Opera Still Supports uBlock Origin, Even if Chrome Turns It Off

Opera Still Supports uBlock Origin, Even if Chrome Turns It Off
uBlock Origin is a popular adblocker with quite a large number of users, but unfortunately this adblocker has recently been removed by Google Chrome because uBlock Origin is an extension with Manifest V2. 

While Google asks for extensions to be updated to MV3, it seems that many of them don't follow Google's wishes, especially Adblocker because after all with MV3, Adblock's capabilities will be greatly reduced. 
Well, even though Google is trying to replace Manifest V2 technology, several other Chromium-based browsers still support the use of this technology, especially if the browser implements a built-in adblocker, including Brave which several months ago revealed that they will still support itExtensions Manifest V2 until June 2025 at least. 

Opera Follows Brave's Steps

Apart from the Brave browser, Opera has also reportedly stated that it will continue to support uBlock Origin and other MV2 browser add-ons and extensions. 

This also ties in with the release of Opera One R2 as a stable release where Opera reminded users about support for the MV2 extension. 

Like Brave, Opera has also highlighted its built-in ad blocker with claims that it can load pages up to 90% faster. He wrote :
Opera has offered a native ad blocker built right into the browser since 2016, allowing you to browse uninterrupted and keeping intrusive ads at bay. It doesn't require any additional installation and can be customized according to your wishes. Using the ad blocker makes your browser cleaner, safer, and more private – not to mention faster, since web pages load up to 90% faster without the additional clutter of bulky ads. 

In addition to that, Opera R2 will continue supporting Manifest V2 extensions, allowing you to continue using your favorite ad blocking and privacy-enhancing extensions just like before. 

According to Opera, they will continue to support users to block ads natively in their browsers, whereas they plan to continue supporting Manifest V2 in Opera independently of what will happen in other browsers. 

So, even though Opera is built on Chromium which is the source code that also supports Chrome, Opera's focus seems to be different from Google Chrome in that they want to provide and maintain a safe and secure experience for users, with that they (opera) will contactselected extension developers to determine the best and safest way to move forward. 

Opera's move is certainly quite good because however, from my own experience, the Adblocker that has been updated to manifest v3 seems to have lost its ability, with some ads slipping through and appearing as they shouldn't. 

But what do you think? is this opera step very good? try commenting below guys. 
Via : Opera

Opera Tetap Dukung uBlock Origin, Meskipun Chrome Mematikannya

uBlock Origin merupakan salah satu adblocker populer dengan jumlah pengguna yang cukup banyak, namun sayangnya adblocker ini baru baur ini telah dihapus oleh Google Chrome karena uBlock Origin merupakan ekstensi dengan Manifest V2.

Sementara Google meminta extensi agar diperbarui ke MV3, namun tampaknya banyak diantaranya yang tidak mengikuti kemauan Google, apalagi Adblocker karena bagaimanapun dengan MV3, kemampuan Adblock akan sangat berkurang.

Nah meskipun Google berusaha menggantikan teknologi Manifest V2, beberapa browser berbasis Chromium lain masih mendukung penggunaan teknologi tersebut, apalagi jika browsernya menerapkan adblocker bawaan, termasuk Brave yang beberapa bulan lalu mengungkapkan bahwa mereka masih akan tetap mendukung Extensions Manifest V2 setidaknya hingga bulan Juni 2025.

Opera Ikuti Langkah Brave

Selain brave browser, Opera kabarnya juga telah menyatakan bahwa mereka akan terus mendukung uBlock Origin dan add-on dan ekstensi browser MV2 lainnya.

Hal ini juga berkaitan dengan dirilisnya Opera One R2 sebagai rilis stabil dimana Opera mengingatkan pengguna tentang dukungan untuk ekstensi MV2.

Seperti Brave, Opera juga telah menyoroti pemblokir iklan bawaannya dengan klaim bahwa ia dapat memuat halaman hingga 90% lebih cepat. Ia menulis :

Opera has offered a native ad blocker built right into the browser since 2016, allowing you to browse uninterrupted and keeping intrusive ads at bay. It doesn’t require any additional installation and can be customized according to your wishes. Using the ad blocker makes your browser cleaner, safer, and more private – not to mention faster, since web pages load up to 90% faster without the additional clutter of bulky ads.

In addition to that, Opera R2 will continue supporting Manifest V2 extensions, allowing you to continue using your favorite ad blocking and privacy-enhancing extensions just like before.

Menurut Opera, mereka akan tetap mendukung pengguna unutk memblokir iklan secara native di browser mereka, dimana mereka berencana untuk tetap mendukung Manifest V2 di opera secara independen dari apa yang akan terjadi pada browser lain.

Jadi, meskipun Opera dibangun diatas Chromium yang merupakan source code yang juga mendukung Chrome, namun fokus Opera tampaknya berbeda dengan Google Chrome dimana mereka ingin memberikan dan menjaga pengalaman yang aman dan terjamin bagi pengguna, dengan itu mereka (opera) akan menghubungi developer ekstensi terpilih untuk menentukan cara terbaik dan teraman untuk terus maju.

Langkah Opera ini tentunya cukup bagus karena bagaimanapun dari pengalaman saya sendiri, Adblocker yang telah diperbarui menjadi manifest v3 tampaknya telah kehilangan kemampuannya, dengan beberapa iklan menjadi lolos dan muncul seperti yang tidak seharusnya.

Namun bagaimana nih menurutmu? apakah langkah opera ini sangat bagus? coba komen dibawah guys.

Via : Opera

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