Looking for a Difficult Job, Many Indonesian Citizens Flee Abroad for a Bite of Rice

Looking for a Difficult Job, Many Indonesian Citizens Flee Abroad for a Bite of Rice
Infografis: Dibanggakan Jokowi, Ini Potret Suram Pasar Tenaga Kerja RI
Photo: Infographics/ Jokowi is proud, this is a gloomy portrait of the Indonesian labor market/Aristya Raahadian Krisabella

HOLIDAY NEWS - The difficulty of finding work, especially in the formal sector, has caused the number of informal workers to soar. Many Indonesian citizens then choose to go abroad and become Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI). 

The results of the National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) February 2024 show that of the 142.18 million people who work, 59.17% of the population works in informal activities (84.13 million people). This percentage has decreased compared to conditions in February 2023, but has increased compared to August 2023. 
Meanwhile, the percentage of the population working in formal activities in February 2024 was 40.83%, an increase compared to February 2023 (39.88%), but a decrease compared to August 2023 (40.89%). 

Meanwhile, if we look further, the percentage of people working in the informal sector has increased by 3.29 percentage points (from August 2019 to February 2024). There is a huge difference in the pre- and post-Covid-19 era. 

This high number of informal workers also coincides with the increase in the number of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI) or what was previously known as Indonesian Workers (TKI). This is proven based on data from the Indonesian Migrant Worker Protection Agency (BP2MI). 

BP2MI data shows that in 2023 the number of PMI placements was recorded at 274,965, up 37% from 2022 and 176% from 2021. Even though there was a decline in 2020 and 2021 due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the number of placements in 2023 has returned to pre-pandemic levels. 
If we look at the distribution to Asia throughout 2023, the largest number of PMIs working in Taiwan (China) is 83,216, then Malaysia is 72,260, and Hong Kong is 65,916. 

Meanwhile, if we look at the sector as of August 2024, compared to July 2024, formal sector placements of Indonesian Migrant Workers decreased by 501 (5.34%), while informal sector placements decreased by 699 (4.99%). The number of informal sector placements dominates the placement sector this year, except for April and May. 

It can be seen that from June to August 2024, the informal sector will always outnumber the formal sector. 
Meanwhile, in terms of gender, placements of Indonesian Migrant Workers in August 2024 were dominated by women with 16,187 placements (69.78% of the total placements in August), compared to the number of placements in the previous month, placements of female Indonesian Migrant Workers decreased by 5.23% fromthe previous month which amounted to 17,081 placements. 

The large number of informal workers shows that there is a large workforce that cannot be absorbed by formal employment, so that in the end many PMIs work informally. These informal workers are vulnerable because they do not have a certain amount of income, many are not protected by insurance, and will have difficulty finding financial access to capital or applying for other credit. 

BCA economist Barra Kukuh Mamia explained that the current decline in unemployment in Indonesia is largely supported by informal employment. Many of those who lost their jobs at factories turned to looking for work as online taxi/ojek drivers or in e-commerce. 
"Maybe now there are motorbike taxis or e-commerce of all kinds which are fine. People can earn money there, but the prospects are different between formal and informal ones. If it's formal, you can get a salary increase and career advancement, but what about if it's informal?" said Barra, to CNBC Indonesia. 

Cari Kerja Sulit, Warga RI Ramai Kabur ke Luar Negeri Demi Sesuap Nasi

Infografis: Dibanggakan Jokowi, Ini Potret Suram Pasar Tenaga Kerja RI
Foto: Infografis/ Dibanggakan Jokowi, Ini Potret Suram Pasar Tenaga Kerja RI/Aristya Raahadian Krisabella

HOLIDAY NEWS - Sulitnya mencari pekerjaan, terutama di sektor formal, membuat jumlah pekerja informal melonjak. Banyak dari warga Indonesia yang kemudian memilih ke luar negeri dan menjadi Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI).

Hasil Survei Angkatan Kerja Nasional (Sakernas) Februari 2024 menunjukkan bahwa dari 142,18 juta orang yang bekerja, sebanyak 59,17% penduduk yang bekerja di kegiatan informal (84,13 juta orang). Persentase ini mengalami penurunan jika dibandingkan dengan kondisi Februari 2023, namun mengalami kenaikan jika dibanding Agustus 2023.

Sedangkan persentase penduduk yang bekerja di kegiatan formal pada Februari 2024 sebesar 40,83%, mengalami kenaikan jika dibanding Februari 2023 (39,88%), namun mengalami penurunan jika dibanding Agustus 2023 (40,89%).

Sementara jika ditarik lebih jauh, persentase orang yang bekerja di sektor informal mengalami kenaikan 3,29 poin persentase (dari Agustus 2019 hingga Februari 2024). Perbedaan sangat jauh di era sebelum dan pasca Covid-19.

Tingginya angka pekerja informal ini juga bersamaan dengan naiknya jumlah Pekerja Migran Indonesia (PMI) atau yang dulunya dikenal sebagai Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI). Hal ini terbukti berdasarkan data Badan Perlindungan Pekerja Migran Indonesia (BP2MI).

Data BP2MI menunjukkan pada 2023 jumlah penempatan PMI tercatat sebanyak 274.965, naik 37% dari tahun 2022 dan 176% dari tahun 2021. Kendati sempat terjadi penurunan pada 2020 dan 2021 akibat pandemi Covid-19, jumlah penempatan tahun 2023 sudah kembali pada level sebelum pandemi.

Jika dilihat sebarannya ke Asia sepanjang 2023, PMI paling besar bekerja di Taiwan (China) sejumlah 83.216, kemudian Malaysia sebanyak 72.260, dan Hongkong sejumlah 65.916.

Sedangkan jika dilihat dari sektornya per bulan Agustus 2024, dibandingkan dengan Juli 2024 penempatan sektor formal Pekerja Migran Indonesia mengalami penurunan sebesar 501 (5,34%), sedangkan penempatan sektor informal turun sebesar 699 (4,99%). Ada pun angka penempatan sektor informal mendominasi sektor penempatan di tahun ini, kecuali bulan April dan Mei.

Tampak sejak Juni hingga Agustus 2024, sektor informal selalu lebih banyak dibandingkan sektor formal.

Sementara secara gender, penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia bulan Agustus 2024 didominasi oleh Perempuan sebanyak 16.187 penempatan (69,78%, dari total penempatan bulan Agustus), dibandingkan dengan jumlah penempatan bulan sebelumnya, penempatan Pekerja Migran Indonesia perempuan turun 5,23% dari bulan sebelumnya yang berjumlah 17.081 penempatan.

Banyaknya pekerja informal menunjukkan banyaknya angkatan kerja yang tidak bisa diserap oleh lapangan kerja formal hingga akhirnya PMI banyak yang bekerja secara informal. Pekerja informal ini menjadi rentan karena mereka tidak memiliki besaran penghasilan yang pasti, banyak yang tidak dilindungi oleh asuransi, dan akan kesulitan mencari akses keuangan untuk modal ataupun mengajukan kredit lainnya.

Ekonom BCA Barra Kukuh Mamia menjelaskan turunnya pengangguran Indonesia saat ini banyak ditopang oleh lapangan kerja informal. Banyak dari mereka yang kehilangan pekerjaan di pabrik banting setir mencari pekerjaan menjadi supir taksi/ojek online atau di e-commerce.

"Mungkin sekarang ojol atau e-commerce segala macam ini which is fine orang bisa dapat duit di situ tapi prospek nya kan beda antara yang formal dan informal. Kalau formal bisa naik gaji, naik karir, tapi kalau informal gimana?" tutur Barra, kepada CNBC Indonesia.

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