareskrim Lobby, Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Tuesday (25/4/2023). 

According to Gufroni, a BRIN researcher named Thomas had also previously made an upload on a Facebook account that seemed to attack the Muhammadiyah community organization (ormas). 

"Actually, if we trace it, since 2013 there have been statuses that have attacked Muhammadiyah. So after we explore the statuses, they are indeed extraordinary, the posts," he said. 

Meanwhile, another attorney from LBH PP Muhammadiyah named Muhammad Rasyid Ridha assessed that Thomas and Andi deserved to be fired because they were discriminatory against certain beliefs. 

In fact, Ihwan said Thomas and Andi's statements in social media uploads were considered to be at a higher level than discriminatory. 

According to Ihwan, Thomas and Andi as state civil servants (ASN) should have an impartial mindset and impose certain religious beliefs. 

Because, according to him, it could be dangerous for the situation of diversity in Indonesia. 

"Meanwhile, for example ASN itself is diverse, especially in society. So considering that ASN is a representation, part of the country's representation where the state has to protect diversity itself, then they should be dealt with strictly, right, ASN or PNS, they are even discriminatory," he said. 

The screenshot of Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin's statement went viral on social media. The incident began when AP Hasanuddin's account commented on a Facebook post belonging to BRIN researcher, Thomas Djamaluddin. 

In a screenshot circulating on Twitter, Thomas responded to a comment from Aflahal Mufadilah who stated that Muhammadiyah had disobeyed the government regarding the determination of Eid 2023. 

"Yes. After disobeying the government's decision, uh, still asking for facilities for the Eid prayer place. The government also provides facilities," wrote Thomas Djamaluddin's comment. 

Still in the same comment column, an account named AP Hasanuddin appears which supports Thomas and expresses anger towards Muhammadiyah members. 

ASN Ethics Council
Related to this, Head of BRIN, Laksana Tri Handoko, said he would check the information issue. 

Laksono also regretted that this issue is currently growing rapidly. Because, he considered the issue to be less productive to be debated to the point of causing threats. 

He said, if it is proven that the threatening comments came from ASN BRIN, the perpetrators of the threats will be processed through an ethics trial. 

"Even though the community member has written an apology letter, BRIN will still process the person concerned by holding an ASN Ethics Council Session, scheduled for the upcoming Wednesday (26/4/2023)," said Laksana to, Tuesday (25/4/2023) . 

After the ethics trial, the process will immediately proceed to the ASN Disciplinary Punishment Council to determine the final sanction. 

LBH PP Muhammadiyah Harap Peneliti BRIN AP Hasanuddin dan Thomas Djamaluddin Dipecat

Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Pengurus Pusat (PP) Muhammadiyah berharap ada sanksi tegas berupa pemecatan terhadap dua peneliti Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), yakni Andi Pangerang (AP) Hasanuddin dan Thomas Djamaluddin terkait ancaman terhadap warga Muhammadiyah. 

Adapun permintaan itu buntut dari pernyataan keduanya yang dinilai memuat SARA dalam komentar Facebook.

"Jadi rekomendasi, sanksinya jelas ya, kita minta agar dia dipecat tidak hormat sebagai pegawai ASN," ucap kuasa hukum LBH PP Muhammadiyah, Gufroni, saat ditemui di Lobi Bareskrim, Mabes Polri, Jakarta, Selasa (25/4/2023).

Menurut Gufroni, peneliti BRIN yang bernama Thomas juga sebelumnya pernah membuat unggahan di akun Facebook yang terkesan menyerang organisasi masyarakat (ormas) Muhammadiyah.

"Sebetulnya kalau kita telusuri itu dari 2013 sudah ada status yang menyerang Muhammadiyah. Jadi setelah kita telusuri status-statusnya itu memang luar biasa, posting-an-posting-annya," ucap dia.

Sementara itu, kuasa hukum lainnya dari LBH PP Muhammadiyah yang bernama Muhammad Rasyid Ridha menilai, Thomas dan Andi layak dipecat karena diskriminatif terhadap keyakinan tertentu.

Bahkan, Ihwan menyebut pernyataan-pernyataan Thomas dan Andi dalam unggahan media sosial dianggap selevel lebih tinggi dari diskriminatif.

Menurut Ihwan, Thomas dan Andi sebagai aparatur sipil negara (ASN) seharusnya memiliki pola pikir yang tidak memihak dan memaksakan terhadap keyakinan agama tertentu.

Sebab, menurut dia, hal itu bisa berbahaya bagi situasi keberagaman di Indonesia.

"Sedangkan misalkan ASN sendiri beragam apalagi di masyarakat. Jadi mengingat ASN adalah representasi, bagian representasi negara di mana negara harus mengayomi keberagaman itu sendiri maka sudah semenstinya dia ditindak tegas gitu kan, ASN atau PNS yang dia bahkan berlaku diskriminatif," tutur dia.

Tangkapan layar pernyataan Andi Pangerang Hasanuddin itu viral di media sosial. Kejadian bermula saat akun AP Hasanuddin berkomentar di unggahan Facebook milik peneliti BRIN, Thomas Djamaluddin.

Dalam langkapan layar yang beredar di Twitter, Thomas merespons sebuah komentar dari Aflahal Mufadilah yang menyebut bahwa Muhammadiyah sudah tidak taat kepada pemerintah terkait penentuanLebaran 2023.

"Ya. Sdh tidak taat keputusan pemerintah, eh, masih minta difasilitasi tempat shalat ied. Pemerintah pun memberikan fasilitas," tulis komentar Thomas Djamaluddin.

Masih dalam kolom komentar yang sama, muncul akun bernama AP Hasanuddin yang mendukung Thomas dan menyatakan kemarahan terhadap warga Muhammadiyah.

Sidang etik ASN
Terkait hal tersebut, Kepala BRIN Laksana Tri Handoko mengatakan, akan melakukan pengecekan atas isu informasi tersebut.

Laksono juga menyayangkan isu tersebut yang kini berkembang pesat. Sebab, ia menilai isu tersebut kurang produktif untuk diperdebatkan hingga menimbulkan ancaman.

Dia mengatakan, apabila terbukti komentar ancaman tersebut datang dari ASN BRIN, pelaku ancaman akan diproses melalui sidang etik.

"Meski sivitas tersebut sudah membuat surat permintaan maaf, BRIN tetap akan memproses yang bersangkutan dengan menggelar Sidang Majelis Etik ASN, diagendakan Rabu (26/4/2023) mendatang," ujar Laksana kepada, Selasa (25/4/2023).

Setelah sidang etik, proses akan langsung dilanjutkan ke Majelis Hukuman Disiplin ASN untuk penetapan sanksi final.

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