Discover the benefits of bidara leaves that you must see in Islam

Discover the benefits of bidara leaves that you must see in Islam
Manfaat Daun Bidara untuk Kesehatan
Manfaat Daun Bidara untuk Kesehatan/19 May 2024/Sumber foto google/Ema kharisma,penyiar

Bidara leaves (Ziziphus mauritiana) have been widely known in traditional medicine, including in Islamic teachings. In Islam, bidara leaves are believed to have various benefits, both for physical and spiritual health. 

The benefits of bidara leaves in Islam have been mentioned in several hadiths, including the hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim. In this hadith, the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "If one of you is disturbed by Satan, let him bathe in water mixed with bidara leaves."

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Apart from being a medicine for demonic disorders, bidara leaves are also useful for treating various other diseases, such as fever, headaches and digestive problems. Bidara leaves are also believed to facilitate breastfeeding and speed up wound healing. 

Benefits of Bidara Leaves in Islam

Bidara leaves have been widely known in traditional medicine, including in Islamic teachings. In Islam, bidara leaves are believed to have various benefits, both for physical and spiritual health. 

Exorcist: Bidara leaves are believed to be able to ward off demons and genie disturbances. 

Healing diseases: Bidara leaves are useful for treating various diseases, such as fever, headaches and digestive problems. 

Facilitates breast milk: Bidara leaves can facilitate breast milk for breastfeeding mothers. 

Healing wounds: Midwife leaves are believed to speed up wound healing. 

Soothing the heart: Midwife leaves have the effect of soothing the heart and calming the mind. 

Based on these benefits, bidara leaves can be a safe and effective alternative treatment option for various health problems. Apart from that, bidara leaves can also be used to cool the heart and calm the mind, so they can provide calm and inner balance. 


The benefits of bidara leaves in Islam cannot be separated from the belief that bidara leaves have the power to ward off demons and jinn disturbances. This belief is based on several hadiths, including a hadith narrated by Imam Bukhari and Imam Muslim, which states that the Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "If one of you is disturbed by Satan, let him bathe in water mixed with bidara leaves."

In Islamic teachings, demons and jinn are believed to be creatures that can disrupt human life, both physically and mentally. These disorders can take the form of illness, possession, or even thought disorders. It is believed that bidara leaves can ward off these disturbances because they have an aroma that is not liked by demons and genies. 

The benefits of bidara leaves as an exorcist have also been proven in several scientific studies. A study conducted by King Saud University in Saudi Arabia showed that bidara leaf extract was effective in repelling the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is the vector of dengue fever. This suggests that bidara leaves have insecticidal properties that may also be effective against other insects, including devils and genies. 

Healer of disease

Apart from being an exorcist, bidara leaves are also believed to have healing properties for various diseases. This belief is based on the empirical experience of society for centuries, and is supported by several scientific studies. 

In traditional medicine, bidara leaves are often used to treat minor illnesses, such as fever, headaches and digestive problems. Bidara leaves can be consumed in the form of decoction, juice, or ointment. A decoction of bidara leaves is believed to reduce fever, relieve headaches and treat digestive problems, such as diarrhea and constipation. 

Several scientific studies have proven the efficacy of bidara leaves as a cure for disease. A study conducted by Al-Azhar University in Egypt showed that bidara leaf extract was effective in inhibiting the growth of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which is the cause of various infections, such as skin infections and pneumonia. The benefits of bidara leaves as a cure for disease make it one of the important medicinal plants in traditional Islamic medicine. Bidara leaves can be a safe and effective alternative treatment option for various minor illnesses. 

Breast milk booster

In Islamic teachings, breastfeeding is a mother's obligation to her child. Breastfeeding not only provides the best nutrition for babies, but also strengthens the emotional bond between mother and child. Therefore, smooth breast milk production is very important for breastfeeding mothers. 

Bidara leaves are widely known as a traditional breast milk enhancer. Bidara leaves are believed to increase breast milk production and improve breast milk flow. This is because bidara leaves contain active substances that can stimulate the production of the hormone prolactin, a hormone that plays a role in breast milk production. 
Many breastfeeding mothers have experienced the benefits of bidara leaves as a breast milk booster. Bidara leaves can be consumed in the form of decoction or juice. Bidara leaf decoction can be drunk 2-3 times a day, while bidara leaf juice can be drunk 1-2 times a day. 
The benefits of bidara leaves as a breast milk enhancer make it an important medicinal plant for breastfeeding mothers. Bidara leaves can help breastfeeding mothers to meet their baby's breast milk needs, so that the baby can grow and develop optimally. 

Wound healer

The benefits of bidara leaves in Islam are not only limited to exorcising demons and healing diseases, but also include healing wounds. Bidara leaves are believed to speed up wound healing, both external and internal wounds. The efficacy of bidara leaves as a wound healer has been known since ancient times. In traditional Islamic medicine, bidara leaves are often used to treat burns, cuts and other wounds. Bidara leaves can be used in the form of ointment, oil, or powder. Several scientific studies have proven the efficacy of bidara leaves as a wound healer. A study conducted by Al-Azhar University in Egypt showed that bidara leaf extract was effective in accelerating wound healing in mice. This research found that bidara leaf extract can increase the formation of collagen, a protein that plays an important role in wound healing. 
The benefits of bidara leaves as a wound healer make it one of the important medicinal plants in traditional Islamic medicine. Bidara leaves can be a safe and effective alternative treatment option for treating various types of wounds. 


The properties of bidara leaves as a conditioner for the heart and calming the mind make it one of the important medicinal plants in traditional Islamic medicine. In Islamic teachings, a calm heart and clear mind are very important for spiritual and mental health. 
A calm heart and clear mind enable a person to focus more on worship and draw closer to Allah SWT. Apart from that, a calm heart and clear mind can also improve physical health, because stress and anxiety can trigger various diseases. 
The benefits of bidara leaves as a way to cool the heart and calm the mind can be felt by consuming boiled bidara leaves or bidara leaf juice regularly. Apart from that, bidara leaves can also be used as a mixture in making aromatherapy oil or as a body scrub. 

Scientific Evidence and Case Studies

The efficacy of bidara leaves in traditional Islamic medicine is supported by several scientific evidence and case studies. One of the most famous studies is research conducted by King Saud University in Saudi Arabia. The study found that bidara leaf extract was effective in repelling the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is a vector for dengue fever. 

Another study conducted by Al-Azhar University in Egypt showed that bidara leaf extract was effective in inhibiting the growth of the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus, which is the cause of various infections, such as skin infections and pneumonia. Apart from that, the research also found that bidara leaf extract was effective in accelerating wound healing in mice. 

Case studies also show the benefits of bidara leaves in treating various health problems. For example, a case study published in the journal Complementary Therapies in Medicine reported that the use of bidara leaves was effective in treating anxiety disorders in a patient. 

Although scientific evidence and case studies supporting the efficacy of bidara leaves are still limited, these studies provide a strong basis for further exploration of the potential benefits of bidara leaves in the treatment of various health problems. 

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