Seconds of Husband Bopong and Throwing Wife into the Sea, Survivors Holding on to the Barrier of the Ship

Seconds of Husband Bopong and Throwing Wife into the Sea, Survivors Holding on to the Barrier of the Ship

Seconds of Husband Bopong and Throwing Wife into the Sea, Survivors Holding on to the Barrier of the Ship

Viral CCTV video recording of a man suspected of being a husband carrying and throwing his wife into the sea from a ferry, Thursday (23/2/2023). 

In the 40-second video, a woman is seen in the aisle of the ship, then a man, believed to be her husband, arrives and holds the woman in her arms. 

Suddenly the man walked towards the side of the ship and threw his wife from the KMP Shalem which was sailing in the Sunda Strait. 

Seeing this action, a man wearing a hat tried to help the victim, but the husband had already dropped his wife. 

Head of the Bakauheni Port Sector Police Office (KSKP) AKP Ridho Rafika confirmed that the incident of a husband throwing his wife into the sea occurred at KMP Shalem. 

According to Ridho, the ship was on its way to Bakauheni Harbor after departing from Merak Harbor on Thursday (23/2/2023) dawn. 

"It's true, there was an incident where a male passenger tried to drop his wife into the sea," Ridho said when contacted, Friday (24/2/2023) morning. 

The identity of the victim and perpetrator cannot be disclosed at the request of the family. However, both of them are truly husband and wife. 

"The perpetrators and victims wanted to return to Central Lampung with their families by private car," said Ridho. 

From information gathered from KSKP Bakauheni members, this incident started when KMP Shalem departed from Pier 2 of Merak Port on Thursday at around 02.00 WIB. 

At around 05.15, when KMP Shalem entered the Bakauheni Port channel, suddenly the ship's security received information that a passenger was about to drop his wife into the sea. 

According to witness testimony, Regi Alfiansyah (47), an employee of the KMP Shalem canteen who was near the location, at that time he was sweeping the canteen floor. 

He saw a man who suddenly approached the woman from behind. 

The man (the perpetrator) then carried the woman and walked to the edge of the ship. 

"The witness at that time saw the perpetrator release his arms so that the victim would fall into the sea," said Ridho. 

Victim holding on to the iron barrier

The victim did not fall into the sea because he was holding on to the iron railing of the ship. Regi and the victim's family immediately ran and helped him. 

After the victim survived, the perpetrator was secured by witnesses. Ridho added that the perpetrator was interrogated by the ship's security to find out the reason why the victim was about to be thrown into the sea. 

"It is suspected that the perpetrator was depressed because he wanted to throw the victim into the sea when he heard a voice telling him to do this," said Ridho. 

The incident did not continue because the family asked to be resolved internally by their family. 

"The family gave the reason the perpetrator was in the process of treatment because he had a psychiatric disorder," said Ridho. 

Detik-detik Suami Bopong dan Ceburkan Istri ke Laut, Korban Selamat Berpegangan di Besi Pembatas Kapal

Viral video rekaman CCTV seorang pria diduga suami membopong dan ceburkan istri ke laut dari atas kapal feri, Kamis (23/2/2023).

Dalam video berdurasi 40 detik itu, terlihat seorang perempuan berada di selasar kapal, kemudian datang pria diduga suaminya dan membopong wanita tersebut.

Tiba-tiba pria tersebut berjalan ke arah pinggir kapal dan menceburkan istrinya dari atas KMP Shalem yang berlayar di Selat Sunda.

Melihat aksi tersebut, seorang pria bertopi berusaha menolong korban, tetapi suami sudah terlebih dahulu menjatuhkan istrinya.

Kepala Kantor Polisi Sektor Pelabuhan (KSKP) Bakauheni AKP Ridho Rafika membenarkan adanya peristiwa suami ceburkan istri ke laut tersebut terjadi di KMP Shalem.

Menurut Ridho, kapal tersebut dalam perjalanan menuju Pelabuhan Bakauheni setelah bertolak dari Pelabuhan Merak pada Kamis (23/2/2023) subuh.

"Benar, ada peristiwa seorang penumpang laki-laki yang mencoba menjatuhkan istrinya ke laut," kata Ridho saat dihubungi, Jumat (24/2/2023) pagi.

Identitas korban dan pelaku tidak bisa diungkap atas permintaan dari keluarga. Namun, keduanya benar adalah pasangan suami istri.

"Pelaku dan korban hendak kembali ke Lampung Tengah bersama keluarga mereka mengendarai mobil pribadi," kata Ridho.

Dari keterangan yang dihimpun dari anggota KSKP Bakauheni, peristiwa ini berawal saat KMP Shalem bertolak dari Dermaga 2 Pelabuhan Merak pada Kamis sekitar pukul 02.00 WIB.

Sekitar pukul 05.15, saat KMP Shalem memasuki alur Pelabuhan Bakauheni, tiba-tiba sekuriti kapal mendapatkan informasi ada penumpang yang hendak menjatuhkan istrinya ke laut.

Menurut keterangan saksi, Regi Alfiansyah (47), pegawai kantin KMP Shalem yang berada di dekat lokasi, ketika itu dia sedang menyapu lantai kantin.

Dia melihat ada seorang lelaki yang tiba-tiba menghampiri perempuan dari arah belakang.

Lelaki itu (pelaku) lalu membopong si perempuan dan berjalan ke tepi kapal.

"Saksi saat itu melihat pelaku melepaskan bopongan agar korban terjatuh ke laut," kata Ridho.

Korban berpegangan dengan besi pembatas

Korban tidak tercebur ke laut karena berpegangan pada pagar besi pembatas kapal. Regi dan keluarga korban langsung berlari dan menolongnya.

Setelah korban selamat, pelaku diamankan oleh saksi. Ridho menambahkan, pelaku sempat diinterogasi oleh sekuriti kapal untuk mencari tahu alasan kenapa korban hendak diceburkan ke laut.

"Pelaku diduga mengalami depresi karena alasannya hendak menceburkan korban ke laut dia mendengar suara yang menyuruhnya melakukan perbuatan itu," kata Ridho.

Kejadian itu tidak berlanjut karena keluarga meminta diselesaikan secara internal oleh keluarga mereka.

"Keluarga memberikan alasan pelaku sedang dalam proses pengobatan karena ada gangguan kejiwaan," kata Ridho.

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