Kiai Wildan Mashuri Amin deserves to be sentenced to death, the victims become 22 female students

Kiai Wildan Mashuri Amin deserves to be sentenced to death, the victims become 22 female students

- Student victims of lust  kiai obscene  Wildan Mashuri Amin (57) increased to 22 people. The victims were female students and alumni of Al-Minhaj Islamic Boarding School, Bandar District in Batang, Central Java. 

As caretaker of the Islamic boarding school, cleric Wildan Mashuri Amin devised a trick to be able to have intercourse with his female students. 
Kiai Wildan chose female students who he considered beautiful and attractive for him to have sex with. 
Previously, it was reported that the number of victims of Wildan Mashuri was 15 people. 

"The total number of victims of Wildan Mashuri is 22 female students," a written statement from the Batang Police on Friday (14/4/2023) evening. 
Previously, the Batang Police had examined 11 female students from the Islamic boarding school where the suspect taught, Thursday (13/4/2023). 
"On April 13, 2023 the Satreskrim of the Batang Police conducted an examination of eleven female students at the Islamic boarding school," wrote the statement. 
Initially, the number of victims of Wildan Mashuri was reported as 15 people. Then on Tuesday (11/4/2023), two people reported being victims. 

Two days later, Wednesday (12/4/2023), two other people also reported. Then on Thursday (13/4/2023), three people reported again as victims of Wildan. 
Of the total 22 female students, 17 of them were raped, four were molested, and one person has not received a post mortem. 

The Batang Police is currently seeking protection and assistance for the victims. 
"The Batang Police's efforts to provide assistance to victims who are still children work together with relevant agencies to carry out trauma healing for victims," ​​wrote the statement. 
Siri marriage without guardians and witnesses
The Central Java Regional Police Chief, Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi explained the modus operandi of the perpetrators to ensnare their victims. 

The first Wildan called the victim to a room in the Islamic boarding school. 

He then seduced the victim with the lure of getting karomah. 
The perpetrator also pretended to marry the victim in an unregistered manner without a guardian or marriage witness. 
After that, Wildan sexually assaulted his female students. 
"These victims are said to receive karomah and get rid of bad luck, then they are also given sangu or snacks and are not allowed to report that they are legally husband and wife to their parents," he said. 
It is known that Wildan has been carrying out his actions since 2019. Now the police have named Wildan as a suspect. 
For his actions, the perpetrator can be charged under Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection with a maximum prison sentence of 15 years. 
"If you repeatedly add a third to the maximum sentence of 20 years, what's more they are teaching staff," said Luthfi. (*)

Kiai Wildan Mashuri Amin Pantas Dihukum Mati, Korbannya Jadi 22 Santriwati

 - Santriwati korban syahwat kiai cabul Wildan Mashuri Amin (57) bertambah menjadi 22 orang. Para korban adalah santriwati dan alumni Ponpes Al-Minhaj, Kecamatan Bandar di Batang, Jawa Tengah. 

Sebagai pengasuh Pondok Pesantren, kiai Wildan Mashuri Amin melakukan tipu daya untuk dapat menyetubuhi para santriwatinya. 
Kiai Wildan memilih santriwati yang ia anggap cantik dan menarik untuk ia setubuhi.
Sebelumnya, dilaporkan jumlah korban Wildan Mashuri sebanyak 15 orang.

"Jumlah keseluruhan korban Wildan Mashuri adalah 22 orang santriwati," keterangan tertulis Polres Batang paad Jumat (14/4/2023) malam.
Sebelumnya, Polres Batang telah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap 11 santriwati dari ponpes tempat tersangka mengajar, Kamis (13/4/2023).
"Tanggal 13 April 2023 Satreskrim Polres Batang telah melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap sebelas orang santriwati di ponpes," tulis dalam keterangan tersebut.
Semula jumlah korban Wildan Mashuri dilaporkan sebanyak 15 orang. Lalu pada Selasa (11/4/2023), dua orang melapor menjadi korban.

Dua hari berikutnya, Rabu (12/4/2023), dua orang lainnya juga melapor. Lalu pada Kamis (13/4/2023), ada tiga orang yang melaporkan lagi sebagai korban Wildan.
Dari total 22 santriwati korban tersebut dikategorikan 17 di antaranya diperkosa, empat dicabuli, dan satu orang belum divisum.

Polres Batang saat ini tengah mengupayakan perlindungan dan pendampingan bagi para korban.
"Upaya Polres Batang berikan pendampingan terhadap korban yang masih anak anak bekerja sama dengan dinas terkait melaksanakan trauma healing terhadap korban," tulis keterangan tersebut.
Nikah siri tanpa Wali dan saksi
Kapolda Jateng, Irjen Pol Ahmad Luthfi menjelaskan modus yang dilakukan pelaku untuk menjerat korbannya.

Wildan pertama memanggil korban ke sebuah ruangan di lingkungan ponpes.

Ia lalu merayu korban dengan iming-iming mendapatkan karomah.
Pelaku juga pura-pura menikahi korban secara siri tanpa wali maupun saksi nikah.
Setelahnya, Wildan melakukan kekerasan seksual kepada para santriwatinya.
"Para korban ini dibilang akan mendapat karomah serta buang sial, lalu juga diberikan sangu atau jajan dan tidak boleh lapor sudah sah sebagai suami istri ke orang tua," ujar dia.
Diketahui, Wildan melancarkan aksinya sudah sejak tahun 2019. Kini polisi sudah menetapkan Wildan sebagai tersangka.
Atas perbuatannya, pelaku dapat dijerat dengan UU No 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perubahan atas Undang-Undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 Tentang Perlindungan Anak dengan ancaman penjara maksimal 15 tahun.
"Kalau berulang-ulang bisa ditambah sepertiga masa hukuman maksimal 20 tahun, apalagi mereka tenaga pengajar," tegas Luthfi. (*)

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