31 Get Well Soon Poems, Sayings and Prayers when sick

31 Get Well Soon Poems, Sincere Greetings Containing Prayers for Sick People so They Can Return to Their Activities
31 Pantun Cepat Sembuh, Ucapan Tulus Berisi Doa untuk Orang Sakit agar Bisa Kembali Beraktivitas

HOLIDAY NEWS - Health is a valuable asset that must be maintained, because when the body is sick, many things cannot be enjoyed. 

If people usually say GWS or Get Well Soon as words to comfort people who are sick, then you have to have your own unique way. 

Because the support and motivation provided can give strength to other people to recover quickly. 

This form of motivation in the form of prayers and sayings can be packaged into entertaining rhymes. 

Illustration - Check out a collection of poems saying get well soon for sick people, an anti-mainstream alternative from GWS and more meaningful, let's share! (Freepik)

Not only entertaining, this article presents a collection of rhymes containing meaning or sincere hope for sick people so they can carry out their activities as before. 

The collection of rhymes in this article can be sent to friends, close friends, relatives, girlfriends and co-workers. 

Come on, take a look at the following collection of get well soon poems, compiled by TribunKaltara.com from various sources. 

1. Buy a diamond ring

The ring is small on a narrow finger

I feel sad

A loved one is sick. 

2. Go to the market with your sister-in-law

Eat pinch cake because you are hungry

Sad to hear the news

My dearest love sickly falls apart. 

3. Buy unread books

True story story book

Don't be sick for long

Get well soon to see you. 

4. Beautiful blooming flowers in the garden

A flower for a surprise

I miss your laughter

May you be healed soon. 

5. Don't be sad and doubtful

Pain is part of God's plan

Take medication immediately and eat a balanced diet

So that you can be cured immediately. 

6. Beautiful girl from India

Bring a food called vita

O you who lie there

I can only send him here. 

7. When you go to school, don't forget Salim

So that the knowledge gained will be a blessing

I have sent my prayers to God

May He bring healing to you. 

8. Drink milk mixed with ice cubes

While eating legit cake

May Allah help you

To recover from illness. 

9. Walk into town to the limit

While buying a piece of paper

May the pain disappear completely

To get back to activities. 

10. Warm soup in the pan

It's been cooking since morning

Hopefully you'll be healthy again soon

I'll definitely treat you again later. 

11. Quail and turtle

Go traveling with monkeys

Get well soon, brother

So that the atmosphere becomes cheerful again. 

12. Small cats have no hair

Just brought from the city of Palu

Our prayers are with you always

So that your pain will pass soon. 

13. Always perform morning prayers

So that you can get lots of rewards

Hope you get well soon

Back to being happy as before. 

14. Early morning saw monkeys

Monkey went to bring dates

Hope you get well soon

Don't be sick for long. 

15. Coconuts grow thickly

Then seconds by Zubaedah

Don't forget to take your medicine

Even though it tastes bitter on the tongue. 

Read the following collection of poems containing sincere prayers and sayings for a speedy recovery, send them to the people closest to you who are sick. (Freepik)

16. Travel to Malacca

Seeing birds being chased by deer

Don't be sad, don't be sad

Pain is normal. 

17. The fallen seeds are eaten by fish

The monkey jumped onto the branch

From afar I pray

Hopefully you get a speedy recovery. 

18. From the office, see the prosecutor

The prosecutor got into a sedan

If you work, don't force it

Later, your whole body will hurt. 

19. Don't say something wrong to people

So as not to go running

Our prayers are always with you

May you receive a speedy recovery. 

20. Grasshoppers eat wild grass

The color is brown and brindle

Hopefully a speedy recovery will come

Body aches can disappear immediately. 

21. Go to Minangkabau to buy a chisel

The chisel is carried along with the net

May you return to health

A cheerful smile always. 

22. Ride the petrol sedan a bit

The way down makes you bounce

If your body feels sick

Just then you know being healthy is important

23. Watch evil story films

Because he caught a turtle dove

If the body returns to healthy

Don't forget to express gratitude. 

24. The noni tree won't grow

Plant the seeds in the morning

Hope you get well soon

So we can get together again. 

25. Dahlias, roses

There is a radar installed on the hill

Health is non-negotiable

I hope this pain makes you aware. 

26. Little brother cries for a scooter

Even given a cutter

Headache and spinning

Let's go to the doctor immediately. 

27. A dead tiger leaves stripes

Falling down on the weeds

Hopefully healing comes ahead

The pain in the body disappeared immediately. 

28. On the hill grow potatoes

Birds fly and then swim

If the sickness has come

A frozen mind can't calm down. 

29. Make bakpau without any ingredients

Milk buns make it healthy

Maybe you are tired

Time to rest. 

30. Don't say something wrong to people

So as not to go running

Our prayers are always with you

May you receive a speedy recovery. 

31. The herbal medicine seller went up the hill

Go down the river carrying the raft

Hearing you lay down in pain

May you get well and get up soon. 

31 Pantun Cepat Sembuh, Ucapan Tulus Berisi Doa untuk Orang Sakit agar Bisa Kembali Beraktivitas

HOLIDAY NEWS - Kesehatan adalah aset berharga yang wajib dijaga, karena saat tubuh sakit banyak hal tidak bisa dinikmati.

Jika biasanya orang-orang mengucapkan GWS atau Get Well Soon sebagai kata-kata menghibur orang yang sedang sakit, maka kamu harus punya cara unik sendiri.

Sebab, dukungan dan motivasi yang diberikan bisa memberi kekuatan bagi orang lain agar segera sembuh.

Bentuk motivasi berupa doa dan ucapan itu bisa dikemas menjadi pantun yang menghibur.

Ilustrasi - Simak kumpulan pantun ucapan cepat sembuh untuk orang sakit, alternatif anti mainstream dari GWS dan lebih bermakna, yuk bagikan!
Ilustrasi - Simak kumpulan pantun ucapan cepat sembuh untuk orang sakit, alternatif anti mainstream dari GWS dan lebih bermakna, yuk bagikan! (Freepik)

Tak hanya menghibur, dalam artikel ini tersaji kumpulan pantun mengandung makna atau harapan tulus kepada orang sakit agar bisa beraktivitas seperti sedia kala.

Kumpulan pantun dalam artikel ini bisa dikirimkan ke teman, sahabat, saudara, pacar juga rekan kerja.

Yuk simak kumpulan pantun cepat sembuh berikut ini, dihimpun oleh TribunKaltara.com dari berbagai sumber.

1. Beli cincin batu berlian
Cincin nya kecil dijari sempit
Sedih hati kurasakan
Orang tersayang sedang sakit.

2. Pergi kepasar bareng ipar
Makan kue cubit karena lapar
Sedih hati mendengar kabar
Kasih tersayang sakit terkapar.

3. Beli buki belum dibaca
Buku cerita kisah nyata
Janganlah sakit lama-lama
Segera sembuh agar berjumpa.

4. Bunga mekar indah ditaman
Bunga sekuntum untuk kejutan
Canda tawamu aku rindukan
Moga segera diberi kesembuhan.

5. Jangan sedih dan bimbang
Sakit itu bagian dari rencana tuhan
Segera minum obat dan makan seimbang
Agar kau segera diberi kesembuhan.

6. Gadis cantik dari india
Bawa makanan bernama vuta
Wahai kamu yang terbaring disana
Aku disini hanya bisa kirim dia.

7. Berangkat sekolah jangan lupa salim
Agar ilmu yang didapat ada berkahnya
Doaku kepada Tuhan sudah kukirim
Semoga kesembuhanmu dijabah-Nya.

8. Minum susu campur es batu
Sambil makan kue legit
Semoga Allah membantumu
Untuk sembuh dari penyakit.

9. Jalan ke kota sampai ke batas
Sambil membeli selembar kertas
Moga sakitnya hilang tuntas
Agar kembali beraktivitas.

10. Kuah hangat di dalam kuali
Sudah dimasak semenjak pagi
Semoga cepat sehat kembali
Pasti nanti kutraktir lagi.

11. Burung puyuh dan kura-kura
Pergi kelana bersama kera
Lekas sembuh wahai saudara
Agar suasana kembali ceria.

12. Kucing kecil tiada berbulu
Baru dibawa dari kota Palu
Doa kami bersamamu selau
Agar sakitmu segera berlalu.

13. Tunaikan selalu salat subuh
Biar banyak dapat pahala
Semoga engkau lekas sembuh
Kembali ceria seperti semula.

14. Pagi subuh melihat kera
Kera pergi membawa kurma
Semoga sembuh dengan segera
Janganlah sakit berlama-lama.

15. Tumbuh rimbun buah kelapa
Lalu detik oleh Zubaedah
Obat diminum jangan lupa
Walaupun pahit rasa di lidah.

Baca kumpulan pantun berisi doa dan ucapan tulus semoga lekas sembuh berikut ini, kirimkan kepada orang terdekat yang sedang sakit.
Baca kumpulan pantun berisi doa dan ucapan tulus semoga lekas sembuh berikut ini, kirimkan kepada orang terdekat yang sedang sakit. (Freepik)

16. Jalan-jalan ke Malaka
Melihat burung dikejar rusa
Jangan sedih jangan berduka
Sakit itu sudah biasa.

17. Biji jatuh dimakan ikan
Kera melompat ke atas dahan
Dari jauh aku mendoakan
Semoga cepat diberi kesembuhan.

18. Dari kantor jumpa Pak jaksa
Jaksa menaiki mobil sedan
Kalau kerja jangan dipaksa
Nanti sakit semua badan.

19. Orang salah jangan dikata-katai
Supaya tidak pergi berlari
Doa kami selalu menyertai
Moga kesembuhan lekas diberi.

20. Rumput liar dimakan belalang
Warnanya coklat dan belang-belang
Semoga kesembuhan cepat menjelang
Sakit di badan bisa segera hilang.

21. Ke Minangkabau membeli pahat
Pahat dibawa bersama jala
Semoga engkau kembali sehat
Senyum ceria sedia kala.

22. Naik sedan bensinnya sedikit
Jalanan turun membuat terpelanting
Kalau badan terasa sakit
Barulah tahu sehat itu penting

23. Nonton film cerita jahat
Karena menangkap burung tekukur
Kalau badan kembali sehat
Jangan lupa panjatkan syukur.

24. Pohon mengkudu tak jua tumbuh
Tanam bijinya ketika pagi
Semoga kamu lekas sembuh
Supaya bisa berkumpul lagi.

25. Bunga dahlia, bunga mawar
Di atas bukit terpasang radar
Sehat itu tak bisa ditawar
Moga sakit ini membuatmu sadar.

26. Adik menangis minta skuter
Malah diberi sebuah cutter
Kepala pusing dan muter-muter
Ayo segera pergi ke dokter.

27. Harimau mati tinggalkan belang
Jatuh tersungkur di atas ilalang
Semoga sembuh datang menjelang
Sakit di badan segera hilang.

28. Atas bukit tumbuh kentang
Terbang burung lalu berenang
Kalau sakit sudah datang
Pikiran beku tak bisa tenang.

29. Bikin bakpau tak ada bahan
Bakpau susu membuat sehat
Mungkin engkau sudah kelelahan
Waktunya untuk beristirahat.

30. Orang salah jangan dikata-katai
Supaya tidak pergi berlari
Doa kami selalu menyertai
Moga kesembuhan lekas diberi.

31. Pedagang jamu naik ke bukit
Turun ke sungai membawa rakit
Mendengar kamu terkapar sakit
Moga sembuh dan segera bangkit.

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