Bob Sadino's words of wisdom in businesd that you can inspire

11 Bob Sadino's 'Idiot' Aphorisms That Are Worldwide
His quirky style with a unique mindset and tends to get out of the grip of theory and economics textbooks makes Bob Sadino a true entrepreneur.
The seasoned businessman with his trademark, shorts and shirt will be sorely missed by many after he died on Monday, January 19, 2015.
The businessman with the full name of Bambang Mustari Sadino has provided great inspiration for the next generation of the nation who want to become successful entrepreneurs. In fact, uniquely, when entering the year 2012, Bob had launched a variety of ideas known as 'Go Blog Management' his style.
Based on the collection, here are 11 famous Bob Sadino aphorisms:
1. "I've blocked myself before I've blocked anyone else"
2. "Many people say I'm crazy, until finally they can see my success because of the results of my madness"
3. "Smart people have lots of ideas and in the end none of them come true. Stupid people only have one idea and it becomes reality."
4. "I'm in the business of looking for a loss, so if I lose I keep my spirits up and if I make a profit then my gratitude increases"
5. "The best schools are street schools, namely schools that give students the freedom to be creative"
6. "Idiots find it difficult to get a job and finally open their own business. When their business grows, stupid people hire smart people"
7. "Every time I meet new people, I always empty my glass first"
8. "Smart people think thousands of miles, so it feels heavy. Too bad they never think because they just take a step. Why think, it's only a step"
9. "Idiot people don't think much, the important thing is to keep going. Smart people think a lot, as a result they never step"
10. "Smart people want to succeed quickly, even though everyone knows it's impossible! Stupid people only have one hope, which is to eat today"
11. "Smart people study hard to apply for jobs. Stupid people who fight hard to be successful can pay job applicants".
Here are Bob Sadino's words of wisdom in business that you can use as inspiration:
1. "Businessmen must be eccentric"
2. "Business is only knee capital. Even if you don't have a knee, borrow someone else's knee"
3. "A 'smart' person usually has a lot of ideas, maybe even too many ideas, so none of them come true. Whereas a 'stupid' person may only have one idea and that one is his business choice"
4. "Most of the 'smart' people are very good at analyzing. Every single business idea is analyzed very thoroughly, from capital, profit and loss to break event points. 'stupid' people are not good at analyzing, so they start a business faster"
5. "Make your family a motivator and supporter when you are just starting to run a business or when business is increasingly draining your time and energy"
6. "Many 'stupid' people who only rely on passion and hard work plus a little smart work, making them successful in business. On the other hand, most 'smart' people are lazy to work hard and act smart"
7. "Most people feel that success is the result of their own efforts, without God's intervention. Remembering God is a vertical worship and helping others is a horizontal worship"
8. "Success is a small dot that is on the top of a mountain of failure. So if you want to be successful, look for as many failures as possible"
9. "Just one first step. I remove a pebble. Take another step. When I meet a thorn, I remove it. One more step. In a hole I jump over. One more step. When I meet fire, I step back. Another step. Go on and solve the problem."
10. "A 'smart' person feels he can do things with his intelligence, including getting results quickly. On the other hand, a 'stupid' person feels he has to go through a long and winding road before getting results"
4 Bob Sadino's "Crazy" Advice For Young People (Cool Business Inspiration)
Take a look at the statements he often makes below.
1. "If you want to be happy (success) don't be an employee." In one of the seminars he once stated a statement that made the participants roar, that 'if you want to be happy (successful), don't be an employee'. Even though the participants of the seminar were mostly employees, imagine! His statement, in my opinion, is not wrong. But also not entirely true. Happiness and success is not solely measured by the amount of material, and what one's profession is. Then is life as an employee unhappy? Not really. Many employees are happy with all the conditions. Of course the parameters of happiness are different, different for each person. Is this statement wrong? Not really. Indeed, the opportunity to achieve happiness with material abundance will be more pronounced if we reach it through business, through trade and success. But not a few entrepreneurs who are in debt and end up miserable. Once again the choice of success and happiness depends on the one who lives. Of course, with each consequence indeed by doing business, one's chances to reach the peak of happiness are much more open.
2. "Lectures make idiots, whoever attends this seminar, don't go to lectures tomorrow" At another seminar, he openly stated that lectures were "stupid" activities, and ordered him not to go to lectures tomorrow. It's very frontal indeed, delivering a statement like that in front of hundreds of students and academics. Of course, many audiences are excited by themselves, it is understood that some of the seminar participants are young students who are innocent, innocent, and just eager to find their identity on their beloved campus. Hearing that statement, of course, his mind rebelled. But if we want to think deeply, what Uncle Bob said is actually very reasonable. But for some people this is actually misleading, especially for MABA (new students). I mean, if you want to achieve your business career by being self-taught and learning to sell screen printing, for example (as many MABAs do when making business plans), what's the point of going to college? , ifwhat is studied is science. So what is the right term if not "stupid" (Bob Sadino's version). Another example: business in entertainment even though he studied Psychology, business in design when he studied Mathematics and Natural Sciences, food business even though he studied Engineering. How can you not be stupid? what is hard to learn, is not used in business. Then how should it be? You should be able to answer it.
3. "GPA above 3 comma addresses prospective employees"This is an interesting fact. Uncle Bob said that if you go to college, your GPA is above 3, that's a sign of a prospective employee. Hmm, that makes a lot of sense, because the tendency of people who have a good GPA especially in their favorite faculties, of course have high ideals to apply their knowledge. None other than applying for a job, in a company and becoming an employee. That's why Bob Sadino taught that if you want to be successful in business, the GPA must drop. It's not wrong. because then they have no other choice but to be entrepreneurship, because even if they want to apply for a job, no one will accept it because their GPA is below the standard, in fact they will be "forced" to choose the entrepreneurial path. Then what happens if the GPA is above 3, then choose to do business? There are, but very few. Once again, Life is a Choice, logically, those with GPA above 3 if applied in business, the results should be even better, right?
4. "That lecture just put "garbage" in your head" One other "crazy" suggestion was "That lecture put garbage in your head". Everyone who is still in college hearing this statement must protest, not to mention the seminar participants who are actually still in college. They feel that what they do every day means putting garbage in their heads? Is this wrong? Not really, because what is learned is not used in the future, if we aspire to become a successful businessman like Uncle Bob. What is the reason? Bob Sadino started his business career from scratch and learned from the field, from experience and from his own experiments. That's why when we learn something in college while what is learned is not used, what is learned becomes garbage for our brains. One statement that strengthens this is that he advised, "Be a human learner". Don't just go to college, but learn from the life you live in