Speeding from New York to London in just 60 minutes? This is Stargazer, the Fastest Hypersonic Jet in the World!
AMERICA - After the supersonic Concorde airliner was retired, no more high-speed aircraft were released for commercial use. That is, before the presence of Stargazer which is planned to operate next year.
Stargazer is being built by Venus Aerospace, a company based in Texas, United States. They have the ambition to create the fastest passenger plane in the world.
If this jet is successfully realized, it is estimated that it will be able to travel at a speed of 4,600 miles per hour (7,403 km/h). Not only would this make it the fastest passenger airliner in the world today, but it would also surpass Concorde, one of the fastest supersonic airliners of all time, by more than 2,500 miles per hour (4,023 km/h).
New York to London in 60 Minutes!
To put the speed in perspective, imagine a trip across the Atlantic Ocean from New York City to London. If it usually takes around seven hours, Stargazer only takes less than an hour!
Fantastic Development Costs
However, this extraordinary innovation is accompanied by fantastic costs. The Venus Aerospace team has raised funds amounting to USD 33 million (Rp. 518 billion) to build the Stargazer and its engine, called the Venus Detonation Ramjet 2000 lb Thrust Engine, or VDR2 for short.
"We can't wait to get to work, fly the first aircraft, and ultimately perfect an engine concept that mostly only existed in textbooks but never made it into production," explained Eric Briggs, COO of Valentra, a company that partners with Venus Aerospace.
Flight Trial in 2025
Although the launch schedule for the jet itself is still unknown, its engines will reportedly be tested soon. VDR2's capabilities will be officially revealed in 2025, when a hypersonic test drone makes its first flight.
Not the Only Hypersonic Jet
The Stargazer is not the only high-speed jet under development. NASA and Boom Supersonic are also working on a similar, albeit slightly slower, supersonic aircraft.
With incredible speed, long-distance travel can be shortened significantly, saving time and increasing efficiency.
There are several Stargazer challenges that need to be overcome, such as:
- High costs: Hypersonic technology is very expensive to develop and operate, so ticket prices will likely be very high.
- Security: Hypersonic flights pose unique security challenges, and advanced technology is required to ensure passenger safety.
- Environmental impact: Hypersonic jets have the potential to produce higher emissions than conventional aircraft, so it is necessary to develop technology that is more environmentally friendly.
Ngebut dari New York ke London Cuma 60 Menit? Ini Stargazer, Jet Hipersonik Tercepat di Dunia!
AMERIKA - Setelah pesawat terbang supersonik Concorde pensiun, belum ada lagi pesawat berkecepatan tinggi yang dirilis untuk komersial. Itu, sebelum kehadiran Stargazer yang rencananya akan beroperasi tahun depan.
Stargazer sedang dibangun oleh Venus Aerospace, perusahaan yang berbasis di Texas, Amerika Serikat. Mereka berambisi menciptakan pesawat penumpang tercepat di dunia.
Jika jet ini berhasil diwujudkan, diperkirakan ia akan mampu melesat dengan kecepatan 4.600 mil per jam (7.403 km/jam). Ini tidak hanya akan menjadikannya pesawat penumpang tercepat di dunia saat ini, tetapi juga akan melampaui Concorde, salah satu pesawat supersonik tercepat sepanjang masa, dengan selisih lebih dari 2.500 mil per jam (4.023 km/jam).
New York ke London dalam 60 Menit!
Biaya Pengembangan yang Fantastis
Namun, inovasi luar biasa ini diiringi dengan biaya yang fantastis. Tim Venus Aerospace telah mengumpulkan dana sebesar USD33 juta (Rp518 miliar) untuk membangun Stargazer dan mesinnya, yang disebut Venus Detonation Ramjet 2000 lb Thrust Engine, atau disingkat VDR2.
"Kami tidak sabar untuk mulai bekerja, menerbangkan pesawat pertama, dan pada akhirnya menyempurnakan konsep mesin yang sebagian besar hanya ada di buku teks tetapi tidak pernah menjadi unit produksi ," beber Eric Briggs, COO Valentra, perusahaan yang bermitra dengan Venus Aerospace.
Uji Coba Penerbangan pada 2025
Bukan Satu-Satunya Jet Hipersonik
Stargazer bukanlah satu-satunya jet kecepatan tinggi yang sedang dikembangkan. NASA dan Boom Supersonic juga sedang mengerjakan pesawat supersonik yang serupa, meskipun sedikit lebih lambat.
Dengan kecepatan yang luar biasa, perjalanan jarak jauh dapat dipersingkat secara signifikan, menghemat waktu dan meningkatkan efisiensi.
Ada beberapa tantangan Stargazer yang perlu diatasi, seperti:
- Biaya yang tinggi: Teknologi hipersonik sangat mahal untuk dikembangkan dan dioperasikan, sehingga harga tiket kemungkinan akan sangat tinggi.
- Keamanan: Penerbangan hipersonik memiliki tantangan keamanan yang unik, dan diperlukan teknologi canggih untuk menjamin keselamatan penumpang.
- Dampak lingkungan: Jet hipersonik berpotensi menghasilkan emisi yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan pesawat konvensional, sehingga perlu dikembangkan teknologi yang lebih ramahlingkungan.