The foreman of the Sheikh Zayed Solo Great Mosque Project owes Rp. 145 million, the owner of this stall sells jewelry

The foreman of the Sheikh Zayed Solo Great Mosque Project owes Rp. 145 million, the owner of this stall sells jewelry

Dian (38) had to rack her brains because her shop was owed hundreds of millions by the foreman of the Sheikh Zayed Solo Grand Mosque project. 

Yes, the owner of the Restu Bunda stall has not been paid for the project workers' food allowance. The amount reached IDR 145 million. 

Dian revealed that she had to sell jewelery so she could wholesale materials and ensure that her stall did not close. 

"Yes, little by little. What is available is sold first. Those who have jewelery are sold first to dig holes to close the holes," he explained when met by, Thursday (16/3/2023). 

He said that the project workers were in debt under three foremen. The first is foreman N, who has a debt of Rp. 65 million. 

Then the foreman with the initials G owed Rp. 50 million. Both are said to have come from Demak. 

Lastly is the foreman with the initials G, from Purwodadi, who still has a food allowance of up to Rp. 30 million. 

Dian said that actually she was asked to handle many foremen and workers. However, he refused because he could not afford it. 

"Actually 6. Sorry if I have to provide for 6 foremen, I can't. Please share the stalls. The 3 are divided into stalls near the workshop," he explained. 

He then heard that the payment for the Sheikh Zayed Solo Great Mosque construction project had faltered. In fact, the salaries of the workers are also not paid. 

Diutangi Mandor Proyek Masjid Raya Sheikh Zayed Solo Rp 145 Juta, Pemilik Warung Ini Sampai Jual Perhiasan

Dian (38) harus memutar otak lantaran warungnya diutangi ratusan juta oleh mandor proyek Masjid Raya Sheikh Zayed Solo.

Ya, pemilik warung Restu Bunda ini belum dibayar uang makan para pekerja proyek. Jumlahnya mencapai Rp 145 juta.

Dian mengungkapkan, dia harus menjual perhiasan supaya bisa kulakan bahan dan memastikan warungnya tidak tutup.

"Ya sedikit demi sedikit. Apa yang ada dijual dulu. Yang punya perhiasan dijual dulu untuk gali lubang tutup lubang," jelasnya saat ditemui, Kamis (16/3/2023).

Dia menuturkan, para pekerja proyek itu berutang di bawah tiga mandor. Pertama mandor N yang mempunyai utang Rp 65 juta.

Kemudian mandor berinisial G yang berutang Rp 50 juta. Keduanya disebut berasal dari Demak.

Terakhir adalah mandor inisial G, asal Purwodadi, yang masih nombok uang makan hingga Rp 30 juta.

Dian mengatakan, sebenarnya dia sempat diminta menangani banyak mandor dan pekerja. Namun, dia menolak karena tidak sanggup.

"Sebenarnya 6. Maaf kalau saya harus nyukupin 6 mandor saya tidak bisa. Tolong dibagi warung. Yang 3 dibagi warung dekat bengkel," jelasnya.

Dirinya lalu mendengar bahwa pembayaran proyek pembangunan Masjid Raya Sheikh Zayed Solo tersendat. Bahkan, gaji para pekerja juga tidak dibayar.

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