During life gives benefits, after death also benefits

During life gives benefits, after death also benefits

During life gives benefits, after death also benefits

During life gives benefits, after death also benefits. 

This friend of mine died before the thesis trial. His skin is clear white without hair. The color of the veins is visible even though they don't stand out above the skin. 

Abdullah is the name of his migration. The name was so integrated that all of us (his friends) have forgotten his real name to this day. 

When murajaah memorized, I was often amazed to see the veins in his hands. Visible purplish color. So did the veins on his face. 
We found out that he was the son of an official when he delivered his body to a district. Officials plus entrepreneurs with more than 1,000 hectares of private oil palm land (Already wealthy before becoming officials). 

His life is like ours, to walk to campus for more than 1km, to rent a shared computer, take an angkot or campus bus when going to town. 
It is our custom, when we are going to sleep, to write down debts or wills. Notes on the paper will be revised once a week. Since I'm the oldest in the boarding house, I hold all of my friends' papers. 

Abdullah is a very special human being. Three years together, I have never seen him angry even though sometimes a friend finishes rice (does not cook it again) and he hasn't eaten. 
If he sees an empty pot, he says: "masyaallah... the rice is finished, isn't it?" He cooks again, sometimes the uncooked rice is eaten right away because he has to go back to campus. 
Actually he passed an Olympic branch and was going to continue the national level selection in Jakarta, but he didn't take part. The reason, "I'm just learning to know God, so something must be sacrificed."

During life gives benefits, after death also benefits. 
To be honest, there were four students he helped, in addition to boarding house rent, as well as tuition fees. If we ask him where he gets his money from (because he looks just like us), the answer is the same. "From God."
By nature, he is always cheerful, even though he just came home from college with profuse sweat. When buying food, always count the number of friends in the boarding house. If he doesn't have enough money, he still shares the food he buys. If bread, then cut into pieces so that all can taste. We couldn't refuse, because his language was very gentle like an older brother to his younger sibling. Like a mother to her child. 

If you want to eat out, two boarding friends are invited alternately. 
After the seventh day he passed away (oh Allah, if I remember his face he was crying all the time), I opened his notes before going to sleep. 

It turned out that before he died, he had already paid for three years of boarding school fees and anyone was allowed to stay in the boarding house for students who needed it. 

Our boarding house has six rooms. 
What was most surprising, it turned out that he had a gift car that had not been taken (from a bank/lottery), Abdullah asked that the car be sold and a quarter of the money donated to friends and younger siblings of students who needed it, a quarter to orphans, and 50 percent to their parents . The car is in his brother's boarding house. 

His last note was asking for all of his savings to be handed over to a special hafiz boarding school (where we used to gather). 

I don't know how much he saved, after I gave the note to his brother then I know. Abdullah's savings are over 50 million. Because his parents send every Sunday 1 to 2.5 million. 

At first I didn't know it was his brother, because he lived a very luxurious life. To campus by car (study in medicine). 
His brother said that since childhood, Abdullah did not like new clothes. He chose to wear the clothes of his brothers (2 people). And all the clothes he wore during college were used clothes from his older brothers. 

Abdullah, when he was in high school or junior high school (I forgot) he received an umrah gift from BJ Habibie because of his intelligence. 

He was the one who suggested I open a catering while in college. Without hesitation, helped me clean the fish, grind the spices (no blender). He even occasionally accompanied me shopping to the market and carried a large plastic bag filled with vegetables. 

If I had known he was rich, I would not have allowed him to help me cook. 
I believe, Allah brought Abdullah for me to study. That life, is not about ourselves alone, not only about our family, but about balance. 

Semasa hidup memberi manfaat, setelah mati juga memberi manfaat

Teman saya ini meninggal sebelum sidang skripsi. Kulitnya putih bening tanpa bulu. Warna uratnya terlihat walau tidak menonjol di atas kulit.
Abdullah adalah nama hijrahnya. Saking menyatunya nama tersebut, kami semua (teman-temannya) hingga hari ini lupa nama aslinya.

Saat murajaah hafalan, saya sering terkesima melihat urat di tangannya. Terlihat jelas warna keunguan. Begitu pula urat-urat di wajahnya.
Kami mengetahui dirinya anak seorang pejabat justru saat mengantar jenazahnya di sebuah kabupaten.

 Pejabat plus pengusaha dengan lahan sawit pribadi 1000 hektar lebih (Sudah kaya raya sebelum menjadi pejabat).
Kehidupannya seperti kami, ke kampus jalan kaki sejauh 1km lebih, ke rental komputer bersama, naik angkot atau bis kampus jika ke kota.

Sebuah kebiasaan kami, jika hendak tidur mencatat hutang-piutang atau wasiat. Catatan di kertas itu akan direvisi seminggu sekali. Berhubung saya yang paling tua di kost, maka saya yang pegang semua kertas teman-teman.

Abdullah ini manusia sangat spesial. Tiga tahun bersama, belum pernah sekalipun saya melihatnya marah meski kadang ada teman yang menghabiskan nasi (tidak memasak kembali) dan dia belum makan.
Jika melihat periuk kosong, dia berucap: "masyaallah ... habis nasinya, ya?" Dia masak lagi, kadang nasi yang belum tanak langsung dimakan karena harus kembali ke kampus.

Sebenarnya dia lolos sebuah cabang olimpiade dan akan melanjutkan seleksi tingkat nasional di Jakarta, tapi tidak diikutinya. Alasannya, "saya baru belajar mengenal Allah, maka harus ada yang dikorbankan."

Semasa hidup memberi manfaat, setelah mati juga memberi manfaat.
Sejujurnya, ada empat mahasiswa yang dia bantu, selain uang sewa kost, juga biaya pendidikan. Jika kami tanya, dia dapat uang dari mana (karena penampilannya sama seperti kami), jawabannya sama. "Dari Allah."

Bawaannya ceria selalu meski baru pulang kuliah dengan keringat yang bercucuran. Jika membeli makanan selalu menghitung jumlah teman di kost. Jika uangnya tidak cukup, ia tetap membagi makanan yang dibeli.

 Jika roti, maka dipotong-potong agar semua bisa mencicip. Kami tidak bisa menolak, karena bahasanya sangat lembut seperti seorang Abang kepada adiknya. Seperti seorang ibu pada anaknya.

Jika hendak makan keluar, dua teman kost diajak secara bergantian.
Setelah hari ketujuh beliau meninggal (ya Allah, jika ingat wajahnya mau nangis terus), saya membuka catatan miliknya sebelum tidur.

Ternyata, sebelum meninggal, dia sudah membayar uang kost untuk tiga tahun dan siapa saja boleh tinggal di kost bagi mahasiswa yang butuh.

Kost kami ada enam kamar.
Yang paling mengejutkan, ternyata beliau ada mobil hadiah yang belum diambil (dari sebuah bank/undian), Abdullah meminta agar mobil itu dijual dan uangnya disedekahkan seperempat untuk teman dan adik-adik mahasiswa yang membutuhkan, seperempat untuk yatim piatu, dan 50 persen untuk orangtuanya. Mobil itu ada di kost Abangnya.

Catatan terakhirnya, meminta seluruh tabungannya diserahkan ke satu pesantren khusus hafiz (tempat kami biasa berkumpul).

Saya tidak tahu tabungannya berapa, setelah catatan itu saya berikan pada abangnya barulah saya tahu. Tabungan Abdullah di atas 50 juta. Karena orangtuanya mengirim setiap Minggu 1 sampai 2,5 juta.

Awalnya saya tidak tahu itu abangnya, karena sangat mewah hidupnya. Ke kampus menggunakan mobil (kuliah di kedokteran). Kata abangnya, sejak kecil Abdullah tidak suka baju baru. Ia memilih memakai baju abang-abangnya (2 orang). Dan semua baju yang dia pakai semasa kuliah adalah baju bekas dari abang-abangnya.
Abdullah, saat SMU atau SMP (saya lupa) mendapat hadiah umrah dari BJ Habibie karena kecerdasannya.

Beliaulah yang menyarankan saya membuka katering saat kuliah. Tanpa sungkan, membantu saya membersihkan ikan, menggiling bumbu (tanpa blender). Bahkan sesekali ikut menemani saya belanja ke pasar dan menenteng plastik besar berisi sayur.

Seandainya saat itu tahu dia orang kaya, saya tidak akan mengizinkan dirinya membantu saya memasak.
Saya percaya, Allah menghadirkan Abdullah untuk saya belajar. Bahwa hidup, bukan tentang diri kita seorang, bukan tentang keluarga kita sahaja, melainkan ... tentang keseimbangan.

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