Warren Buffett Celebrates 94th Birthday, He Hates Getting Older

Warren Buffett Celebrates 94th Birthday, He Hates Getting Older

Warren Buffett Celebrates 94th Birthday, He Hates Getting Older
For this man who is rich but known for being simple, birthdays are not a time to party, but rather a moment of reflection on his life's journey. 

Anxiety About Increasing Age

Alice Schroeder, in her biography “The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life,” reveals that Buffett never got bored with life, but it was difficult to impress a billionaire like him with birthday gifts. 
For Buffett, getting older is a "metronomic tick of doom" or a sure sign that reminds him of the fact that he has less time left. 
Despite receiving many greeting cards, gifts and letters every August, Buffett felt anxious about his growing age. Every birthday is a reminder that the time left to pursue his dreams is getting shorter. 

"The years ahead are not infinite, but with a little luck, they could be long," Schroeder wrote. 
Buffett realizes that he still has a lot to learn and accomplish, even though he has already achieved so much in his life. 

Buffett's "Snowball" Philosophy

Buffett sees his life as a snowball rolling down a hill, getting bigger as time goes on. This philosophy applies not only to managing his growing wealth, but also to enriching his life with new friendships and experiences. 

“You have to keep gathering snow as you go, because you won't be able to get back to the top of the hill,” he told Schroeder. 

With an approach to life that focuses on long-term investing, Buffett has built an unmatched business empire. Over the course of 94 years, he managed to amass an incredible fortune, even after donating more than half of his Berkshire shares to social causes. 

In addition, Buffett also acquired iconic companies such as Geico and See's Candies, saved financial giants such as Goldman Sachs and General Electric, and built a large investment portfolio in public companies such as Apple and Coca-Cola. 

Always Youthful Views

Even though he is getting older, Buffett never stops feeling like a "young seed" who is just starting his life's journey. He continues to look forward, not getting caught up in nostalgia for the past. 

"The world was big, and he was just getting started," Schroeder wrote. 
At the age of 94, Warren Buffett remains a figure who inspires many people, not only because of his wealth, but also because of his life wisdom. 
Even though he may feel anxious every time his birthday rolls around, Buffett remains focused on what he can still achieve, with an unflagging enthusiasm. 

Warren Buffett Rayakan Ulang Tahun ke-94, Dia Benci Bertambah Tua

Warren Buffett Rayakan Ulang Tahun ke-94, Dia Benci Bertambah Tua

Bagi pria yang kaya raya namun terkenal sederhana ini, ulang tahun bukanlah waktu untuk berpesta, melainkan momen refleksi atas perjalanan hidupnya.

Kecemasan Terhadap Pertambahan Usia

Alice Schroeder, dalam biografinya "The Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life," mengungkapkan bahwa Buffett tidak pernah merasa jenuh dengan kehidupan, tetapi sulit untuk membuat seorang miliarder seperti dia terkesan dengan hadiah ulang tahun.

Bagi Buffett, bertambahnya usia merupakan "metronomic tick of doom" atau tanda pasti yang mengingatkannya pada kenyataan bahwa waktu yang tersisa semakin sedikit.

Meskipun menerima banyak kartu ucapan, hadiah, dan surat setiap bulan Agustus, Buffett merasa cemas dengan usianya yang terus bertambah. Setiap ulang tahun menjadi pengingat bahwa waktu yang tersisa untuk mengejar cita-citanya semakin singkat.

"Tahun-tahun di depan tidaklah tak terbatas, tetapi dengan sedikit keberuntungan, bisa jadi masih panjang," tulis Schroeder.

Buffett menyadari bahwa masih banyak yang ingin dia pelajari dan capai, meskipun dia telah mencapai begitu banyak dalam hidupnya.

Filosofi "Bola Salju" Buffett

Buffett melihat kehidupannya seperti bola salju yang terus bergulir menuruni bukit, semakin besar seiring waktu. Filosofi ini tidak hanya diterapkan pada pengelolaan kekayaannya yang terus tumbuh, tetapi juga dalam memperkaya kehidupannya dengan persahabatan dan pengalaman baru.

"Kamu harus terus mengumpulkan salju saat kamu berjalan, karena kamu tidak akan bisa kembali ke puncak bukit," katanya kepada Schroeder.

Dengan pendekatan hidup yang fokus pada investasi jangka panjang, Buffett telah membangun kerajaan bisnis yang tak tertandingi. Selama 94 tahun, ia berhasil mengumpulkan kekayaan luar biasa, bahkan setelah menyumbangkan lebih dari setengah saham Berkshire-nya untuk tujuan sosial.

Selain itu, Buffett juga mengakuisisi perusahaan ikonik seperti Geico dan See's Candies, menyelamatkan raksasa keuangan seperti Goldman Sachs dan General Electric, serta membangun portofolio investasi besar di perusahaan publik seperti Apple dan Coca-Cola.

Pandangan yang Selalu Muda

Meskipun usianya semakin lanjut, Buffett tidak pernah berhenti merasa seperti "benih muda" yang baru memulai perjalanan hidupnya. Dia terus memandang ke depan, tidak terjebak dalam nostalgia masa lalu.

"Dunia ini besar, dan dia baru saja memulainya," tulis Schroeder.

Di usianya yang ke-94, Warren Buffett tetap menjadi sosok yang menginspirasi banyak orang, bukan hanya karena kekayaannya, tetapi juga karena kebijaksanaan hidupnya.

Meskipun ia mungkin merasa cemas setiap kali ulang tahunnya tiba, Buffett tetap fokus pada apa yang masih bisa ia capai, dengan semangat yang tak pernah padam.

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