The more he loves gardening, David Beckham lacks a collection of plants at home
The more he loves gardening, David Beckham lacks a collection of plants at home
David Beckham. Photo: Screenshot/Instagram @davidbeckham
HOLIDAY NEWS - Former British soccer player, David Beckham, is back to sharing his busy life with gardening and taking care of a farm. After not being active on the field, David Beckham is pursuing this new hobby.
According to detikcom monitoring from @davidbeckham's social media uploads, David Beckham wore a short-sleeved shirt with a green and black checkered motif, and a hat. He brought the plow.
Appearance of the chicken coop at David Beckham's house. Photo: Screenshot/Insragram @davidbeckham
The first view shown from the contents of his garden was several of his pet chickens gathered at the edge of the coop.
Then, he showed some plants in his garden. Starting from leeks, palm trees, kale, potatoes, red cabbage, cabbage, to berries.
"My kale is fine. I could hear my friend saying in the east end, 'he has changed'. My wife told me to shorten the video but obviously (I) didn't listen, so I apologize. My content used to be motorbikes and camping, now it's kale, honey , and flowers for home. "Maybe soon I'll be back on the road (motorbike emoji) @victoriabeckham you will definitely receive flowers at home," he wrote in the caption on his video which was uploaded on Wednesday (11/9/2024).
The appearance of kale at David Beckham's house. Photo: Screenshot/Instagram @davidbeckham
In the video, David Beckham says he has many plots of land to grow potatoes. There are around 5 plots of land that have been tilled and a wire frame has been installed to cover the plants inside.
He revealed that he planned to cultivate berries, not far from where the potatoes were. Apart from that, he is also waiting for his red cabbage to be ready to be harvested.
David Beckham's house is a place for gardening
An aerial view of David Beckham's house at Cotsworlds. Photo: David Bagnall / Alamy Stock Photo
Reporting from House and Garden, David Beckham bought a special property for gardening along with a warehouse in the Cotswolds for £12 million or the equivalent of IDR 241 billion (exchange rate IDR 20,156) in 2016.
One of the reasons David Beckham targeted the Cotswolds area was its extensive gardens. He has built warehouses, igloos, and traditional rural stone houses for his family to live in.
Initially, he wanted to turn the large yard in his house into a football field with stands, but this new hobby has changed his plans. He uses several parts of his yard for vegetable and flower plantations as well as chicken farming and plans to have an apiary too.
David Beckham's home environment is known to be beautiful. Apart from that, the area is often visited by celebrities. In fact, not far from David Beckham's house is Prince Harry and Meghan's property at Great Tew Estate.
Makin Cinta Berkebun, David Beckham Absen Koleksi Tanaman di Rumahnya
HOLIDAY NEWS - Mantan pemain sepak bola asal Inggris, David Beckham kembali membagikan kehidupannya yang tengah sibuk berkebun dan mengurus peternakan. Setelah tidak aktif di lapangan, David Beckham menekuni hobi barunya ini.
Menurut pantauan detikcom melihat dari unggahan media sosialnya @davidbeckham, David Beckham menggunakan kemeja lengan pendek dengan motif kotak-kotak hijau dan hitam, serta topi. Dia membawa pembajak tanah.
Pemandangan pertama yang dia perlihatkan dari isi kebunnya adalah beberapa ayam peliharaannya yang tengah berkumpul di pinggir kandang.
Kemudian, dia memperlihatkan beberapa tanaman di kebunnya. Mulai dari daun bawang, pohon palem, kangkung, kentang, kubis merah, kubis, hingga buah berry.
"Kangkungku baik-baik saja. Aku bisa mendengar temanku berkata di ujung timur, 'dia telah berubah'. Istriku berpesan untuk mempersingkat videonya tetapi jelas (aku) tidak mendengarkan, jadi aku minta maaf. Kontenku dulu sepeda motor dan camping sekarang kangkung, madu, dan bunga untuk di rumah. Mungkin sebentar lagi aku akan kembali ke jalanan (emoji motor) @victoriabeckham kamu pasti menerima bunga di rumah," tulisnya pada keterangan di videonya yang diunggah pada Rabu (11/9/2024).
Dalam video tersebut, David Beckham mengatakan dia memiliki banyak petak tanah untuk menanam kentang. Terdapat sekitar 5 bidang tanah telah digarap tanahnya dan dipasang kerangka kawat menutupi tanaman di dalamnya.
Dia mengungkapkan rencananya dia akan membudidayakan buah berry, tidak jauh dari tempat kentang tadi. Selain itu, dia juga tengah menunggu kubis merahnya siap dipanen.
Rumah David Beckham yang Jadi Tempat Berkebun
Melansir dari House and Garden, David Beckham membeli properti khusus untuk berkebun beserta gudang di Cotswolds seharga £12 juta atau setara dengan Rp 241 miliar (Kurs Rp 20.156) pada 2016.
Salah satu alasan David Beckham mengincar kawasan Cotsworlds adalah tamannya yang luas. Dia telah membangun gudang, igloo, hingga rumah batu tradisional khas pedesaan untuk ditempati oleh keluarganya.
Pada awalnya, halaman luas di rumahnya itu ingin dijadikannya lapangan sepak bola dengan tribun, tetapi hobi barunya ini telah mengubah rencananya. Dia memanfaatkan beberapa bagian dari halamannya untuk perkebunan sayur dan bunga serta peternakan ayam dan rencananya akan ada peternakan lebah juga.
Lingkungan rumah David Beckham memang terkenal asri. Selain itu, kawasan tersebut sering dikunjungi oleh pesohor. Bahkan tidak jauh dari rumah David Beckham terdapat properti milik Pangeran Harry dan Meghan di Great Tew Estate.