Canceled Fired, Honorary Teacher Criticizing Ridwan Kamil Doesn't Want to Return to Teaching: Feeling Guilty
M Sabil Fadhilah (34), an honorary teacher whose viral comments on Ridwan Kamil's uploads failed to be fired from his job.
The Governor of West Java, Ridwan Kamil, clarified and contacted the school so that Sabil would not be dismissed from his job.
Quoted from his upload, Ridwan Kamil said he was surprised to see the news that his foundation had dismissed a vocational school teacher for criticizing him.
"A leader must be open to criticism, even though sometimes it is conveyed harshly. Thousands of criticisms have come in, and I always respond in a relaxed and casual manner. Sometimes they respond by giving scientific explanations, sometimes they just reply with jokes," said Ridwan Kamil quoted from his Instagram upload, quoted from, Wednesday (15/3/2023).
Emil, Ridwan Kamil's nickname, also wrote, "Maybe because the one who made the abusive post was a teacher, whose posts might be seen/imitated by his students, the school/foundation to maintain the good name of the institution took strict action according to school regulations thatconcerned."
Therefore, after the news was published Emil immediately contacted the school or his foundation so that Sabil could only be advised and reminded, so there was no need to be dismissed.
"Whatever it is, in this era of uncensored social media, it is our responsibility as parents, teachers and leaders to continue to advise each other in kindness, patience and always be wise in social media. So that our children and grandchildren can live in a more noble civilization," said Ridwan Kamil.
Sabil is reluctant to return to teaching
Responding to this, Sabil admitted that he had just learned about his termination as a teacher at Telkom Sekar Kemuning Vocational School, Cirebon City, from an upload on Ridwan Kamil's Instagram account.
However, until now his party has not received further information from the school and the Telkom Sekar Kemuning Vocational School foundation, Cirebon City or the Education Office Branch Office (KCD) Region X West Java.
"If it is cancelled (the dismissal), I plan not to take it again, because I feel guilty, I don't feel comfortable going to school," said M Sabil Fadhillah.
Batal Dipecat, Guru Honorer yang Kritik Ridwan Kamil Tidak Mau Kembali Ngajar: Merasa Bersalah
M Sabil Fadhilah (34) guru honorer yang viral komentari unggahan Ridwan Kamil batal dipecat dari pekerjaannya.
Gubernur Jawa Barat, Ridwan Kamil mengklarifikasi dan menghubungi pihak sekolah agar Sabil tidak diberhentikan dari pekerjaannya.
Dikutip dari unggahannya, Ridwan Kamil mengaku kaget melihat berita guru SMK diberhentikan oleh yayasannya karena mengkritiknya.
"Seorang pemimpin harus terbuka terhadap kritik walaupun kadang disampaikan secara kasar. Sudah ribuan kritik masuk, dan selalu saya respon dengan santai dan biasa saja. Kadang ditanggapi dengan memberikan penjelasan ilmiah, kadang dibalas dengan bercanda saja," ujar Ridwan Kamil dikutip dari unggahan Instagramnya dilansir dari, Rabu (15/3/2023).
Emil, sapaan akrab Ridwan Kamil juga menuliskan, "Mungkin karena yang melakukan posting kasar adalah seorang Guru, yang postingannya mungkin dilihat/ditiru oleh murid-muridnya, maka pihak sekolah/yayasan untuk menjaga nama baik insitusi memberikan tindakan tegas sesuai peraturan sekolah yang bersangkutan."
Karenanya, setelah berita tersebut terbit Emil langsung menghubungi sekolah atau yayasannya agar Sabil cukup dinasehati dan diingatkan saja, sehingga tidak perlu sampai diberhentikan.
"Apapun itu, di era medsos tanpa sensor ini, Kewajiban kita para orangtua, guru dan pemimpin untuk terus saling nasehat-menasehati dalam kabaikan, kesabaran dan selalu bijak dalam bermedsos. Agar anak cucu kita bisa hidup dalam peradaban yang lebih mulia," kata Ridwan Kamil.
Sabil enggan kembali mengajar
Menanggapi hal tersebut, Sabil mengaku baru mengetahui pemberhentiannya sebagai guru SMK Telkom Sekar Kemuning Kota Cirebon dari unggahan di akun Instagram Ridwan Kamil.
Namun, hingga kini pihaknya belum menerima informasi lebih lanjut dari pihak sekolah dan yayasan SMK Telkom Sekar Kemuning Kota Cirebon maupun Kantor Cabang Dinas (KCD) Pendidikan Wilayah X Jawa Barat.
"Jika dibatalkan (pemberhentiannya), saya rencananya enggak ambil lagi, karena merasa bersalah, tidak enak ke sekolah," ujar M Sabil Fadhillah.
News, Entertainment, Health
Canceled Fired
Criticizing Ridwan Kamil
Doesn't Want to Return to Teaching
Feeling Guilty
Honorary Teacher