3 Greatness of the Jewish People in terms of Intelligence and Genetics

3 Greatness of the Jewish People in terms of Intelligence and Genetics

3 Kelebihan Orang Yahudi...
Jews, who make up less than 3% of the population, constitute 62 of the 200 Nobel Prize winners for science, literature and economics. Photo: Reuters

ISRAEL - Jews have been recognized as one of the most successful ethnic groups in terms of intelligence. In fact, many theories state that every Jew will always show achievements in various things wherever they are. 

The intelligence of the Jews is proven by US population data in the 20th century. Where Jews, who only make up less than 3% of the population, actually constitute 62 of the 200 Nobel Prize winners for science, literature and economics, and 32% of the 400 richest Americans according to Forbes in 2009. 

So is it true that Jews have a higher level of intelligence than other races? This question has created quite a lot of research that proves that Jews do have a higher level of intelligence. 

Making intelligence seem like a special characteristic of Jews. Below are some of their advantages both in terms of intelligence and genetics. 

3 Greatness of the Jewish People in terms of Intelligence and Genetics

1. Have Higher Verbal Intelligence

In the journal "The intelligence of American Jews" by Richard Lynn, it is stated that Jews have a higher average level of verbal intelligence than non-Jewish white people. 

This theory is considered by examining the vocabulary scores of Jews, non-Jewish whites, blacks, and others obtained in the American General Social Survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center in 1990–1996. 

Jews obtained significantly higher average vocabulary scores than non-Jewish whites, which equates to an IQ advantage of 7.5 IQ points. 

The results confirm previous reports that the verbal IQ of American Jews is higher than that of non-Jewish whites. 

2. Have a high IQ

In Richard Lynn's journal, another study by MacDonald was mentioned which concluded that "overall, the data show an average IQ in the 117 range for Ashkenazi Jewish children, with a verbal IQ in the 125 range and a performance IQ in the average range." flat". 

There is also Storfer who wrote that "Jews are considered a group that tends to excel in several cognitive domains, for example verbal and numerical abilities. But not in other domains, as evidenced by their mediocre performance on certain types of spatial or perceptual problems.”

Storfer concluded that American Jews have an average IQ of about 112 on the Stanford-Binet, which is mostly a test of verbal ability. 

3. Desire Develops Abnormally
3 Kelebihan Orang Yahudi dari Sisi Kecerdasan dan Genetik

Reporting from Medium, research from Houston Stewart Chamberlain said Jews have "abnormally developed desires" and strong kinship networks. 

Meanwhile, Thorstein Veblen thought that the marginal position of Jews motivated them to achieve success in unconventional ways.

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